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研究生(外文):Yung-Yun Yeh
論文名稱(外文):Development of Project-based clinical pathways management and support:Taking Laparoscopic cholecystectomy as an Example
指導教授(外文):Polun Chang
外文關鍵詞:ProjectClinical PathwaysProject Management
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本研究建置之系統為國內使用Project VBA開發之先驅,於開發過程中累積之經驗可作為相關管理系統及複雜病患照護流程之設計參考。
There are many healthcare management issues similar to project management works now. But they are not applied to any project management tools. This study tries to implement the project tool - Project® to assist in the care work by using a clinical pathway as an example.
The system demonstrates how to combine the conception of project management and clinical pathway and hope to supply a tracing tool to monitor and handle the care process. After comparing several common-using project tools , the research pick Microsoft Project® as the development environment. It takes Davis TAM’s conception to hold simple samples and profound interviews as the research evaluation.
The outcome reveals that it is helpful to implement the project management tool into tracing and supporting clinical pathways management. The system also can assist to control pathway’s process and status and remind some work items. And Project®’s original function also can provide some reports and views to help decision making and executing.
The system is the forerunner in using Project VBA in Taiwan, the experiences during the system development also can be the reference for related systems implement and complex care process design.
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