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研究生(外文):Kuan-hsiung Chen
論文名稱(外文):The analysis and optimization of the adiabatic directional couplers
外文關鍵詞:the adiabatic couplerWDM systemcrosstalk
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Under WDM system, we often need a broadband device addressing all the signals. One of the candidates is the adiabatic coupler which exhibits advantages of insensitive to polarizations, wavelengths and length of the device. In this thesis we puts forward a new function and revises a function to design the adiabatic coupler. We also define several variables to make use of the simulation and computing of the crosstalk and the bandwidth to optimize the couplers. Besides we also compare the couplers of the cultural heritage of past. We proposed the designed coupler by the new function can easily achieve (1)the lower crosstalk(2)the shorter coupler length and (3)the fuller bindwidth ; the designed coupler by the revised function performs better than the unrevised one. And the value of the optimal record can consult the application in the manufacture couplers.
誌謝 1
摘要 i
Abstract ii
目錄 iii
圖目錄 iv
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 研究動機與背景 1
1-2絕熱式光方向耦合器的寬頻議題 2
1-3 論文內容綱要 3
第二章 耦合理論與絕熱式光方向耦合器 4
2-1 耦合理論(coupled-Mode Theory)與耦合方程式(coupled-Mode equation) 4
2-2 局部耦合理論(Coupled Local-Mode Theory)與局部耦合方程式(Coupled Local-Mode Equation) 6
2-3 超耦合(Hypercoupling)與局部頻差波長(Local Beat Wavelength) 9
2-4 串擾(Crosstalk)與絕熱式光方向耦合器(Adiabatic Directional Couplers) 11
第三章 絕熱式光方向耦合器的分析與優化 13
3-1 傳統耦合器之比較與論文模型之選擇 13
3-2 Constant Local Beat Length Couplers 15
3-3 BPM耦合器設計 19
3-4 BPM耦合器優化與結果判斷準則 22
3-5 寬頻探討 34
3-6 優化例探討 35
第四章 優化例整理 39
第五章 結論 49
參考文獻 52
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