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研究生(外文):Yu-Li Lin
論文名稱(外文):Performance Analysis in the PAPR of OFDM System via SLM Scheme
指導教授(外文):Jie-Cherng Liu
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數位電視為未來的趨勢已不容置疑,現在有很多國家已設定數位電視廣播之開播時間表,並設定電視需含數位接收裝置之百分比及時間表。目前歐規數位電視廣播採用OFDM 作為傳輸規格,經過很多的測試, 均證實OFDM 是個很好的傳輸方式。由於OFDM具有抵抗頻道衰退以及抗多重路徑干擾之優點,因此4G亦正針對此一特性準備採用作為其傳輸規格。
本篇論文中,我們將OFDM 傳送接收系統作一些說明, 並對於減少OFDM PAPR 的技巧作簡短的討論.最後針對SLM之改變編碼結構方式,如不同的相位序列作模擬測試,另根據不同的相位序列cluster 數目討論然後分析找出最好的組合。
It is no doubt that the Digital Television (DTV) is the future trend. Now there are a lot of countries announced the DTV broadcasting schedule, and the schedule of import television with DTV receiver device. Now the Europe DVB-T adopted the OFDM as the transmission scheme. In Taiwan, Tatung University have fulfilled some field test to prove that the OFDM technology is better than 8-VSB when applying for mobile devices. Due to OFDM system has the following characteristic, such as anti channel fading and anti multi-path interference, 4G system also want to adopt the OFDM as it’s transmission specification.
But OFDM signal is composed by several multi-carriers, it’s peak power will degrade it’s system battery life. Scientists develop several algorithms to reduce the PAPR such as clipping theory, coding technology, and scrambling algorithm. Now the SLM and PTS scrambling technology are more and more important as consequence of the improvement of DSP technology.
In this thesis, an overview of OFDM system is presented. The schemes of reduction OFDM PAPR are discussed briefed. We focus on the different schemes of SLM scrambling such as different phase sequences, and we also discussed the best combination between different phase sequences and different clusters.
ABSTRACT(in Chinese)---II
ABSTRACT(in English)---III
1.1 Review of Background---1
1.2 OFDM History---2

CHAPTER 2 An Overview of OFDM---3
2.1 Multi-carrier Transmission and Orthogonal Consideration---3
2.2 OFDM System Description---5
2.2 Guard Interval for OFDM System---7
2.3 Peak Power Problem of OFDM System---9

CHAPTER 3 PAPR Reduction Theory---12
3.1 OFDM PAPR Character---12
3.2 Using CCDF to do OFDM PAPR Statistic---13
3.2.1 Introduction of CCDF---13
3.2.2 OFDM CCDF Curves---14
3.2.3 Statistical Origin of CCDF Curves---15
3.3 Clipping and Peak Windowing Theory---16
3.4 Coding and Scrambling for OFDM after PAPR Reduction ---19
3.5 Peak Cancellation Theory---20
3.6 Coding Technology to Reduce PAPR---24
3.6.1 Introduction of Coding Technology---24
3.6.2 Complementary Sequence Theory---24
3.6.3 Block Coding Scheme for the Reduction of the PAPR---25
3.7 Partial Transmit Sequence Scheme (PTS)---27
3.7.1 Introduction of PTS---27
3.8 Selective Mapping Scheme (SLM)---31
3.8.1 Introduction of SLM---31
3.8.2 Side Information---33
3.8.3 SLM Benefit---33

CHAPTER 4 Simulation and Performance Evaluation---34
4.1 Simulation and Algorithm---34
4.2 Simulation Result and Performance---37
4.2.1 Random Sequences---37
4.2.2 Conclusion---38
4.2.3 Walsh-Handamard Sequences---39
4.2.4 Conclusion---42
4.2.5 Golary Complementary Sequences---42
4.2.6 Conclusion---44
4.2.7 The Performance Comparison Between Random Sequences, Walsh-Handamard Sequences, and Golary Complementary Sequences---45


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