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研究生(外文):Chien-rong Kung
論文名稱(外文):Determination of Salvianolic Acid B in Rat Plasma by RPLC Coupled with ESI-tandem Mass Spectrometry
指導教授(外文):Shau-Chun (Paul) Wang
外文關鍵詞:electrosprayLC-MSSalvianolic acid B
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丹參(Salvia miltiorrhiza)是神農本草經列為上品的中國古老藥材,廣泛用於治療心血管等疾病。丹參主要水溶性成分以酚酸類化合物為主,而丹參酚酸B(Salvianolic acid B)含量最高且活性最強,對腦與心臟局部缺血再灌注引起的細胞膜損傷有明顯的保護作用及抗肝纖維化、抗血栓作用等。但在文獻中對動物實驗樣品如血漿中的丹參酚酸濃度偵測與品質控管(QC)只有極少數的發表,而且現有LC-UV方法之偵測極限(LOD)高達2.7 μg/mL,並不適合支援超微量藥理研究的要求。為了得到更好的結果,我們使用高靈敏度的ESI-MS/MS三極式四極柱質譜儀,搭配添加三氟醋酸(TFA)的水溶液調控移動相的酸鹼值,以等位沖提的方式,再配合液相-液相萃取血漿等樣品前處理技巧,所建立的分析標準相關係數高達0.9996以上,濃度偵測極限也至少可改善至10 ng/mL,濃度定量極限(LOQ)則為50 ng/mL,皆合乎支援超微量藥理研究的要求。
LC-MS/MS is a newly emerging detection technique. It has several analytical advantages such as least interference by chemical matrix, high sensitivity, high specificity, the capabilities of high throughput biological sample analysis, and accurate quantitation of trace impurities in drug products. LC-MS/MS has also become an indispensable technology for proteomics analysis because of its accurate analysis and qualification ability. In addition, in the field of drug discovery and development, LC-MS/MS is a core technology as well. Recently, several newly developed drugs are extracted from the crude materials of natural products, especially traditional Chinese medicines. The chemical constituents isolated from the herbs are mostly efficiency of anti-oxidant, anti-virus and anti-cancer etc. In pharmacological research, LC-MS/MS are employed to assay the medicines that dosed on experimental animals via various kinds of administration routes. These pharmacological samples are typically the body fluids taken out by blood drawing or microdialysis technology.
Radix Salvia miltiorrhiza (danshen), the dried root of Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge, is a well-known herb of traditional Chinese medicine. Dashen has extensive curative effects in cardiovascular disease treatment. Danshen contains a series of water-soluble salvianolic acid derivatives. These salvianolic acids, especially salvianolic acid B, exhibit strong antioxidant and antithrombosis activities, which are able to protect brain and heart from the damages caused by ischemia-reperfusion and avoid heptic damage. But there are only limited reports on studying the determination of salvianolic acid B in biological samples with adequate quality controls. The limit of detection (LOD) of the published LC-UV method is up to 2.7 μg/mL, which is not suitable to support pharmacological studies. To develop better methods, we use liquid chromatography coupled with a triple-quadrupole mass spectrometer. One liquid-liquid extraction protocol is adopted to prepare animal samples. Separation is accomplished using one C18 column with isocratic elution, of which the mobile phase consists of acetonitrile and aqueous trifluoroacetic acid. The standard curve has a coefficient correlation higher than 0.9996. The limit of detection of our method is 10 ng/mL and the limit of quantitation is 50 ng/mL. This method is adequate to support pharmacological studies.
第一章 緒論
1-1 前言……………………………………………………………………1
1-2 質譜儀簡介……………………………………………………………1
1-2-1 電噴灑游離法簡介…………………………………………………3
1-3 液相層析與電噴灑串聯質譜儀………………………………………11
1-3-1 液相層析與電噴灑串聯質譜儀的結合歷史…………………11
1-3-2 串聯質譜法的原理與應用……………………………………13
1-4 生物樣品與質譜儀的偵測………………………………………….17
1-4-1 生物樣品基質對質譜儀偵測的影響…………………………17
1-4-2 生物樣品的前處理方式………………………………………18
1-5 中草藥丹參的簡介………………………………………………….19
1-5-1 丹參的成分……………………………………………………….20
1-5-2 丹參酚酸的化學結構…………………………………………….21
1-5-3 丹參酚酸的藥性簡介…………………………………………….21
1-6 文獻探討…………………………………………………………….22
1-7 研究動機與目的…………………………………………………….23
第二章 研究方法
2-1 材料與溶劑………………………………………………………….29
2-1-1 材料……………………………………………………………….29
2-1-2 溶劑……………………………………………………………….29
2-2 實驗儀器…………………………………………………………….30
2-3 藥品與溶液配置…………………………………………………….30
2-3-1 移動相溶液配置………………………………………………….30
2-3-2 丹參酚酸B標準溶液配置…………………………………………31
2-3-3 標準濃度生理食鹽水配置……………………………………….31
2-3-4 血液樣品之前處理……………………………………………….32
2-4 高效能液相層析條件選擇………………………………………….32
2-4-1 移動相水溶液成分的影響…………………………..………32
2-4-2 移動相有機溶劑的影響……………………………..………33
2-5 LC-MS/MS對丹參酚酸B的濃度分析…………………………….33
2-5-1 初始質譜偵測條件…………………………………..………33
2-5-2 LC-MS/MS偵測血漿中丹參酚酸B之條件………………...34
2-5-3 在MRM偵測模式下其他參數設定………………………...35
2-6 檢量線的建立………………………………………….…………..35
2-7 LC-MS/MS分析法之確效……………………………...………….36
2-7-1 專一性(specificity)………………………………………..36
2-7-2 回歸曲線之線性……………………………..………………36
2-7-3 再現性:精確度與準確度(precision & accuracy)………36
2-7-4 偵測極限(LOD)與定量極限(LOQ)……………….…….37
第三章 實驗結果與討論
3-1 丹參酚酸B的初始質譜條件…………………….………………..38
3-1-1 丹參酚酸B斷裂可能途徑…………………………………..38
3-2 高效能液相層析對偵測的影響…………………………….……..39
3-2-1 移動相水溶液成分的影響……………………………..……39
3-2-2 移動相有機溶劑的影響……………………………..………39
3-3 血漿中丹參酚酸B的偵測………………………………….…….40
3-3-1 LC-MS/MS條件之比較……………………………………...40
3-3-2 以生理食鹽水為基質偵測丹參酚酸B……………………..41
3-3-3 血液樣品之前處理……………………………………..……42
3-3-4 利用LC-MS/MS偵測血漿中丹參酚酸B……………….....42
(1) 檢量線的建立……………………………………….……42
(2) 同日內與異日內偵測結果………………………….……43
第四章 結論及未來方向……………………………………………..55
第五章 參考資料……………………………………………………..56
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