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研究生(外文):Ying-Chen Tseng
論文名稱(外文):Leaching efficiency of heavy metals from sludge of printed circuit board by acid procedures
指導教授(外文):Chao-Yin Kuo
外文關鍵詞:printed circuit boardacid leaching technologie
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傳統酸溶出處理結果顯示,固液比1/6時,溶出時間為18 小時,硝酸溶出TA-02和TB-02細粒徑(<150 μm)的銅溶出率分別為74%和64%。重金屬溶出效果非單一受溶出時間的影響,亦受固液比的影響。又微波功率為800 W和400 W,溶出時間為30分鐘時,以1 N硫酸溶出TA-02粗粒徑(<9.5 mm)的銅溶出率分別為93%和77%。溶出率為90%時,傳統處理需花費180分鐘,而微波處理僅需30分鐘,微波程序為可縮短處理時間,並得到良好的溶出效果。在促進結果方面,在固液比為1/6,反應時間5分鐘時,添加促進劑後,TA-02細粒徑(<150 μm)污泥銅溶出率為72%,未添加促進劑污泥銅溶出率為51%,證實了促進劑的功效。
The present study used various leaching technologies to extract heavy metals from sludge of printed circuit board (PCB) process. These methods were included traditional acid extraction (TAE) and microwave assisted treatment (MAT). The target heavy metal in this research was copper.
Experiments expressed acid the leaching efficiency by changing operation conditions, such as acid types and concentrations, leaching time, microwave power and solid liquid ratio (S/L). In addition, experiments added a promoter to enhance the leaching efficiency. The sequential extraction procedure (SEP) was used to determine the sludge fraction of heavy metals
The sludge TA-02 and TB-02 of thin particle size (< 150 μm) using TAE method showed that the copper leaching were 74% and 64% respectively, as S/L for 1/6, leaching time for 18 hrs, nitric acid for leaching solution.
The influence of leaching efficiency using TAE on heavy metals was not only by leaching time but also by solid liquid ratio. Then, the microwave powers were 800 W and 400 W, leaching time was 30 mins, the TA-02 thick particle size (< 9.5 mm) was taken by 1 N sulfuric acid, the copper leaching effect showed 93% and 77% respectively. For 90% of leaching efficiency, the TAE needed 180 mins to accomplish, but MAT procedure needed only 30 mins. The MAT procedure reduced the leaching time and attained better leaching efficiency than TAE. In the aspect of MAT promoters the copper leaching effect was 72% better than as 51% without a promoter within 5 mins of MAT leaching time as TA-02 sludge thin particle size (< 150 μm) for S/L as 1/6.

第一章 續論 1
1.1 研究緣起 1
1.2 研究目的與內容 2
1.3 研究流程 2
第二章 文獻回顧 4
2.1 印刷路板製程概述及重金屬來源 4
2.1.1 印刷電路板製程之概述 4
2.1.2 印刷電路板污泥重金屬來源 5
2.2 重金屬污泥中水存在之基本形式 6
2.3 國內重金屬污泥申報之概況 7
2.4 重金屬污泥之基本物化特性 9
2.5 重金屬污泥之處理技術回顧 10
2.5.1 重金屬污泥之前處理概述 10
2.5.2 重金屬污泥之處理技術回顧 10
2.6 酸溶出法之理論架構 13
2.6.1 傳統酸溶出處理之介紹 15
2.6.2 微波原理之概述 19 微波輔助處理之介紹 24
2.7 序列萃取程序之應用 30
第三章 研究材料與方法 36
3.1 實驗材料與藥品 36
3.2 實驗儀器設備 37
3.3 重金屬污泥之來源與表面特性鑑定 37
3.3.1 重金屬污泥之來源 37
3.3.2 重金屬污泥之表面特性鑑定 38
3.4 重金屬污泥之基本物化性質分析 38
3.4.1 重金屬污泥之三成分分析 38
3.4.2 總量分析 40
3.5 酸溶出實驗 40
3.5.1 傳統酸溶出處理實驗 40
3.5.2 微波輔助處理實驗 43
3.6 無害化實驗 46
3.7 序列萃取程序實驗 47
3.8 樣品分析之品保及品管 50
第四章 結果與討論 59
4.1 重金屬污泥之表面特性鑑定結果 59
4.2 重金屬污泥之基本物化性質分析結果 61
4.3 傳統酸溶出處理實驗結果 65
4.3.1 改變溶出劑濃度與重金屬溶出率之結果 66 MTCLP改變溶出劑濃度與重金屬溶出率之結果 66 MANC改變溶出劑濃度與重金屬溶出率之結果 69改變溶出時間與重金屬溶出率之結果 72 三次傳統酸溶出實驗重金屬溶出之結果 76
4.4 微波輔助處理實驗結果 81
4.5 傳統酸溶出處理與微波輔助處理之比較結果 94
4.6 微波促進實驗結果 96
4.7 序列萃取程序實驗結果 100
4.7.1 污泥處理前之序列萃取結果 100
4.7.2 傳統酸溶出處理之序列萃取結果 101
4.7.3 微波輔助處理之序列萃取結果 106
第五章 結論與建議 113
5.1 結論 113
5.2 建議 115
參考文獻 117
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