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論文名稱(外文):A study on the intelligent shifting strategy for military bicycles
外文關鍵詞:Quality Function Deploymentautomatic shifting strategyergonomicbicyclealgorithmdynamical shifting sequence
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故本文從需求規劃上著手,使用品質機能展開(Quality Function Deployment, QFD)的方法將換檔過程中之各項考量因素整理為具體規格需求,並以人因工程為解決問題之關鍵方法。由人因學之相關研究發現人體在從事騎車運動時要發揮最佳狀態及效能必須維持固定功率輸出及維持固定的踏速。為滿足人因學上之要求及Marr所提出主要變檔序列之條件,使用自行發展之尋找所有路徑演算法找出所有符合條件之變檔序列並決定出使騎士在換檔過程中能量損失最低之最佳變檔序列,並結合動態變檔路徑之概念發展出能隨騎士特性及外界環境作調整之智慧型變檔策略,經由此策略所撰寫之控制程式來執行自動變速機構之換檔動作使騎士能透過變速系統所提供的各種齒輪比在不同的外界環境下達到維持最佳踏速及功率輸出之目的,並且減少檔位變換過程中產生之能量損失使換檔平順。
Military bicycles are required for troops because they fill the gap between the infantry and the motor vehicle. Soldiers riding bicycles must keep attention to the enemy especially over the mountain trails and night operations. Therefore, using the efficient and correct shifting strategy to control the bicycle transmission system can help troops and soldiers to get better efficiency on the battlefield.
In this study, the Quality Function Deployment (QFD) technique is used to obtain the requirements for the military bicycle. The results show that the shifting strategy should be designed with the ergonomic considerations. According to prior studies, cyclists can have the optimum state in cycling with a fixed output power and cadence. The purpose of this study is to design the intelligent shifting strategy which can adjust according to external physical conditions and different cyclists. Based on the strategy, the computer program is written to control the automatic transmission system. The shifting suggestions can make riders to maintain output power and optimum cadence during cycling, and they also supply many choices for different external physical conditions. The energy losses during gear-changing process can be reduced, and riders will fell comfortable and efficient in cycling.
摘要 iii
目錄 v
表目錄 viii
圖目錄 ix
符號說明 xii
1. 緒論 1
1.1 自行車變速系統 1
1.2 自行車之軍事用途 3
1.2.1 自行車之歷史及運用 3
1.2.2 軍用自行車的優勢 7
1.3 研究動機及方法 7
1.4 文獻回顧 9
1.4.1 人因工程 9
1.4.2 變速序列 9
1.5 論文大綱 10
2. 設計需求與規格定義 12
2.1 自行車用名詞說明 12
2.2 品質機能展開(Quality Function Deployment, QFD) 18
2.2.1 設計問題認知與顧客需求(Customers’ Requirements) 18
2.2.2 工程需求(Engineering Requirements) 19
2.2.3 規格確立 20
2.2.4 設計問題分解圖 20
2.3 結論 20
3. 人因工程上之研究 23
3.1 人體功率輸出的特性 24
3.2 扭力、踏速與功率之關係 29
3.3 最佳換檔點 34
3.4 變檔序列對換檔過程中能量損失之影響 35
3.5 結論 39
4. 隨外境環境調整之換檔點 40
4.1 Wilson所建議的最佳換檔時機計算方式 42
4.2 改善最佳換檔點計算方式 43
4.3 控制邏輯 45
4.4 模擬結果與討論 47
5. 動態變檔策略 49
5.1 尋找所有路徑之演算法 52
5.1.1 有向圖形表示法(Directed Graph) 54
5.1.2 鄰接陣列表示法(Adjacent Matrix) 54
5.1.3 尋找所有路徑演算法之概念 59
5.2 決定最佳變擋序列 61
5.3 動態變檔策略 65
6. 系統模擬 69
6.1 Browning自動變速系統 69
6.2 系統整合 71
6.3 軟體流程 71
7. 結論及未來研究方向 73
參考文獻 75
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