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研究生(外文):PI-CHIN FAN
論文名稱(外文):The Application of Automatic Categorization to Medical Literature in Pediatrics Transfusion for Evidence-Based Medicine
指導教授(外文):I-JEN CHIANG
外文關鍵詞:text miningEvidence-Based Medicineautomatic categorization
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小兒輸血醫學是跨學科領域,臨床醫師在面對輸血決策時所需面對的各種不確定性,往往需要查檢大量的醫學文獻,而醫學文獻即是透過許多嚴謹的臨床實驗所撰寫而成的非結構性資料。本研究在探討運用文獻探勘技術進行文獻自動分類之研究,建立以MeSH為基礎佐以臨床醫師經驗所建立的「使用者導向」分類架構。透過Clever Craft系統的輔助,進行有關小兒輸血的醫學文獻分類,並以視覺化的知識網絡圖呈現文獻相關概念,期盼臨床醫師能透過該小兒輸血文獻探勘系統,在面對病患時能提供快速且精確查檢資料與相關概念分析圖,藉由一些相關文獻的佐證以作出對輸血安全及血品適應症最佳處置。
The pediatrics transfusion is a cross-domain knowledge. When physicians face to the decision of transfusion, they always must to search many medical literatures. Medical literature is a non-structure data as a result by rigorous experiment. This research is focused on an automatic categorization technique of text mining. To build a classification is based on “drawn to user” by MeSH and physicians experience. Using a text mining system-Clever Craft to catalog the medical literature. Then the system generated the knowledge networks to show the relationships between concepts. We hope this system has a high-speed and accurate search with an analysis of concepts that help doctors searching when they face on patients. Using an evidence of medical literature to have the best decision.
There are two models in the system. One is the training model for automatic categorization. The other is the hierarchies-supervised learning model that is based on Bayesian method. It is used the document vector to find the association tuning between the term to term. By the technique of automatic categorization, the classification rule is produced by supervised learning. The rule helps the automatic categorization to be precision that enabled user to find the literatures from the knowledgebase.
The assessment of this research is a high level criterion. The denominator is not included the non-relational literatures from the database. The information extraction is searched the keyword “newborn and fetal and pediatrics and transfusion” from database. Then we extract the testing samples and training samples from the information collection. Through the categories selection, keyword set, sample selection, we try to find the best set that is 319 literatures to be training samples. Then training the automation categorization of this system again. We selection the same testing samples are 100 literatures. We evaluate the different similarity with these test samples. When the similarity is 0.7, the precision value is 65.33%. The recall value is 35.05%. By Kappa test, this research result is coherency between the automatic categorization and experts apprehension. The search interface in this system compares with PubMed, this text mining system can reduce the chanciness.
At last, I want to propose something with the evidence-based medicine education in Taiwan. We should combine the expert by medical educationist and medical engineer and librarian. It provided fine automatic categorization and evidence literatures and text mining system. The information collection can automatic extract the unstructured data and literatures. To provided a simple and fine system in EBM procedure.
標題 i
審定書 ii
上網授權書 iii
國科會授權書 v
誌謝 vi
目次 viii
表次 ix
圖次 x
中文摘要 xii
英文摘要 xiv
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究目的 6
第三節 研究範圍及限制 6
第四節 名詞解釋 8
第二章 文獻分析 15
第一節 輸血醫學與實證研究 15
第二節 自動文件分類方法概述 18
第三節 文件探勘應用於醫學文件的分類 24
第三章 研究方法 30
第一節 研究設計 31
第二節 使用系統簡介 42
第三節 實驗步驟 45
第四節 實驗方法 48
第四章 研究結果分析 53
第一節 研究結果 53
第二節 知識網絡圖 73
第三節 綜合討論 78
第五章 結論與未來發展方向 81
第一節 結論 81
第二節 建議 83
參考文獻 88
一、 中文文獻
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