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研究生(外文):Wei-Chia Ho
論文名稱(外文):Factors Influencing Consumers'' Choice of Physical Examination Institutions
指導教授(外文):Mei-Ling Sheu
外文關鍵詞:Consumer behaviorPhysical ExaminationMedical PriceHealth Information
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1. 口傳是健康檢查受檢民眾最主要、也是最信任的資訊來源。迴歸分析發現,從專業口傳獲得健康資訊的民眾相對於非專業口傳之參考組較傾向至診所接受檢查。
2. 價格是影響消費者選擇健檢機構的因素之一。民眾實際支付價格在20,000元以上者傾向選擇至醫院接受檢查;願付價格在3,000-5,999元之民眾較傾向選擇至醫院接受檢查。
3. 教育程度較高之民眾傾向選擇至醫院接受健康檢查,其他人口學特質在不同健檢機構中並無明顯差異。
4. 民眾選擇醫院接受健康檢查的主要原因為「交通方便」、「健檢項目合理」、「醫護專業性高」;選擇診所的原因為「健檢項目完整」、「健檢費用合理」、「健檢環境佳」。迴歸分析顯示,民眾對診所「整體專業形象」評價越高者,越傾向至診所接受檢查,顯示「整體專業形象」可視為診所主要之競爭優勢。
The market of physical examinations in Taiwan has been growing in recent years. The main providers of these services are physical exam departments of hospitals and physical examination clinics. This study aims to analyze the different characteristics of consumers of these two types of organizational settings, with a focus on the analysis of the influence of price and health information on consumers’ choice.
This research conducted a structured questionnaire survey on consumers of three hospitals and three clinics. Two hundred and thirty- three individuals from the hospitals and 468 from the clinics were surveyed. This study applied logistic regression for the hypotheses testing.
The main findings of this study are as follows:
1. Word-of-mouth is the main and most trusted information source for physical examination by people. Regression analysis reveals that Compare to people whose main information source was non- professional word-of-mouth, those who relied on professional word-of-mouth.were more likely to choose clinics for their physical examination.
2. Price is one of the factors affecting consumer choice of examination organization. Individuals who paid more than NT$20,000 tended to choose hospitals for their physical examination; and those who wrer willing to pay NT$3,000-5,999 tended to go to hospitals for their physical examination.
3. People with higher educational degree prefered hospitals to clinics. Other social-demographic variables were not associated with organization choice.
4. The main reasons why people chose hospitals for physical examination were: “convenient transportation,” “complete examination items,” and “high professional medical care”; the reasons for choosing clinics were: “comprehensive examination items”, “reasonable examination prices.” and “nice examination environment”.Regression result showed that people who assessed clinics as having a “complete professional image” tended to choose clinic for physical examination.
The research suggests that physical examination organizations can effectively use market analysis to understand the characteristics of target consumers, develop multi-dimensional physical examination items, and set suitable price strategies. Managers should put more emphasis on word-of-mouth through improving hospital employee service attitudes and medical care quality.
誌 謝 .................................................I
論文摘要 ................................................II
ABSTRACT ................................................IV
目 錄 ................................................VI
表目次 ..............................................VIII
圖目次 ................................................IX
第一章 緒論.............................................1
第一節 研究背景與動機..................................1
第二節 研究目的 ........................................2
第二章 文獻探討.........................................3
第一節 健康檢查與台灣健康檢查市場......................3
第二節 資訊與消費者選擇模式...........................10
第三節 價格在消費者選擇決策中的角色...................19
第四節 就醫選擇影響因素之相關實證研究.................21
第三章 研究方法 .......................................28
第一節 研究架構 .......................................28
第二節 研究假設.......................................29
第三節 變項之操作型定義...............................30
第四節 研究材料.......................................39
第五節 資料處理與分析方法.............................42
第四章 研究結果........................................44
第一節 個人特質描述性分析.............................44
第二節 資訊與價格變項描述性分析.......................52
第三節 兩種健檢機構受檢民眾特質分析...................59
第四節 受檢民眾對兩種機構評價之因素分析...............76
第五節 民眾選擇不同型態健檢機構影響因素之多變項分析...79
第五章  討論...........................................82
第一節 重要研究結果討論...............................82
第二節 研究限制.......................................85
第六章 結論與建議......................................86
第一節 結論...........................................86
第二節 建議...........................................88
附錄一 研究調查問卷...................................97
附錄二 專家內容效度之專家名單與背景覽表...............101
附錄三 「民眾選擇不同機構接受健康檢查之因素探討」專家效度量表 ...............................................102
附錄四 醫療法 (節錄第五章) (民國 93 年 04 月 28 日 修正) ...............................................105
表2-1-1 健康檢查機構費用比較..............................9
表2-3-1 ROBERTSON(1984)資訊來源區分....................18
表3-2-2 自變項之變項名稱、操作型定義與變項屬性...........33
表4-1-1 總樣本人口學特質.................................47
表4-1-2 總樣本健康狀況...................................48
表4-1-3 總樣本健康檢查經驗...............................49
表4-1-4 個人對健檢機構認知...............................51
表4-2-1 樣本平日對大眾傳播管道資訊獲得頻率...............55
表4-2-2 樣本獲得健康檢查資訊來源.........................56
表4-2-3 樣本對健康檢查資訊來源信任度.....................57
表4-2-4 受訪者實際支付價格與願付價格.....................58
表4-3-1 兩種健檢機構受檢者之個人特質.....................67
表4-3-2 兩種健檢機構受檢者之健康狀況.....................68
表4-3-3 兩種健檢機構受檢者之健康檢查經驗.................69
表4-3-4 兩種健檢機構受檢者之當次健檢情形.................69
表4-3-5 兩種健檢機構受檢者之健檢決定者與付費者...........69
表4-3-6 兩種健檢機構受檢者對健檢機構的選擇...............70
表4-3-7 兩種健檢機構受檢者對專業健檢診所評價.............71
表4-3-8 兩種健檢機構受檢者之健康資訊獲得情形.............72
表4-3-9 兩種健檢機構受檢者之健檢資訊獲得管道.............73
表4-3-10 兩種健檢機構受檢者對健檢資訊的信任度............73
表4-3-11 兩種健檢機構受檢者之四種健檢資訊管道............74
表4-3-12 兩種健檢機構受檢者之四種健檢管道信任度..........74
表4-3-11 不同型態機構之民眾價格相關因素..................75
表4-4-1 民眾對專業健檢診所評價之因素負荷量...............78
表4-4-2 民眾對專業健檢診所「整體服務形象」同意程度.......78
表4-4-3 民眾對專業健檢診所「專業醫療提供」同意程度.......78
表4-5-1 民眾選擇健檢機構之邏輯斯迴歸分析.................81
圖2-2-1 消費者購買決策五步驟.............................13
圖3-1-1 研究架構.........................................28
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