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研究生(外文):Jia-pai Lo
論文名稱(外文):A Study on the Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction of Mobile Value-added Service- A Case of Undergraduates in Taipei City
指導教授(外文):Yu-Chung Hung
外文關鍵詞:customer satisfactionMobile valued-added serviceservice quality
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While wired network is reaching to its mature stage, the wireless network is just like the whole new arena of today’s network providers. As the promotion of various GPRS services by domestic telecommunications companies, the release of 3G licenses from Ministry of transportation and Communications, and mobile value-added service creates new business opportunity in wireless telecommunications industry.
To gain more business opportunities and to remain competitive advantage in Mobile Internet, every company has to offer the service with stable quality to attract people. The purpose of the study was to assess customers’ expectations and the perceptions of service provided by mobile valued-added providers, and to explore how the service factors derived from the factor analysis were related to overall customer satisfaction.
This study used the conceptual model of service quality to evaluate the relationship between the service quality and customer satisfaction. The findings in this study are:
1. The research findings revealed that customers’ perceptions of service quality fell short of their expectations, with the three items “Has fast download times ”, “Service capability is clear”, and “Was simple to use “ having the largest gap. It appears that mobile valued-added service providers should make more efforts to improve their service quality along these items.
2. Four factors were derived from the factor analysis of 21 service items.
The interpretation of these factors lead to the following labels: (1) information quality, (2) responsiveness and assurance, (3) reliability, (4) system quality.
3. The results of regression analysis showed that “information quality” was the influential factors in this study in predicting customer satisfaction. The findings suggest that customers consider such as entertainments and convenience in mobile valued-added service have influence on their satisfaction.
摘要 iii
1.1 Research Background and Motivation 2
1.2 Research Objectives 4
1.3 Research Scope and Limitation 5
1.4 Research Procedures 6
2.1 Definition and Application of Mobile Value-Added Service 8
2.2 Definition of Service quality 16
2.3 The Conceptual Model of Service Quality 18
2.4 Dimensions of Service Quality 22
2.5 Information System Quality 26
2.6 Customer Satisfaction 29
2.7 Relationship Between Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction 35
2.8 Chapter Conclusion 38
3.1 Research Justification 41
3.2 Research Framework 44
3.3 Definition of Variables 45
3.4 Hypotheses 47
3.5 Questionnaire Design 47
3.5 Data Analysis 51
3.6 Sampling Plan 53
4.1 Demographic Data 58
4.2 Expectations and Perceptions of Service Quality and Gap Values 60
4.3 Correlation Analysis on Perceived Service and Perceived Service Quality 62
4.4 Factor Analysis 63
4.5 Reliability and Content Validity 71
4.6 The Relative Important of the Four Service Quality Factors in Predicting Customer Satisfaction 72
5.1 Conclusion 82
5.2 Suggestion 88
VITA 101
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