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研究生(外文):Shih-Cheng Lee
論文名稱(外文):Shield Insertion Optimization for Crosstalk Faults by Statistical Analysis
指導教授(外文):Wang-Dauh Tseng
外文關鍵詞:coupling capacitancecoupling inductancecrosstalk faultsshield insertion
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隨著製程技術的進步,電路的體積愈來愈小,連線間的距離也愈來愈短,使得相鄰連線間的耦合電容(cross-coupling capacity)和耦合電感(cross-coupling inductance)影響愈來愈大。過大的耦合電容及電感會產生雜訊及串音錯誤(crosstalk defect),對於較長的平行導線影響特別嚴重。此外,串音錯誤在工作速度較快的電路更是明顯。加入屏障來解決過多的耦合電容及電感所造成電路錯誤是避免發生串音錯誤常用的方法之一。惟插入過多的屏障造成硬體資源的浪費,而過少的屏障又無法完全避免串音錯誤的發生,所以找出最佳屏障插入的間距是本篇論文所要探討的問題。我們先估算多條相鄰平行導線間產生的耦合電容和電感,並和預先設定的門檻值比對以判斷電路是否存在串音錯誤,再根據統計方式區分正常電路及錯誤電路耦合電容及電感值的常態分布情形,找出屏障插入的最佳間距。屏障插入的最佳間距與個數和預設定的門檻值(Threshold value)有關。門檻值越高,相對可容忍的平行相鄰導線數量越多;相反的門檻值越低,允許的平行相鄰導線量越少。兩兩平行導線間隔插入屏障可以完全的解除平行導線間產生的雜訊及串音錯誤。本論文所提出的統計方式可以在避免串音錯誤的情況下找出最佳的屏障間距以減少電路空間的浪費。

With the improvement of process technologies, the spacing between interconnects is getting shorter. The influence of cross-coupling capacitance and inductance between adjacent wires becomes serious. The increase of cross-coupling result in crosstalk effects, which are more evident in long interconnects. Besides, the crosstalk defects are more significant in high-frequency chips. Shield insertion is one of the most popular methods to reduce the coupling capacitance and inductance by placing power or ground lines between groups of parallel wires. However, too many shields inserted between wires waste more hardware area. Yet, not enough shields result in crosstalk faults. The purpose of this thesis is to find out the best spacing across parallel wires to insert shields. We first compute the coupling capacitance and inductance of a group of parallel wires and then the normal distribution of statistic is used to separate the group of wires with and without crosstalk faults. Finally, by comparing the threshold value with the capacitance and inductance introduced by parallel wires, the best spacing for shield insertion can then be computed. Experimented results show the proposed statistic based approach can derive the best spacing between parallel wires for shield insertion.

List of Figures………………………………………………v
List of Tables…………………………………………… vi
List of Formula……………………………………………vii
Symbol Definitions……………………………………… viii
Chapter 1. Introduction…………………………………1
Chapter 2. Literature Review………………………… 4
2.1 Crosstalk………………………………………………4
2.2 Test for crosstalk fault…………………………5
2.2.1 Fault detection……………………………………5
2.2.2 Fault avoidance……………………………………6
Chapter 3. Preliminaries…………………………………10
3.1 Motives…………………………………………………10
3.2 Interconnect Structure…………………………… 11
3.3 Multiple Aggressor Transition……………………14
Chapter 4. Proposed Approach……………………………15
4.1 Statistical Characterization………………………15
4.2 Resolution for Crosstalk Noise……………………15
4.3 Deciding the threshold value………………………18
4.4 Partitioning……………………………………………18
Chapter 5. Experiment…………………………………… 20
5.1 The threshold value………………………………… 23
Chapter 6. Conclusions……………………………………24

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