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研究生(外文):Han-Sheng Chen
論文名稱(外文):A Study of Rib Design for Plastic Injected Product Using Finite Element and Taguchi Methods
指導教授(外文):Long-Jyi Yeh
外文關鍵詞:ANSYSribTaguchi Method
  • 被引用被引用:25
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本研究應用田口法(Taguchi Method),結合有限元素分析軟體ANSYS的模擬分析,對於塑膠射出成品之補強肋(rib)的結構最佳化設計,提出一套設計參數最佳化設計的方法。
本文依據塑膠成品設計上的經驗法則,選定一含有肋的方形蓋狀工件為分析模型,以其肋條的尺寸大小及厚度作為田口法的控制因子(control factor),並以該成品背面之中心點受力時的變形量(deformation)作為品質特性(quality characteristic)。應用田口法L9(34)直交表規劃並建立九組有限元素分析模型,再以ANSYS分析其中心點的變形量,所得到的結果再以田口法找出最佳設計參數組合。
本研究的初步成果顯示,未來可以此種方式,結合田口法與有限元素軟體ANSYS建立塑膠製品補強肋最佳化設計的專家系統(Expert System),提供工業界在設計補強肋之參考,以縮短產品開發的時間。
This research combines the simulation analysis of Taguchi Methods and finite element software ANSYS, as to optimal structural of the rib design in plastic product, do the complete discussion with an instance to offer a method of design parameters optimization.
According to the experience rule in the plastic product design at first, with a common rectangle cover of plastics as research specimen, and design the rib. With the geometry dimensions and thickness of the rib as control factor, regard as the quality characteristic with the deformation under a constant force at the central point of the back of the back cover with ANSYS. This research selects L9(34) orthogonal array to establish nine groups finite element model, and analyzes the deformation of the central point with ANSYS, and finds out the optimum design with Taguchi Methods.
The preliminary achievement of this research shows the combination of Taguchi methods and ANSYS can find out the optimal structure of the rib effectively, and build an Expert System, offer the reference of designing rib to industry, can shorten the cycle for product development even more.
Table of content
■誌謝................... III
■Table of content........IV
■The List of Tables..... VI
■The List of Figures.....VII
�� Chapter1 Introduction........1
1.1 Motivation..................1
1.2 Literature Review...........3
1.2.1 Introduction of the experiment plan..................3
1.2.2 Evolution of Finite Element Method and ANSYS.........4
1.3 The purpose of research.............................6
1.4 Thesis Structure.....................................7
�� Chapter2 Theoretical Analysis........................8
2.1 The basic principles of rib in the plastic product design............8
2.2 Taguchi Method experimental design..............10
2-2-1 Matrix experiment of orthogonal arrays............12
2-2-2 Design parameter optimization.................13
2.3 The Finite Element Method theories..................16
�� Chapter 3 Establish the Model........................19
3.1 Introduction of Finite Element Software ANSYS.......19
3.2 The Geometry Model of the Finite Element............21
3.3 Selection of the element...........22
3.4 Mesh the Model.....................24
3.5 Assumed conditions.................26
3.6 The settlement of the design parameter and the simulation condition of the rib................................................................28
�� Chapter4 Establish Orthogonal Arrays and Analysis Result........32
4.1 Establish orthogonal arrays.........32
4.2 Analysis result and discussion..........37
�� Chapter5 Conclusion......................44
5.1 Conclusion..........................44
�� Appendix-The Operation of ANSYS and Parameter Settlement........46
�� References......................................................57
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(March 2004)。
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[5] Ferdinand P. Beer and E. Russell Johnston, Jr. "Mechanics of Materials" McGRAW-HILL book company.
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[12] MatWeb http//www.thixomat.com
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