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研究生(外文):Zhi-Yuan Li
論文名稱(外文):Overload control for MMS server by adaptive content delivery
指導教授(外文):Yieh-Ran Haung
外文關鍵詞:MMSQoScontent adaptationoverload control
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多媒體簡訊服務(MMS)能夠增加傳訊的能力,這些能力將能豐富使用者的經歷並且能為電信業業者開啟新的收益來源. 這些改變將使多媒體簡訊服務伺服器(MMS server)在行動多媒體應用上去支援不同的品質服務(QoS)需求並且能提供在很重的負載下能對多媒體簡訊服務網路的服務品質保證. 這篇論文提出利用調變被傳送訊息的內容來對多媒體簡訊服務伺服器作超負載控制. 我們論述內容調變(Content adaptation)是將多媒體簡訊的內容做適度的降級. 在這篇論文中,我們研究控制多媒體簡訊服務伺服器的負載並讓這伺服器能夠盡可能的處理更多的訊息. 對於被佇留的訊息會被轉寄和終結的影響有加以討論,我們發展一個分析模組去研究多媒體簡訊服務伺服器在於被佇留的訊息的阻斷率(Dropping probability)和平均等待時間(Average waiting time)和系統中最佳的降級內容緩衝區大小的效能分析. 在這主要分析模組中,一個反覆計算方法被提出去計算效能測量值並且使用模擬器來驗證這份分析的正確性.

Multimedia messaging service (MMS) enables the increments of
messaging capabilities that will enrich user experience and create a new source of revenue for the telecommunications operators. These changes would lead MMS server to support mobile multimedia applications with different quality-of-service (QoS) requirements and provide QoS guarantees for multimedia traffic carried in an MMS network under heavier load. This paper proposes to control overload for MMS server by adapting delivered content. We discuss content adaptation with the suitable degradation for the multimedia message (MM) content. In this paper, we study the queueing of MMs as a means for controlling MMS server overload to accommodate as many messages as possible. Taking the forwarding and the expiration effects of queued MMs into account, we develop
an analytical model to study performance for MMS server with
queued MMs in terms of MM dropping probability, the average
waiting time of queued MMs and the optimal degraded-content buffer size of system. On the basis of the analytical model, an iterative method is proposed to calculate the performance measures and the simulation is used to validate accuracy of the analysis.

第一章 簡介..............................................4
第二章 內容調變..........................................8
第三章 效能分析..........................................10
第一節 模組介紹......................................10
第二節 分析推導......................................15
第三節 最佳的降級內容緩衝區大........................21
第四章 數值結果..........................................24
第五章 結論..............................................30

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