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研究生(外文):Tsung-Te Lin
論文名稱(外文):An XML-based Multi-Version Metadata Management System —It’s Storage, Query and Dynamic Generation of Web Interfaces
指導教授(外文):Hsueh-Chi Shih
外文關鍵詞:Dynamic SystemOrder EncodingPerformance EvaluationMulti-versionMetadata
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Metadata provide with the functions of retrieving and utilizing of electronic resources. The customization of metadata needs numerous trying and finding out. Metadata change every time, user interfaces and metadata database should change accordingly. Frequent user requirement changes often lead to unexpectedly high software development and maintenance costs. Our attempt in attacking the problem started with the metadata systems. The aim is to enable the rapid change of the metadata system in a cost effective manner so that user requirements may be fulfilled in spite of the frequentness of these changes. The proposed architecture centers on the metadata. End users can change the metadata through a user-friendly maintenance interface. The metadata system will change accordingly automatically, without any manual intervention in code modification. The metadata management system allows new version metadata and old version metadata to coexist. Users not only can view the newest version metadata, but also can view older version metadata. About performance evaluation, the study evaluates the querying and updating performance of XML documents respectively by diverse order encoding. The architecture has been implemented in an online metadata system and achieved its goals successfully.
1.1 研究背景與動機
1.2 研究目標
1.3 貢獻
1.4 論文架構
2.1 快速地開發使用者介面
2.2 彈性的資料庫結構
2.3 XML版本管理
4.1 XML Schema
4.2 Web介面後設資料
五、使用者介面產生器與JAVA SCRIPT
5.7 新增、修改和查看介面的產生
6.3 資料的儲存
6.4 資料的讀取
6.5 搜尋
6.7 後設資料綱要的變動
8.1 評估目標
8.2 實驗對象
8.3 評估標竿
8.4 實驗設計
8.5 實驗結果
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