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研究生(外文):Hsiu-Wen Lee
論文名稱(外文):Study of Radiochromic Film Dosimetry on Gamma Knife
指導教授(外文):Wei-Li Chen
外文關鍵詞:Radiochromic filmGamma knife stereotactic radiosurgeryMonte carlo simulationrelative output factor
  • 被引用被引用:1
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本研究將探討輻射變色軟片偵測輻射之特性,包括軟片反應與時間關係、劑量線性度、能量依存度及角度依存度;並使用加馬刀立體定位放射手術劑量驗證用之球型假體,量測加馬刀四種不同大小準直儀頭盔之劑量分佈及相對輸出因子,並與蒙地卡羅模擬結果作一比較分析。比較其兩者結果,平均差異介於1.5 %~3 %之間,落於合理的誤差範圍之間,有相當的準確性。對於立體定位放射手術的品質確認和治療劑量的輸出,輻射變色軟片提供了另一精確的量測工具。
The progress in medical science and technology brings great hope to a life of better quality. However, better and more efficient medical treatments have made quality assurance an even more important issue. For example, the stereotactic radiosurgery. The stereotactic radiosurgery is a technique dealing with patients who have brain tumors. By irradiating high and localized dose to lesion, the patient will have a better surviving rate and a higher functional life afterwards.
In radiation dosimetry there are numerous limitations associated with the measurement of isodose curves and depth-dose distributions in high gradient regions of beams by using conventional measuring systems, such as ionization chambers, diode dosimeter, thermoluminescent detectors, and radiographic films. These difficulties have resulted in a search for a radiation dosimeter with high spatial resolution which does not require a special developmental procedure and gives permanent absolute values of absorbed dose with an acceptable accuracy and precision and ease of handling and data analysis.
The purpose of this study is to analyze the characteristics of radiochromic film dosimetry, including the film response versus time, dose linearity, energy dependence and angular dependence. In addition, we measure the output factors for the field defining collimators used in gamma knife by using spherical phantom. The measurement results were compared with the results of Monte Carlo simulation. The outcome showed the average deviation between the results from experimental measurement and Monte Carlo simulation was about 1.5 ﹪~3 ﹪which was within the uncertainty range and proved to agree with each other. For actual dose measurement, the radiochromic film offers a good test tool for dosimetry and quality assurance.
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