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研究生(外文):Yi-Chen Huang
論文名稱(外文):Distinct movement patterns of an ADHD animal model in open fields --- the spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR): Possible involvement of early androgen exposure
中文關鍵詞:注意力不足過動症睪固酮空間尺度指數碎形理論Spontaneously hypertensive rat
外文關鍵詞:Attention deficit-hyperactivity disorderTestos
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注意力不足過動症(ADHD)最主要有三項臨床上神經心理症狀,包括:注意力無法維持、過動以及衝動。SHR為目前應用最廣之ADHD動物模式,遺傳型態上最相近之對照組為WKY。然而過去研究顯示WKY在open field中的表現過於安靜,而SHR與Wistar在open field中活動量上之比較並未得到一致的結果。不過在活動型態上面,SHR與Wistar是否有差異至今仍不清楚。為了解答此問題,本研究利用Paulus和Geyer所發明之行走路徑尺度特性分析法中的空間尺度指數d,去測量不同品系大鼠在open field中活動型態差異,並應用來研究早期男性荷爾蒙操弄對ADHD動物模型在open field中行走行為之影響。研究結果發現不分性別之SHR與Wistar在open field中之活動型態皆有顯著差異,而接受早期睪固酮操弄之SHR公鼠其行走路徑總長度顯著增加。故本實驗結論:空間尺度指數d和行走路徑總長度可用來測量大鼠在open field中行走行為不同之面向;尺度特性主要是用來區分不同品系大鼠活動型態上之差異,而早期男性荷爾蒙操弄效果可由行走路徑總長度之變化來反應。
Inattentiveness, over-activity and impulsiveness are presently regarded as the main symptoms of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). It has been suggested that the spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR) might be used as its animal model. Previous studies showed that amount of locomotion activity of SHR in open field didn’t differ from that of Wistar rats. However, it is unclear whether or not SHR has distinct movement patterns. In the present study we applied the scaling approach introduced by Paulus and Geyer to measure the patterns of locomotion in open field. We were also interested in the role played by early exposure of androgen in the sexually differential expressions of ADHD. The results indicated that SHRs showed significantly higher spatial scaling exponent d than Wistar rats in all sexual and treatment groups. Within testosterone-group male SHR showed significantly longer total path-length than male SHR controls. Conclusion: The scaling approach and the total path-length measure the locomotion behavior of rats from different aspects. While the scaling property differentiates movement patterns of different lineages of rats, the effects of early androgen treatments are reflected in the changes of total path-length.
中文摘要 I
英文摘要 II
目錄 III
圖表目錄 VI
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 ADHD理論概述 1
第二節 ADHD的動物模式(animal model) 5
第三節 開放空間行為的觀察運用及相關實驗 7
第四節 過動行為在開放空間行為測定儀(open field)中的研究 8
第五節 碎形理論 10
第六節 行走路徑尺度特性分析 14
第七節 ADHD性別差異的來源:睪固酮 18
第八節 實驗目的 20
第二章 材料與方法 22
受試動物 22
儀器設備 23
藥物 24
分析方法 25

第三章 實驗 26
實驗一 應用非線性動力學理論來分析 SHR、WKY、Wistar 三種大鼠在開放
空間行為測定儀中之行為型態 26
目的 26
程序 27
結果 27
討論 29
實驗二 利用行走路徑尺度特性分析法區分不同性別之SHR、WKY和Wistar
大鼠在 open Field 中之行為型態 34
目的 34
程序 34
結果 34
討論 37
實驗三 以動物模型SHR大鼠來研究早期男性荷爾蒙注射對ADHD的影
響 42
目的 42
程序 42
結果 43
討論 44
第四章 綜合討論 47
參考文獻 52
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