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研究生(外文):Hsing-His Li
論文名稱(外文):Functional analysis of human genes using Drosophila as a model system
指導教授(外文):Gwo-Jen Liaw
外文關鍵詞:DrosophiladtlkKIAApumiliomitosismicrotubulecell cycle
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所引起,在後基因體時代,轉錄體 (transcriptomic)和蛋白質體
異。在我研究的62 個基因中,大多在肝癌細胞中有大量的表現,其
中有三十個,也會在細胞週期的G2 至M 時期有高量表現。為了要研
經由大規模的篩選之後,發現九個 (KIAA1102、KIAA0152、
KIAA0553、KIAA0295、FLJ11164、FLJ14450、FLJ13490、PEG10 和
PUMH2)會增強一目前已知和細胞週期調控有相關之基因- dtlk的性
狀,在其中,我挑選PUMH2 做更進一步的研究,除了已知的功能是
參與轉譯抑制子,由目前的研究及我的實驗結果顯示, dtlk 可能透
過第三因子與PUMH2 進行相互作用,並作用於細胞分裂週期之不同
Cancer development is due to mutations in multiple genes involved in cell proliferation, differentiation, apoptosis and genomic integrity. In the post-genomic era, the transcriptomic and proteomic analyses are used to determine gene expression profiles of certain cell types. Genes, upregulated in a certain cell types including cancer cells, can be easily identified. In my study, most genes, upregulated in hepatoma cells, were found by such ways. In collaboration with other fly labs, transgenic flies carrying 62 different human genes were established (at lease 6 lines per construct). My contribution is to make 26 constructs.
After analyzing the lines, I found nine dtlk enhancers (KIAA1102, KIAA0152, KIAA0553, KIAA0295, FLJ11164, FLJ14450, FLJ13490, PEG10, and PUMH2) using the GAL4/UAS system. Currently, I have focused on PUMH2. The results indicate that PUMH2 antagonizes DTLK at the G2/M transition, which partly through regulate the dynamic
changes of microtubules. This is consistent with the notion that the dynamic change of microtubules is crucial for the progression of cell cycle.
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