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研究生(外文):Ching-Yueh Pan
論文名稱(外文):The Experiences of Fatigue Among ESRD Adolescents on Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis
指導教授(外文):Pi-Chen Chang, PhD, Assistant Professor
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The purpose of this study was to explore the experiences of fatigue among ESRD adolescents on Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis (CAPD). It was conducted by qualitative method of in-depth interview and content analysis. Data were collected through interviews with 9 adolescents on CAPD who experienced fatigue. Four themes were generated: (1) increased self-care burden, (2) daily life disturbance, (3) no way to unlock the shackle, and (4) keep seeking improvement.
The increased self-care burden theme four categories: (1) do one’s self-care duty, (2) school-related burden, (3) medication-taking disturbance, and (4) energy consumption. Adolescents expressed physical, emotional, and mental fatigue in the theme of daily-life disturbance. These experiences can be arranged into six categories (1) sleep disturbances, (2) having difficulties in concentration, (3) loss of energy, (4) move sluggishly, (5) nausea and vomiting, and (6) feeling sad.
During the experiences of fatigue adolescents had the perception of “ no way unlock the shackle” that include four categories: (1) isolation from others, (2) worsen schoolwork, (3) get labeled, and (4) invariable life. Facing the fatigue experiences, adolescents keep trying to seek improvement by: (1) seeking helps from families and friends, (2) refill and maintain energy, (3) modify one’s thought, (4) do one’s favorite things, and (5) seeking information.
The findings of this research can help nurses in Taiwan understand the experiences of fatigue among of ESRD adolescents on CAPD. Suggestions generated from this study can be used to formulate related health care policies and direct school and government’s focus on the fatigue experiences among ESRD children.

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