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論文名稱(外文):Integrating Microarray Data Analysis Services with Web Services and Workflow Infrastructure
指導教授(外文):DER-MING LIOU
外文關鍵詞:Web ServicesWorkflowRMicroarray
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Web services,一個在資訊科技新興的標準規範,Web services平台主要使用XML和HTTP等技術。在本篇論文裡,我們以微陣列資料分析為例,結合Web Services標準規範來架構一個整合的環境。在這裡,我們規劃服務的提供者,服務的操作界面,以及設計一個讓終端用戶可以方便使用的圖形化界面,我們稱之為Integrated Analysis Environment。在這個環境中,可以根據註冊服務後的資訊彈性的產生服務列表,使用者在圖形環境中選擇要使用的分析方法,然後系統會完成所有分析動作,此外我們在系統中加入了工作流程的機制,使得分析研究能夠自動化。由於微陣列資料分析的理論多屬於統計學專門領域,一般生物學者無法輕易運用,是故,規劃的服務必須符合簡潔易用的原則。因此不管服務元件是以何種語言開發或是在何種平台上,元件彼此以XML-based格式文件作溝通。
Over the past few years, the technologies on biology research are significant breakthroughs. Numerous organizations and people have developed various applications and generate biological data host in the bioinformatics field. However, when we want to use those services, we must click and link to every service’s URL one by one so that we couldn’t use all services conveniently and completely. If we can put those useful services together and build a flexible environment, researcher can use all services within this environment by an uncomplicated way. For this purpose, we meditate an integrated system to get rid of the predicament in bioinformatics.
Web services, an emerging technology, used basic and common standards such as XML and HTTP. In this thesis, we propose to adopt Web Services to build a system for integrating several services those are useful tool in bioinformatics for researcher. We provide a feasible solution to achieve the goal. First, we construct a interface that defers to Web Services standard and make good use of R statistical application to implement some web services for remote use. Second, we developed Registry Editor of the Integrated Analysis Environment to provide an integrated GUI environment. Finally, we designed a Workflow Editor and Engine to accomplish the job scheduling analysis tasks using workflow mechanism.
We demonstrated this system can work well in microarray data analysis. This system provided some conveniently interface for easy use, and it also made use of workflow to automate process the job of analysis. The system has completed basic function, but there still remains room for future study.
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