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研究生(外文):Ching-Wen Lee
論文名稱(外文):The Effect of Market Competition and Risk Factors of the Performance of Psychiatric Hospitals
指導教授(外文):Shiao-Chi Wu
外文關鍵詞:Market CompetitionPsychiatricPerformanceQuality of Care
  • 被引用被引用:13
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Purpose: To investigate the effects of psychiatric market competition and other factors on the patients’ medical utilization, quality of care and hospitals’
performance in Taiwan.
Methods: The claimed data with scrambled ID of the outpatients and inpatients of psychiatry in 2001 was from the National Health Insurance database. The primary diagnosis code numbers of ICD-9-CM were between 290 and 319. The market area of psychiatric service was based on city or county. The Herfindahl-Hirschman Indexes were based on the amount of outpatient, the outpatient fee, inpatient fee and the length of stay. These indexes were used for the representation of the degree of the competitive
psychiatric market.
Results: In the patients’ profile, the outpatient fee was lower, acute inpatient length of stay was shorter, acute inpatient fee and 14 & 30 days readmission were higher (p<0.05) in the area of highly competitive psychiatric market. The chronic inpatient fee was not associated with the degree of the competitive psychiatric market (p>0.05). The chronic inpatients in the high competitive psychiatric market were with longer length of stays and lower 14 & 30 days readmission than those who lived in the middle competitive psychiatric market area (p<0.05). On the ownership of hospitals, the outpatient fee and 14 & 30 days readmission of private hospitals were higher than the public hospitals (p<0.05). The acute inpatient fee and length of stay of private hospitals were lower than the public hospitals (p<0.05). The outpatient and acute inpatient fee of general hospitals with psychiatric section were higher than the psychiatric hospitals, but with lower acute inpatient readmission and length of stay of
chronic inpatients (p<0.05).
□In the hospital profile, the daily amount of outpatient (p>0.05), outpatient fee (p<0.05), and acute inpatient fee (p>0.05) in the areas of high competitive psychiatric market were lower than the areas of low competitive psychiatric market. The length of stay (p>0.05) and readmission rate (p<0.05) of acute inpatient were higher in the areas of high competitive psychiatric market than the areas of low competitive psychiatric market, but not for the chronic inpatients (p>0.05). The daily amount of outpatient of medical centers were higher than regional and district hospitals (p<0.05). The average medical fee of
private hospitals was lower than the public hospitals (p<0.05).
Suggestion: Because of the high number of outpatients and higher medical fee in the areas of low-competitive psychiatric market, the Department of Health and the Bureau of National Health Insurance should set up policy to avoid monopolization. The government should also pay attention to the quality of care in order to reduce the readmission rate especially for the hospitals in the areas of highly competitive psychiatric market. The better quality of care should be the guarantee for the hospitals in the competitive psychiatric market.
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