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研究生(外文):Pei-Ju Lin
論文名稱(外文):Effectiveness of a Powered Wheelchair Intervention Program on Physical and School Functioning in Students with Severe Physical Impairments
指導教授(外文):Shwn-Jen Lee
外文關鍵詞:Powered wheelchair interventionStudents with physical impairmentsSchool functionPowered wheelchair driving training
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Background & Purposes. Previous studies in the foreign countries have found that powered wheelchairs could offer an effective and safe method of locomotion at home environment and could improve the cognitive and psychosocial development for young children with severe physical impairments. The effectiveness of the powered wheelchair intervention programs on the physical and school functioning in students with severe physical impairments have not been documented. The purpose of this study were to assess the change of driving competence after the powered wheelchair driving training, and to assess the effectiveness of 12-week usage of powered wheelchairs in school on gross motor function, cardiopulmonary endurance, and school performance and participation in students with severe physical impairments. This study also collected the opinions on the powered wheelchair intervention program from the parents and school teachers of the students who participated in this study. Methods. A control study design was used in this study. Fifteen students with severe physical impairments were recruited in this study, including 8 students in the intervention group and 7 students in the control group. Only subjects in the intervention group received 3-20 hours of powered wheelchair driving training, depending on the driving competence of the subject achieved during the training. Then, each subject in the intervention group drove the powered wheelchair as the mobility aids to participate some of school activities for 12 weeks. The Furumasu’s Driving Test was used to measure changes in driving competence of subjects in the intervention group before and after the powered wheelchair driving training, and after the 12-week usage of powered wheelchair in school. All subjects from the intervention and control groups were evaluated on the gross motor function with the Gross Motor Function Measure, the cardiopulmonary endurance with the 6-minute crawling test, and the school performance and participation with the school function assessment at the beginning and at the end of the 12-week usage of the powered wheelchair in school for students in the intervention group. The Wilcoxon signed rank test and the Mann-Whitney U test were utilized to compare difference of each outcome measure within and between groups, respectively. Results. It demonstrated a significant difference of the driving competence of subjects in the intervention group between before and after driving training and between before and after 12-week usage of powered wheelchair in school (p<0.05). These students with severe physical impairments were able to achieve a functional or marginal powered- wheelchair driving skills. The changes of the gross motor function and cardiopulmonary endurance did not differ significantly, but those of the school functioning differed significantly, in subjects between intervention and control groups after the subjects in the intervention group participating the 12-week usage of powered wheelchair in school. Subjects in the intervention group appeared to have more positive changes in school functioning as compared to that of the control group. The parents and school teachers of the students who participated in the intervention group showed supporting attitudes on the powered wheelchair intervention program. Conclusions. Most of the students with severe physical impairments could achieve functional or marginal powered-wheelchair driving skills through the driving training. The school functioning was significantly improved in students with severe physical impairments with the participation of the 12-week usage of powered wheelchair in school. The gross motor function and cardiopulmonary endurance in students with severe physical impairments were not affected with this powered wheelchair intervention program.
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