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研究生(外文):Lin Lei-jeng
論文名稱(外文):Conservation and Transportation of the Architectural Drawing "Makung''s Urban District Development Plan"
指導教授(外文):Tsai Fei-wen
外文關鍵詞:ConservationTransportationSurface CleaningBacking RemovalTape RemovalMendingHumidification and FlatteningReduce the Water Stain
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「馬公街市區計劃圖」的鑑定除了歷史背景與來源,還包括地圖的種類及註記、藍曬圖的製作等史料。為求完整考據之目的,並以此藍曬圖與相關的手繪設計稿與藍曬圖件作比對。此地圖在修復前有檢視登錄、現況拍照記錄、檢測分析、修復計劃及維護建議的先前工作。修復建議書經所有單位簽署同意後,每項處理過程依修復計劃進行,亦有文字及圖像記錄。修復處理包括表面除塵(Surface Cleaning)、移除膠帶(Tape Removal)、去褙紙(Backing Removal)、隱補裂縫(Mending)、加濕攤平(Humidification and Flattening)、減緩漬痕(Reduce the Water Stain )等技術。修復後,為了穩定現有藍曬媒材之狀況而進行描圖複製藍曬圖,提供典藏單位作長期陳列時展示所需。最後將有文字及圖像之修復記錄隨文物歸還所有單位存查。為確保包裝運送的品質,本論文除了針對地圖類文物的實際操作以外,並全盤性探討包裝運送原則,對專業標準之包裝運送要點進行探討。
This study consists of an assessment of the Architectural Drawing “Makung’s Urban District Development Plan” before, during, and after conservation, and of the conservation process and method of packing and shipment. The map is a 1:1000-scale blueprint mounted as a scroll. It is 132cm in height and 140cm in width, and contains Chinese text (some in Japanese) and official seal impressions. Produced in 1937, it is the urban development and spatial layout planning map for the city of Makung during the latter stage of Japanese occupation.
Apart from assessing the source and historical background of the " Makung’s Urban District Development Plan," this study also examines the map''s type and annotations, the blueprint production process, and other historical aspects. To thoroughly explore the map''s origin and production, the study also performs a comparison of this blueprint and relevant hand-drawn design drafts and blueprint drafts. Among the tasks undertaken prior to conservation were registration and examination, photography of the existing map, spot test and analysis, and formulation of conservation treatment suggestions and preservation recommendations. After the collector had signed the conservation treatment proposal, the conservation process was implemented in accordance with plans, and textual and pictorial records were kept. The conservation process included surface cleaning, tape removal, backing removal, mending, humidification and flattening, and water stain reduction. After the conservation work had been done, a blueprint copy was made so that it can be displayed on a long-term basis by the collector and the condition of the original blueprint can be kept stabilized. The textual and pictorial records of the conservation process were sent together with the map to the collector for reference and archival purposes. As for packing and shipping quality, the study recorded the actual handling procedures for the map and also performed a thorough survey of packing and shipping principles, including relevant professional packing and shipping guidelines.
目錄 ---------------------------------------------------------i
圖目錄 ------------------------------------------------------iv
表目錄 -----------------------------------------------------vii
摘要 ------------------------------------------------------viii
第一章 緒論 ------------------------------------------------1
第一節 研究緣起與目的 ------------------------------------1
一 研究緣起 -------------------------------------------1 二 研究目的 ---------------------------------------------3
第二節 研究方法與步驟 ------------------------------------4
一資料蒐集 ----------------------------------------------4
二、材料分析 ------------------------------------------------6
三、保護措施 ------------------------------------------------7
四、研究流程 ------------------------------------------------8
第三節 研究的範圍與內容 -----------------------------------9一、研究範圍 ------------------------------------------------9
二、研究內容 ------------------------------------------------9
第四節 預期成果 -------------------------------------------11
第二章 「馬公街市區計畫圖」的歷史與相關文獻 ----------------12
第一節 世界製圖簡史 --------------------------------------12
第二節 藍曬圖簡史 ------------------------------------------15
第三節 馬公街市區計畫的沿革 -------------------------------18
一、澎湖/馬公的歷史簡述 ------------------------------------18
二、一九三七年的歷史背景分析 -------------------------------19
三、日治時期「都市計畫」的規劃理念與執行 -------------------21
第四節 「馬公街市區計畫圖」收藏比對與歷史意義 -------------27
二、「馬公街市區計畫圖」的歷史價值與當代意義 ---------------32
第三章 修復前的檢視登錄 ------------------------------------42
第一節 「馬公街市區計畫圖」的鑑定 -------------------------42
一、「馬公街市區計畫圖」的基本資料 ---------------------42
二、「馬公街市區計畫圖」的內容描述 ---------------------43
第二節 「馬公街市區計畫圖」的材質與現況 ------------------46
一、裝裱材料 -------------------------------------------46
二、圖身基底材與媒材 -----------------------------------48
三、圖身現況 -------------------------------------------49
(一)、皺摺痕、裂痕、透明膠帶 、膠漬 ------------------51
(二)、蟲害、變形、釘孔 --------------------------------53
(三)、水漬、紅黑墨水滴漬、不明漬痕、髒污 --------------53
四、修復前攝影記錄 -------------------------------------54
第三節 檢測分析 -----------------------------------------55
一、基底材 ---------------------------------------------56
二、媒材 -----------------------------------------------56
三、膠帶粘著劑 -----------------------------------------57
四、檢測結果 -------------------------------------------58
第四章 修復過程與包裝運送原則--------------------------------59
第一節 文獻整理 -------------------------------------------59
第二節 修復建議 ------------------------------------------60
二、預防性保護建議 --------------------------------------62
第三節 修復記錄 ------------------------------------------65
一、表面除塵 -------------------------------------------66
二、去除裱料 -------------------------------------------66
三、移除膠帶 -------------------------------------------69
四、隱補裂縫 -------------------------------------------71
五、加濕攤平 -------------------------------------------72
六、減緩水漬痕 -----------------------------------------74
第四節 包裝運送原則 ---------------------------------------75
一、包裝材料 -------------------------------------------75
二、運送方式與工具 -------------------------------------80
三、包裝辨認標示 ---------------------------------------81
四、模擬樣品包裝 ---------------------------------------84
第五章 結論 -----------------------------------------------86
參考文獻 ---------------------------------------------------90
附件一 「馬公街市區計畫圖」藏品登錄暨現況調查表 -----------94
附件二 「馬公街市區計畫圖」修復建議書 ---------------------95
附件三 「馬公街市區計畫圖」修復工作報表 ------------------111
附件四 「馬公街市區計畫圖」修復前攝影記錄表 --------------216
附件五 「馬公街市區計畫圖」修復後攝影記錄表 --------------219
附件六 修復使用材料及工具 -------------------------------222
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