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研究生(外文):Jia -Fong Jhang
論文名稱(外文):An Evaluation Model for Integrating the Assembly Sequence Planning
指導教授(外文):Yuan-Jye Tseng
外文關鍵詞:collaborative designdesign for assemblychange evaluationassembly sequencemulti-plants
  • 被引用被引用:6
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In recent years, a company emphasizes on shorten of time-to-market for new and low-priced product to meet customers’ demands to stay competitive and sustainable under global competitive environment. Due to the rapid change of production environment, the enterprise gradually moves towards on the multi-members design of cross region and the multi-plants manufacture industry.
Because Design for assembly(DFA) may simultaneously pay attention to the programs of design and assembly, it certainly shorten the time of development and reduce the product total cost. Under the concept of “Collaborative Design”, the purpose of this thesis is to develop an integrated evaluation model with the assembly sequence planning, DFA analysis and design change for multi-plants manufacture.
The objective of this thesis is to develop an integrated model in two phases. The first phase is to search for the possible assembly sequences, according to the component of product being divided into subassembly and the constraints of operation. The model is aimed at minimizing the total assembly cost to obtain the best multi-plant assembly sequences. The second phase is based on the optimal assembly sequence of the first model to conform DFA analysis, including Functional analysis and Manual handling analysis. We can understand the component needed to be improved and finish the design change through collaborative discussion and the duty assignment. The model is aimed at minimizing the total production cost to obtain the best DFA design project. The enterprise may stand on the multi-plants integrated assembly sequence planning and DFA evaluation model in this thesis to assist in making strategic decision.
中文摘要 I
英文摘要 II
誌謝 III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VII
表目錄 IX
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機 3
1.3 研究目的 6
1.4 問題定義 8
1.5 論文架構 10
第二章 文獻探討 11
2.1.1 協同設計作業模式 12
2.1.2 協同設計之運作系統模式 14
2.2 組裝次序之規劃 16
2.2.1 組裝限制 16
2.2.2 組裝結合資訊分析 18
2.2.3 組裝次序規劃與評估模式 18
2.3 易組性設計 (DESIGN FOR ASSEMBLY) 20
2.3.1 易組性設計之主要原則 21
2.3.2 易組性設計之分析與評估方法 23
2.4 品質損失 26
2.4.1 品質損失函數類型 27
2.5 設計變更 28
2.6 文獻結語 30
第三章 研究方法 32
3.1 研究用語定義 33
3.2 研究範圍與假設 35
3.3 研究相關參數與變數說明 38
3.4 跨廠組裝次序規劃模式 41
3.4.1 問題架構 41
3.4.2 流程架構與模式建立 41
3.5 跨廠易組性設計分析與變更評估模式 52
3.5.1 問題架構 52
3.5.2 流程架構與模式建立 54
3.6 研究方法 67
第四章 實例探討 69
4.1 範例假設說明 69
4.2 範例產品一 69
4.2.1 第一階段跨廠組裝最佳次序之規劃 72
4.2.2 協同跨廠易組性設計分析與變更之評估 79
4.2.3 範例一結果討論 90
4.3 範例產品二 90
4.3.1 第一階段跨廠組裝最佳次序之規劃 93
4.3.2 協同跨廠易組性設計分析與變更之評估 98
4.3.3 範例二結果討論 104
4.4 結語 105
第五章 結論 107
5.1 跨廠之整合組裝次序規劃與易組性設計分析與評估的重要性與急迫性 107
5.2 本研究之特性、貢獻與模式執行困難點 108
5.3 未來發展與建議 111
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