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研究生(外文):Chang Chia Ying
論文名稱(外文):A Saturation Adjustment Method for Emebdding Watermark into Color Images
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摘 要

在本論文中主要於RGB的彩色空間,經由直接的修改RGB影像的像素值,將浮水印隱藏於飽和度中。起初,我們將RGB轉換成IHS ,再改變其飽和度的值;但經由快速的數學轉換可直接的在於RGB空間改變其值,而效果等同於轉換到IHS再改變其飽和度的值,此快速的直接轉換即為飽和度調整 (SA)。在藏匿的過程中,色調及亮度是不會改變的,只改變其飽和度的值。因而,飽和度調整的方法,省去複雜的矩陣運算,加速了實驗的時間。

The mainly focus of thesis is to hide watermark in the color image. Most of it is hiding on the grayscale images on the passed technology of the hided watermark. There is the more correlate relationship in the RGB band than in the IHS band on the color image. It is more effective, more robust, and more invisible in hiding more data if changes the color image to the lower relationship the IHS band to hide the data. Because of the relationship on RGB band is too high, and it is discovered if we change the less different on RGB band by the human eyes. Therefore, based on against the human eyes, it is less sensitive to saturation changes than to the variation of intensity and hue.
The goal of hiding the watermark into the saturation component achieves by directly modifying the R, G, and B value in RGB space. First, we transform the RGB space to IHS for hiding data in the saturation component. Then the high-speed equation uses to directly modify the difference in RGB space to IHS. The high-speed equation is the saturation adjustment (SA). There is no change on the value of hue and intensity by the hided data on the saturation component. However, let it more invisibility on human eyes.
The other important point in this thesis is to transform the spatial domain to the frequency domain by DWT. After segmenting the image to the blocks, it makes each block to the frequency domain by 1-level DWT, then, it gets four sub-bands on each block. The method of hiding data is changing the coefficient of the four sub-bands. The experimental results achieve robustness of watermark to image processing operations successfully, such as JPEG2000, JPEG, scaling and cropping.
誌 謝 ii
摘 要 iii
目 錄 v
圖 錄 vii
1. 緒 論 1
2. 浮水印相關技術 4
2.1 非盲目浮水印(Non-Blind Watermark) 6
2.2 盲目浮水印(Blind Watermark) 7
2.3 彩色浮水印 8
3. 飽和度調整運算 11
3.1 彩色模型 11
3.1.1 RGB彩色模型 11
3.1.2 CMY彩色模型 11
3.1.3 YIQ彩色模型 12
3.1.4 IHS彩色模型 13
3.2 飽和度的特性及其調整演算法 16
4. 浮水印嵌入與萃取 21
4.1 運用技術簡介 21
4.1.1 離散小波轉換 21
4.1.2 排序 23
4.1.3 加權 24
4.2 浮水印的嵌入 26
4.3 浮水印的萃取 30
5. 實驗結果 34
5.1 實驗一 34
5.1.1 藏匿浮水印於不同頻帶的影響 34
5.1.2 各種影像攻擊 36
5.2 實驗二 41
5.2.1 依不同的排序方法比較其優異性 41
5.2.2 各種影像攻擊 41
5.3 實驗三 44
5.3.1 依不同的加權方式比較其優異性 45
5.3.2 各種影像攻擊 45
6. 結 論 48
7. 未來的工作 50
參考文獻 51
自 傳 56

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