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研究生(外文):Wei-Yao Wu
論文名稱(外文):A Research on the Multiple Electrodes Automatic Feed and For Batch Micro-EDM
指導教授(外文):Chia-Lung kuo
外文關鍵詞:EDMmultiple dischargesmultiple electrodes simultaneous discharges.supplying electrode automatically
  • 被引用被引用:1
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為此,本論文針對此部分設計一可裝設多根ψ0.3mm電極且具電極自動供給補正功能之機構,使其可進行批量形態的多孔放電加工,並於電極消耗一定程度或完成一加工單元時,適時適當的藉由高壓氣體推送電極做供給與補正動作。在此機制下,實際以『2 × 5 陣列』10電極夾持機構連續加工完成4000孔。而同一做動機制的『10 × 10陣列』100電極夾持機構除用以擴充電極數量,並修正10電極夾持機構之作動缺失。
Micro-Electro-Discharge Machining technique is used to manufacture micro-perforations. The use of a single electrode is limited in fabrication length and it can only manufacture single perforation. Besides, the electrode can be consumed in discharge process and therefore the number of perforations will be also limited.
Consequently, this paper aim main to design a mechanism for the constraints on the electrode, which can hold great quantity of electrode and possess automatic feed and correctional function. On condition that the electrodes no rotate , a 2×5 array of 10 electrodes with 0.3 mm diameter and 10mm pitch was used to machine perforations simultaneously for 0.5 mm-thick Aluminium alloy. Such as the production process of perforations can be a batch mode micro-EDM. A 40×100 array of perforations was successfully produced on condition that the mechanism automatically supply and correct when this electrodes were consumed due to discharge process.
In the multiple electrodes simultaneous discharge circuit, each of the multiple electrodes is electrically insulated and connected to the main power of EDM through a diode. A capacitor is inserted parallel to each discharge gap between each electrode and workpiece. Compared with conventional EDM in which only a singular discharge can be generated for each pulse, multiple discharges can dispersively be generated for each pulse in parallel spark EDM. Results of experiments on parallel spark EDM and conventional EDM show that not only is the machining process more stable, but the machining speed and surface roughness can also be improved with parallel spark EDM.
中文摘要 Ⅰ
英文摘要 Ⅱ
誌謝 Ⅲ
目錄 Ⅳ
表目錄 Ⅵ
圖目錄 Ⅷ
第 一 章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機與背景 1
1.2 研究方法 6
1.3 研究目標 7
第 二 章 放電加工原理與放電特性簡介 9
2.1 放電加工原理 9
2.1.1 放電過程 9
2.1.2 基礎放電迴路 11
2.2 主要放電加工參數之放電特性 13
2.2 放電加工之特性 14
第 三 章 多電極自動供給機構設計 15
3.1 『2×5陣列』10電極自動供給機構設計 15
3.1.1 多電極夾持機構 16
3.1.2 多電極供給機制設計 21
3.1.3 多電極供給做動感知機制建立 22
3.2 『2×5陣列』10電極供給補正中心定位量測 25
3.2.1 單一電極中心定位量測 25
3.2.2 10電極中心定位量測 29
3.2.3 電極中心定位量測結果分析與討論 32
第 四 章 多電極同步放電輔助迴路設計 36
4.1 多電極放電電壓與電流波形量測 36
4.1.1 簡易多電極放電模式 38
4.1.2 多電極同步放電輔助迴路 41
4.2 多電極同步放電加工對加工時間與品質的影響 45
4.2.1 電容值能階實驗設計 46
4.2.2 實驗結果分析與討論 55
4.3 電極數量對『多電極同步放電輔助迴路』使用之影響 67
4.3.1 電極數增量階實驗設計 67
4.3.2 實驗結果分析與討論 69
第 五 章 多電極自動供給補正機構缺失改善與修正 79
5.1 缺失修正與設計 79
5.1.1 電極長度補正誤差缺失改善與修正 79
5.1.2 電極中心定位偏擺缺失改善與修正 82
5.1.3 電極過電集線模式 83
5.1 修正結果分析使討論 84
第 六 章 結論與未來展望 85
7.1 實驗結果與討論 85
7.2 未來展望 87
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