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研究生(外文):Shih-Chieh Chen
論文名稱(外文):Phenotype Characterization of Adra2c Knockout / lacZ Knock-in Mutant Mice
指導教授(外文):Nan-Chi ChangAlice Chien Chang
外文關鍵詞:adrenoceptornorepinephrinegene knockoutgene tatgetingserotoninmu opioid receptoradra2c
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(正)腎上腺素受體屬於G蛋白偶合受體家族,□2(正)腎上腺素受體乃是其三類受體之一,又可進一步分成□2A、□2B、□2C三種亞型;分別由Adra2a、Adra2b、Adra2c三個不同基因所製造。□2受體三種亞型在中樞神經系統不同的分佈情形可看出三種亞型在不同的區域執行各自的功能。由於缺乏具有專一性的催動劑與拮抗劑,為了研究三種亞型中□2受體的功能,本實驗室建立了Adra2c基因剔除 / LacZ基因嵌入小鼠,其體內正常基因和標的載體進行同源互換,將Adra2c基因原位置換成lacZ報導基因。如此一來,利用X-gal染色產生的藍色反應產物以標示出應該表現Adra2c的細胞本體,利於觀察□2C受體在不同時期和區域的表現;另外製造□2C受體的Adra2c基因遭到置換破壞,可利用這種小鼠模式研究□2受體在活體動物中所負責的生理功能。
Adrenoceptors(AR) belongs to the G protein-coupled receptor superfamily. □2AR is one of the three types AR and can be divided into □2A、□2B、□2C subtypes which were encoded by Adra2a、Adra2b、Adra2c gene, respectively. The distribution of □2AR subtype in CNS reveals the specific functions of three subtypes in different regions. Since the lack of subtype-specific ligand, we established Adra2c knockout (KO)/lacZ knock-in mice to analyze □2CAR. The wild-type Adra2c gene is in-frame replaced by lacZ gene via homologous recombination between genomic DNA locus and targeted vector. Thus, we can use X-gal staining to produce the ”blue” product consequently to label the soma used to express Adra2c gene. This made monitoring the temporal and spatial expression of □2CAR easily; besides, we can study the in vivo physiological functions of □2C AR in the Adra2c gene KO mice,.
The goal of this thesis is to understand the regulation of □2CAR during development therefore to deduce the possible functions. The expression pattern of □2C AR can be divided into three types. First, expressions are seen at P7 or P14 then gradually increase to adult. Secondly, expression is observed only in adulthood. Third, gene expression culminates at puberty then diminishes to a basal level till adulthood.
The preliminary data in our laboratory reveal that the KO mice have lower drug-induced locomotor activity and blunt drug sensitization and preference. Thus, we adopt immunohistochemistry(ICC) to observe the colocalization of □□opioid receptor (MOR) and X-gal blue spot, it can be seen highly colocalization in many regions. They may express in the projection of the interneurons produce MOR or even □2CAR and MOR express in the same cell. It imply that □2CAR maybe receive the stimuli indirectly from MOR-expressing neuron or under the same regulation with MOR in the opiate addiction mechanism.
During breeding process, we found the KO mice show unusual aggression behaviors including shorter attack latency and higher frequency compared with wild type control. In literatures, 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) involves directly into the regulation of aggression behaviors. Via 5-HT ICC, it can be seen colocalization of 5-HT and X-gal signal in many regions. It suggest that the mechanism of aggression phenotype in this KO mice involve the interaction of □2CAR and 5-HT system.
Because the brain regions □2CAR expresses involve most cognitive functions. The mechanisms behind these behavior phenotype are interrelated, comprise different brain structures and neurotransmitter systems. The information so far imply advanced understanding the regulation of □2CAR and the mechanism of functional-defect phenotype can help us to elucidate its biological meanings and further to provide control and cure strategies to people with violence tendency and drug addiction.
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5. 研發川芎嗪的新應用探討川芎嗪在神經膠細胞瘤的療效
6. SYN-4對大白鼠血管平滑肌細胞鈣離子濃度的調節作用
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