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研究生(外文):Kao Shih-Wen
論文名稱(外文):National Science and Technology Museum Marketing Mix Research : Taking target audiences of pre-school education institutions as an example.
外文關鍵詞:museum marketingmarketing mixpre-school educationpre-school educational institutiontarget markettarget audience
  • 被引用被引用:20
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The aim of this thesis is to understand the need of a pre-school education institution, and examine whether the current pre-school education institution marketing mix of the National Science and Technology Museum (NSTM) can satisfy the target audience. Two methods were used in the research: surveying by questionnaires, and focused group interviews.
The questionnaires were designed on the principles of: finding out the needs of the target audience, and satisfying the needs of the target audience. The “needs” were oriented according to marketing mix 4P and consumption standards. The questionnaires were issued to all the members of NSTM’s pre-school education institution group. There were 630 samples, of which 24 were answered on pre-test. After adjusting the contents of the questionnaire, 580 of them were issued, of which 185 answered.
To account for the possibility of the questionnaire not being thorough enough, the thesis organized two in-focus interviews according to the distance of the school to be interviewed from the museum. Other than continuing the principles of the questionnaire design, the topic of the interview also pin points and probes into what the results of the survey reflects upon. The main group was those to whom the questionnaires were targeted at. The first interview mainly concerned the pre-schools and kindergartens nearest to the museum, the second one targeted on those outside the county. One to two persons were chosen from each of the four categories: “visits the museum often”, “never visits the museum”, “percentage of answers matching lies above 80% of the mean result”, and “percentage of answers matching lies below 50% of the mean result”, and invited to participate.
Researches show that, target marketing is done because museums had started to place an importance on marketing, to help it continue to exist and develop, and because the current resources are limited and cannot satisfy everyone. Pre-school education institutions are one thing museums should start to value and develop. When arranging educational field trips, pre-schools mainly consider its appropriateness to the children, its relevance to the curriculum, its safety and the services provided. But costs, transport and distance are the obstacles that stop them in their effort. NSTM’s exhibitions and activities are approved by pre-school education institutions, and if a special section could be established for pre-school toddlers, the approval will rise. Pre-school education institutions know very less about the various services provided by NSTM, especially about the policy concerning prices of tickets; and distance is the main reason why schools outside the county rarely visit the museum. The museum should utilize an appropriate method for publicizing and marketing. The membership system of NSTM’s corporate kindergartens and pre-schools has established a long-term relationship between the museum and the pre-school institutes, and these efforts have begun to produce effective results.
Concluding from the above, the suggestions to be made concerning NSTM’s marketing mix towards pre-school education institutions are as follows: set up a special section for pre-school children with appropriate changes in themes, establish it as a characteristic of NSTM’s, create a bilingual environment in The Children’s Science Center, as well as setting up an educational resource center for young children. A policy on special prices should be publicized, and by coalescing tactics with the bus company, transport problems could be resolved. The “Tuesday crowd” should be relieved, the appointment procedure simplified, and program arrangements improved. Other services should be advertized for the public to know. Marketing can be done in advance by setting up a thorough database and performing continuous surveys on target audiences. All members of the pre-school education institutes should be brought together, and the channel of pre-school educational magazines can be used wisely. At the same time, the idea can be introduced to the parents through these pre-school education institutions.
第一章 緒 論
第一節 研究動機及目的 1
第二節 研究範圍 4
第三節 名詞解釋 4
第二章 文獻探討
第一節 行銷暨其演進 8
第二節 成功行銷的二項指標 12
第三節 博物館與行銷 17
第四節 目標行銷理論 20
第五節 博物館的行銷組合 24
第六節 學前教育與博物館 32
第七節 工博館學前教育機構之行銷組合 37
第三章 研究設計
第一節 研究流程及對象 41
第二節 問卷設計原則 42
第三節 問卷調查設計 43
第四節 焦點團體訪談設計 50
第四章 研究發現
第一節 問卷調查研究發現 55
第二節 焦點團體訪談研究發現 83
第五章 結論與建議
第一節 結論 113
第二節 建議 119
參考書目 123
附  錄
一、工博館「科工友園/所/班」優惠方案 125
二、工博館「幼稚園/托兒所/補習班利用博物館資源」會議記錄 127
三、幼稚園/托兒所利用工博館資源調查問卷 133
四、幼稚園/托兒所利用工博館資源焦點團體訪談邀請函 137
五、幼稚園/托兒所利用工博館資源調查問卷開放式問題彙整 139
六、幼稚園/托兒所利用工博館資源焦點團體訪談逐字記錄(一) 147
七、幼稚園/托兒所利用工博館資源焦點團體訪談逐字記錄(二) 157
【期 刊】
張婉真,「博物館行銷:博物館從業人員的新課題」,新朝華人藝術雜誌Art China ,Mar 1999(台北:時周多媒体,民88)。
【專 書】
Dr. John H. Falk & Dr. Lynn D. Dierking著;林潔盈、羅欣怡、皮淮音、金靜玉譯。博物館經驗。台北:五觀,民90。
Peter F. Drucker 著;余佩珊譯。非營利機構的經營之道。台北:遠流,民83。
Philip Kotler & Joanne Scheff著;高登第譯,。票房行銷:菲利浦科特勒談表演藝術行銷策略。台北:遠流,民87。
Philip Kotler著;高登第譯。科特勒談行銷∼如何創造、贏取並主宰市場。台北:遠流,民89。
Dr. Sharron Dickman著;林潔盈譯。如何行銷博物館:推廣博物館、美術館和展覽的概念與方法。台北:五觀,民91。
Gary Armstrong and Philip Kotler, Marketing: An Introduction, 6th ed.Peter Drucker, Management: Tasks, Responsibilities, Practices(New york: Harper & Row, 1973)
Peter Bennett, Dictionary of Marketing Term, 2nd. (Lincolnwood, IL: NTC Publishing Group, 1995)
(Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, 2003)
Philip Kotler and Gary Armstrong, Marketing: An Introduction, 4th ed.(Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1997)。
Solinger, Janet(1986)Museum Membership。Public Review-The ICOM handbook of museum public relations.
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