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研究生(外文):Chen-yi Kuo
論文名稱(外文):CMMI Appraisal Support System by Fuzzy Quantitative Integrated Metric Model
指導教授(外文):Ching-hsue Cheng
中文關鍵詞:模糊量化整合模式軟體成熟度模式模糊數排序方法CMMI 評鑑系統
外文關鍵詞:CMMIFuzzy Quantitative Integrated Metric Modelfuzzy number rankingCMMI Appraisal Support System
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法,其中CMMI 則是國內資策會推動的一項軟體流程管理方法。而CMMI 的評
本身的現況,並與標竿公司作基準比較,藉此方式與通過CMMI Level 2 公司作
優缺點的比較。此外,本研究以JAVA 開發CMMI 評鑑系統(CMMI ASS)協助軟
此模糊數排序方法應用在實際的CMMI Level 2 的公司績效作排序。
In Capability Maturity Model Integrated (CMMI), Lead Appraiser (LA) evaluates the processes of one company according to qualitative sources such as Instrument, Interview and Document through direct Artifacts, indirect artifacts and Affirmation. Due to the subjective measurement and non-quantitative expression of LAs, this paper proposes a Fuzzy Quantitative Integrated Metric Model (FQIMM) that combines Quantitative Software Metrics Set (QSMS), linguistic variables, interval of confidence and a new fuzzy number ranking method. It can help companies to evaluate on quantitative approach and then know itself status more quickly and effectively. Moreover, CMMI Appraisal Support System (CMMI-ASS) is developed to help self-assessment companies to accomplish the appraisal process. In the other hand, a new fuzzy number ranking method is proposed to rank the companies. In order to verify the proposed method, it is compared with other ranking methods. Furthermore, it is applied to the ranking order of the performance of CMMI level 2 in practical.
ABSTRACT ....................................................................ii
Contents.................................................................... iv
1.Introduction ...............................................................1
2. Preliminaries..............................................................3
2.1 Capability Maturity Model Integrated (CMMI) ............................. 3
2.1.1 The evolution of CMMI ................................................. 3
2.1.2 The comparison of CMMI and ISO standards .............................. 4
2.2 Fuzzy Set Theory......................................................... 6
2.2.1 Arithmetic operations of fuzzy numbers ................................ 6
2.2.2 Linguistic Variable.................................................... 7
3. A new fuzzy number ranking method based on adaptive 2-dimensions dominance.7
4. A new CMMI appraisal model, FQIMM ........................................12
5. FQIMM applied in CMMI Level 2 appraisal ..................................14
5.1 Practical example..................................................................... 14
5.2 Comparisons with other methods ......................................... 27
5.2.1 Simple Additive Weighting method (SAW) ............................... 27
5.2.2 Lee and Li’s approach................................................ 28
6. CMMI Appraisal Support System ............................................29
7. Future work ..............................................................34
8. Conclusions ..............................................................35
Appendix A Comparison examples...............................................39
Appendix B Expert and DM Questionnaire ......................................43
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