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研究生(外文):Yen-Ping Cheng
論文名稱(外文):Effects of Oxygen Flow on Mechanical Properties of Cr(N, O)/CrN Duplex Coatings Synthesized by PVD-CAE Process
指導教授(外文):Cheng-Hsun Hsu
中文關鍵詞:氧流量陰極電弧Cr(N O)/CrN 複合鍍膜
外文關鍵詞:Cathodic arc evaporationCr(N O)/CrN duplex coatingsOxygen
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陰極電弧沈積(Cathodic Arc Evaporation, CAE)技術,是物理氣相沈積(PVD)技術之一,由於其鍍膜速度較快、附著性良好及品質較優良等等,藉由此技術在工具鋼、模具鋼或其他硬質合金上,披覆超硬薄膜,可提升模具的使用壽命,故近年來已成為普遍的加工方式。硬質薄膜的種類繁多,氮化鈦(TiN)、氮化鋁鈦(TiAlN)類碳鑽(DLC)及氮化鉻(CrN)等等,則是目前較常被使用的材料。
實驗結果顯示,利用陰極電弧系統沈積的Cr(N,O) / CrN複合膜,經X-ray及XPS成份鑑定後,發現成份幾乎一樣。但比較Cr(N,O) / CrN複合膜與CrN的機械性質中發現,除了氧氣流量為23sccm(S1)外,其他複合鍍層之摩擦係數(0.4~0.5)皆低於CrN(0.6),證實氧化物的確可以有效降低薄膜之摩擦係數,且隨著氧氣流量的增加,硬度、刮痕(臨界荷重Lc)等性質也有一最大值出現,膜厚測量發現,氧氣會使靶材產生毒化的現象,導致沈積率的下降;在奈米硬度試驗中,當氧氣流量達69sccm(S3)時,其硬度值高達25.6GPa,其餘試片也都高達20GPa以上;此外,由水接觸角試驗得知,Cr(N,O)/CrN複合鍍層之脫模性較CrN來得佳。
Cathodic arc evaporation (CAE) process is one of the physical vapor deposition processes. To increase the efficiency of cutting, tool materials and their geometry are continually being improved. In particular, better cutting performance was obtained by the introduction of thin hard coating on tools. Due to its high rates of the deposition, well adhesion, and superior quality ... etc, it has become the normal processing in these years. There are various kinds of hard thin films, as TiN, TiAlN, DLC, and CrN… etc, which is the common used materials in nowadays.
CrN with excellent properties in hardness, oxidation, oxidation resistance, chemical stability and slid comes from the easily formed Cr2O3 on the surface. Compared with TiN, the oxidation resistance of CrN is higher since the Cr oxide film formed at high temperature is more stable than that of Ti. The purpose of this study was to deposit Cr (N, O) / CrN duplex coating on SKH51. The structural, mechanical, tribology and corrosion properties will be discussed.
As shown in the experiment, during the CAE process, input oxygen will poison the target, leading to the increase of the electrical resistance and the decrease of the deposition rate. Therefore, at the same time the film thickness of CrN is thinnest. In hardness experiment, when the input of oxygen is 69sccm (S3), it can get the highest hardness, 25.6Gpa, and the hardness of the others conditions could reach the value of 20GPa. During friction experiment, the friction coefficient of double-layered Cr(N,O)/CrN is lower than the friction coefficient of CrN except that the input of oxygen is 23sccm. It can be seen in the contact angle of water experiment that the double-layered Cr (N,O)/CrN has better release than CrN. According to detus, the double-layered Cr (N,O)/CrN can improve the quality of single-layered CrN. It can be the prospecting materials in the future.
ENGLISH ABSTRACT…………………………………….……………….I
CHINESE ABSTRACT……………………………………….……………ⅢTABLES OF CONTENTS………………..…………………………………………Ⅴ
LIST OF TABLES……………………...…………………………………..Ⅸ
LIST OF FIGURES………………………………………………………...Ⅹ
CHAPTER 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY…………….....…………………….……...6
2.1 High-speed steel………………………………………………..…...6
2.1.1 The content of the high-speed steel……………........…………..7
2.1.2 Heat treatments of the high-speed steel……………..…………..8
2.1.3 Classification of high-speed steel………….......………………..9
2.2 Characteristic of nitride chromium thin film…….......................…10
2.3 Cathodic Arc plasma deposition………………………...…...……11
2.3.1 Advantages and disadvantages of cathodic arc……….……….16 Advantages of cathodic arc..………………………………..16 Disadvantages of cathode arc………......…………………..17
2.3.2 Production and influence of particles………......................…...17 Production of particles……………………………………..17 Influence between particles and coating…………......……..17 The method of preventing the particle.........………………..18
2.3.3 Coatings growth organizations……………………............…...19
2.4 Surface coarseness measurement……………………............…….21
2.5 Coating hardness measurement……………..............…………….21
2.5.1 Vickers hardness indenter……….........………………………21
2.5.2 Nanoindenter…………………………………………………23
2.6 The adhesion of the coating………....................…………………26
2.6.1 Indentation test....................…………………………………...26
2.6.2 Scratch test………………...................………………………...28
2.7 Wear behavior……………....................…………………………..30
2.7.1 Adhesion wear.......................………………………………….30
2.7.2 Abrasive wear.......................…………………………………..30
2.7.3 Fatigue wear.....................……………………………………..30
2.7.4 Chemical wear.....................…………………………………..31
2.8 The interface free energy of coating…….................……………..33
3.1 Experiment procedures………..…………………………………..35
3.2 Substrates…………….......................……………………………..38
3.3 Substrate heating treatment……………….......................………..38
3.4 Working before coating.........................…………………………..39
3.5 The process of coating………...........……………………………..41
3.6 Test and analysis…………………....................…………………..41
3.6.1 Property analysis…………...................................…………….41 FE-SEM (Field emission microscopy)…………………….41 SEM (Scanning electron microscopy)…………………….41 XRD (X-ray diffractometer)………………………...…….41 AES (Atomic emission spectrometry)…………………….42 GDS (Glow discharge spectrometer)……………………...42
3.6.2 Mechanical properties……................................………………42 Vickers................…………………………………………..42 Nanoindenter...........……………………………………….43 Rockwell-C....……………………………………………..43 Scratching test..............…….……………….……………..43 Roughness testing……………………..............…………..44 Tribological test.................………………………………..44
3.6.3 Contact angle of water.............………………………………...44
4.1 Observation of the surface configuration of Cr (N,O) / CrN duplex coatings............................................................................................45
4.1.1 The formation of surface micro-particles and voids................. 45
4.1.2 The effect on area of void with oxygen flow…..................…...55
4.2 The structure and the component analysis of Cr (N,O) / CrN duplex coatings......................................................................................... 59
4.2.1 Low acute angle XRD analysis…………..........................……59
4.2.2 Auger electron spectrometer analysis………....................……62
4.3 The effect on thickness and roughness of Cr (N,O)/CrN duplex coatings with oxygen flow............................................................ 66
4.4 The effect on mechanical properties of Cr (N,O)/CrN duplex coatings with oxygen flow............................................................75
4.4.1 Analysis of coatings hardness……………..........………...……75
4.4.2 Rockwell-C hardness tester………….............………………...79
4.4.3 Scratch test……………………..........................……………...82
4.4.4 Tribological analysis……………...........................…………...95
4.5 Contact angle of water……...................................................……103
CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSIONS…………………………………………...107
CHAPTER 6 REFERENCE……………………………………….……...109
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