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研究生(外文):Wen-Ping Cheng
論文名稱(外文):Applying Emergency Order Policy toTwo-Echelon (R, S) Inventory System
指導教授(外文):Chi-Yang Tsai
外文關鍵詞:service levelperiodic-reveiew (RS) inventory systememergency order policytwo-echelon inventory system
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在供應鏈管理上,如何將貨品適時適地的送達到顧客的手上是一門重要的學問,管理階層通常會在每一階層的存貨點,以提高服務水準方式來降低缺貨發生,進而降低系統總成本。本研究將同時運用一緊急訂購策略,將此策略導入二階層(R, S)存貨系統中,目的是希望配合導入緊急訂購機制的方式能讓系統總成本可進一步降至更低。
As one of the most important aspects of supply-chain management, delivering goods promptly and accurately to customers has always been the most essential study for every company. Managers often raise a company’s service level at every inventory cite in order to reduce the chance of inventory shortage, and to further reduce the system’s total cost. This research applies emergency order policy as a strategy into Two-echelon periodic-review (R, S) inventory system, and by introducing this strategy, aims to achieve reduction of the system’s total cost.
The two-echelon inventory system considered in this study contains one warehouse and multiple retailers. Managers need to determine whether to execute the emergency order process according to the current inventory at the review point. If the current inventory at a retailer can not satisfy the expected demand during the lead time of the regular orders, an emergency order will then be placed, and goods will arrive in a shorter lead time to avoid major shortage of inventory.
This research introduces two models of the system — one with emergency order policy and one without — to analyze and compare all the different aspects from both systems by constructing their correlation cost equations and model simulations. Both systems generate holding costs and shortage costs, and emergency order costs are also introduced into the systems when emergency order policies are implemented. Simulations of the two models are also conducted and sensitivity analysis is performed with respect to customer service levels, demands, correlation costs and lead times. The results are studied and discussed. This research shows that emergency order policy is capable of reducing the original system’s total cost, and should be taken as a serious strategy in supply-chain management to improve a system’s model.
目 錄
中文摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
誌 謝 iii
表目錄 vi
圖目錄 vii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究背景與動機 2
1.2研究目的 4
1.3研究假設 4
1.4研究架構與步驟 5
第二章 文獻探討 7
2.1供應鏈管理的定義 7
2.1.1序列式與樹狀式供應鏈 8
2.2二階層存貨系統之介紹 8
2.2.1二階層存貨模型系統之相關應用研究 8
2.3存貨系統策略運用之介紹 11
2.3.1定期盤存(R, S)存貨策略 11
2.3.2緊急訂購策略之相關研究 13
2.3.3兩階層(R, S)存貨系統導入緊急訂購機制之相關研究 16
第三章 模型研究之建立 18
3.1研究假設與限制 18
3.2系統模型符號說明 19
3.3二階層(R, S)存貨架構與系統運作說明 21
3.3.1導入緊急訂購機制前的架構與系統運作說明 21
3.3.2導入緊急訂購機制後的架構與系統運作說明 22
3.4導入緊急訂購機制前後流程步驟說明 26
3.4.1正常訂購機制流程步驟說明 26
3.4.2緊急訂購機制流程步驟說明 27
3.5二階層(R, S)存貨模式訂購上限水準之估算 30
3.6系統成本推導 31
3.6.1導入緊急訂購機制前之系統成本模式推導 32
3.6.2導入緊急訂購機制後系統成本模式推導 34
3.6.3兩者系統成本項目之比較 39
第四章 實驗範例與模擬分析 43
4.1實驗範例與相關參數說明 43
4.1.1環境與成本參數假設 44
4.1.2模擬實驗說明 47
4.2無緊急訂購機制實驗範例結果與分析 49
4.2.1變動標準差與服務水準之實驗範例結果與分析(無緊急訂購) 49
4.2.2變動前置時間與服務水準之實驗範例結果分析(無緊急訂購) 53
4.3導入緊急訂購機制後實驗範例結果與分析 60
4.3.1變動標準差與服務水準之實驗範例結果與分析(有緊急訂購) 60
4.3.2變動前置時間與服務水準之實驗範例結果分析(有緊急訂購) 67
4.4比較導入緊急訂購機制前後兩系統之差異 78
4.4.1導入緊急訂購機制前與後相關成本比較 79
4.4.2觀察變動成本係數對導入緊急訂購機制績效的影響 82
4.5本章小結 86
第五章 結論與建議 89
5.1結論 89
5.2後續研究與建議 90
參 考 文 獻 92
附錄 97
參 考 文 獻
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