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研究生(外文):Jian-Li Yang
論文名稱(外文):CCPM:The Dynamic Collaborative Chain Scheduling of Critical Path Method
指導教授(外文):Pao-Jhy Lee
外文關鍵詞:Project ManagementProject PlanningCPMSchedulingDesign ChainDynamic Collaborative Chain
  • 被引用被引用:8
  • 點閱點閱:310
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  • 收藏至我的研究室書目清單書目收藏:4
電腦和通訊上技術的發展,尤其是所謂網際網路,變的越來越快,對於產品的發展產生重大影響。因此時下供應鏈管理成為熱門話題,甚至發展為產品設計鏈管理的議題,成本與時間的縮短是其趨勢議題之一,但目前為止探討設計鏈排程的文獻確是非常少見。本研究的基礎假設理論-動態合作鏈是未來設計鏈的理想境界,設計鏈唯有往動態合作鏈的方向發展,才能解決現在與未來面臨的問題;而本研究專注於探討其排程之關鍵路徑,一般專案在進行時程規劃時最需掌握的是那些最不具排程彈性的活動項目所構成的關鍵路徑,也是要徑法(Critical Path Method)的主要目的;相同情況,動態合作鏈在進行排程時,亦須掌握其關鍵路徑,但其關鍵路徑要如何尋找?顯然不是一般傳統排程方法所能達成的。本研究試圖結合要徑法與動態合作鏈的機制-動態分合與層層負責,作為動態合作鏈進行排程時,找尋與掌握其關鍵路徑。

The development of technology on the computer and communication change more and more fast, especially so-called internet exert a great influence on the development of the products. So Supply Chain Management(SCM) become the hot issue at present , even develop into the issue of product design chain management. Shortens of cost and time is one of trend issue, but as so far the paper of design chain scheduling seems very rarely. The foundation of this research supposes the theory- the dynamic collaborative chain is ideal framework of the design chain in the future, and only when the design chain develop into the direction of the dynamic collaborative chain, it could solve the problem that face now and future ; And this paper is researching focus on the critical path for scheduling , generally, when planning projects we need handle these critical paths without elastic activities, and this is the main purpose of Critical Path Methods(CPM) ; The same situation, when we scheduling for the dynamic collaborative chain, we need to know his critical path, but how should we look for? Obviously, it is not traditional scheduling methods can reach. This research attempts to combine CPM and mechanism of the dynamic collaborative chain - dynamic divide and assemble and responsiblity , the propose for which abbreviate CCPM (Collaborative Chain of Critical Path Method ) as the dynamic collaborative chain look for and grasp its critical path.
This research is divided into seven chapters mainly: Chapter one, including research motive , purpose , method and procedure; Chapter two, document discussion , extract and arrange a knowledge , method it relevantly as the background knowlege; Chapter three, the dynamic collaborative chain and assessment criterion, the foundation of brief introduction , this research , supposes the theory, and develop necessary assessment criterion ; Chapter five the dynamic collaborative chain scheduling of critical path method (CCPM), this research conclusion of income; Chapter six, the case proves , verify the theory that this research institute puts forward with the scenario method; Chapter seven, the conclusion and suggestion, do a summary to the contribution of this research, and put forward the suggestion of studying the direction in the future.
中文摘要 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- i
英文摘要 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ii
誌謝 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- iv
目錄 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- v
表目錄 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- vi
圖目錄 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- vii
第一章、 緒論-------------------------------------------------------------------- 1
1.1 研究動機-------------------------------------------------------------- 1
1.2 研究目的-------------------------------------------------------------- 2
1.3 研究方法-------------------------------------------------------------- 2
1.4 研究流程-------------------------------------------------------------- 3
第二章、 文獻探討-------------------------------------------------------------- 5
2.1 工作分解結構(WBS)------------------------------------------------ 5
2.2 活動排序方法-------------------------------------------------------- 6
2.3 排程方法-------------------------------------------------------------- 8
第三章、 動態合作鏈與評估準則-------------------------------------------- 15
3.1 動態合作鏈----------------------------------------------------------- 15
3.1.1 動態分合的合作鏈-------------------------------------------------- 15
3.1.2 層層負責的合作鏈-------------------------------------------------- 16
3.2 評估準則-------------------------------------------------------------- 18
第四章、 相關排程方法之比較----------------------------------------------- 21
第五章、 動態合作鏈排程之關鍵路徑法(CCPM)------------------------- 23
5.1 專案(業務細胞)之關鍵路徑--------------------------------------- 24
5.2 合作鏈之關鍵路徑-------------------------------------------------- 26
5.3 小結-------------------------------------------------------------------- 29
第六章、 個案驗證-------------------------------------------------------------- 30
6.1 網路書店應用系統設計鏈總體情境概述----------------- 30
6.2 網路書店應用系統設計鏈排程之關鍵路徑-------------- 31
6.2.1 工作分解結構-------------------------------------------------------- 31
6.2.2 專案網路圖----------------------------------------------------------- 33
6.2.3 設計鏈排程之關鍵路徑-------------------------------------------- 35
6.3 動態合作鏈排程之關鍵路徑法(CCPM)評量------------------- 37
第七章、 結論與建議------------------------------------------------------------ 38
參考文獻 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 39
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