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研究生(外文):Chen-Heng Chiang
論文名稱(外文):The Effects of Cognitive Orientation Group Treatment on Amphetamine Abusers
外文關鍵詞:amphetaminecognitive therapyconcept mappingcravingdrug abuseirrational beliefrelapsetreatment
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This thesis was based on the results of a series of related studies about abstinence treatments on amphetamine abusers. The primary purpose of the thesis was to evaluate the effects of twelve sessions of cognitive orientation group treatment (COGT), which contained cognitive therapy, self-instructional training, concept-mapping skills, schema therapy and thought stopping, on amphetamine abusers. Four studies had been conducted in this thesis.
In study 1, the methodology of a self-reported questionnaire and interview to survey 33 amphetamine abusers in order to explore their relapse factors and cognition about drug use had been adopted. Data were derived from procedures of the phenomenological analysis.
In study 2, the relationships among personality, irrational beliefs in drug users, cravings for drugs and intention to relapse was investigated for a group of 254 adult male amphetamine abusers, who were drawn at random from seven drug treatment centers in Taiwan. Multiple regression analyses were used to ascertain the predictors of relapse.
In study 3, based on the findings of studies done before this thesis, the cognitive orientation group treatment program had been designed to treat ten drug abusers in a pilot study to examine the feasibility of the program, and then developed the complete treatment program.
The 20 adult male amphetamine abusers incarcerated in the prison were randomly divided into two ten-member groups, including the experimental group and the control group in study 4, to evaluate the effects of the cognitive orientation group treatment on them. The pretest-posttest design was adopted in this study. All subjects were administered by the inventories, including personality, irrational beliefs in using drugs, craving for drugs and intention to relapse.
Results were as follows:
1. The risk factors of relapse included: those with cravings for drugs, those who were bored, those easily influenced by friends who used drugs, those with readily available drugs, those with habitually bad moods, those desiring relief from the effects of alcohol, those desiring energy to work, those desiring to cope with or escape from difficult situations in life, those with pre-existing drug using cognitive biases including outcome expectancies, those who underestimated the risk of being addicted to drugs, those with self-devaluation with dependency on drugs, and those who considered themselves able to overcome drug abuse on their own.
2. The predictive relation to relapse found by multiple aggression analyses were as follows:
a. Prudence and problem solving can explain about 26.5% of the variance of the irrational beliefs in using drugs.
b. Problem solving, outcome expectancies, self-devaluation with dependency on drugs and underestimation of the risk of being addicted to drugs can explain about 54.4% of the variance of the craving for drugs.
c. Craving for drugs, self-devaluation with dependency on drugs and prudence can explain about 37.4% of the variance of intention to relapse.
d. Those subjects who had stronger cravings for drugs and outcome expectancies, and had lower self-esteem, experience a stronger intention to relapse, which was induced by emotions.
e. Those subjects who had stronger cravings for drugs and self-devaluation with dependency on drugs, experience a stronger intention to relapse, which was induced by circumstances.
f. Those subjects who had stronger cravings for drugs and outcome expectancies, and had lower prudence and problem-solving ability, experience a stronger intention to relapse, which was induced by their acceptance of drugs.
3. The effects of cognitive orientation group treatment on the amphetamine abusers were as follows:
a. COGT can decrease the levels of irrational beliefs among those using drugs, that is, the treatment can modify the maladaptive beliefs in those using drugs; on the other hand, COGT can reduce the amounts of smoking in amphetamine experiment group. But there were no statistically significant differences between the experimental group and the control group in the posttest of variances of prudence, problem-solving ability, self-esteem, the craving for drugs, and intention to relapse.
b. The self-reporting documents gathered from the experimental group showed that groups provided a safe setting for members to break through their sense of isolation, to share their problems and to learn more appropriate social skills, and that COGT had taught positive values to members, promoted their confidence in quitting drugs, and enhanced their self-insight and interaction with others.
目 次
第一章 緒論-----------------------------------------------------------------1
第一節 問題背景-----------------------------------------------------2
第二節 研究目的-----------------------------------------------------9
第三節 名詞解釋----------------------------------------------------13
第二章 文獻探討----------------------------------------------------------18
第一節 藥物濫用的成因、人格特質與用藥歷程分析-------18
第二節 藥物濫用者用藥認知結構之探討----------------------22
第三節 安非他命之藥理作用與危害性-------------------------34
第四節 認知取向治療理論---------------------------------------41
第五節 認知取向療法對藥物濫用處遇成效之實證研究---68
第三章 研究方法論-----------------------------------------------------88
第一節 研究場域—犯罪矯正機構之現象與藥物濫用
第二節 採用由上往下或由下往上的研究策略之思維------99
第三節 處遇策略之思維—認知取向戒治策略援用之分
第四節 抽樣方法--------------------------------------------------109
第五節 研究工具--------------------------------------------------113
第六節 研究判準--------------------------------------------------122
第四章 研究結果1:探索性與調查性研究--------------------------126
研究一 成年男性安非他命濫用者用藥歷程風險因素之
研究二 成年男性安非他命濫用者之性格特質、用藥非
第五章 研究結果2:實驗性研究--------------------------------------214

研究三 前導性認知取向團體戒治方案之實施與修正------214
研究四 認知取向戒治策略對安非他命濫用者之戒治成
第六章 綜合討論---------------------------------------------------------333
第一節 成年男性安非他命濫用者用藥歷程風險因素
第二節 成年男性安非他命濫用者之性格特質、用藥
第三節 認知取向戒治策略對安非他命濫用者之戒治
第七章 結論與建議------------------------------------------------------366
第一節 結論---------------------------------------------------------366
第二節 建議---------------------------------------------------------370
附錄一: 用藥歷程調查表-----------------------------------------------400
附錄二: 向日葵戒癮團體單元計畫(前導性團體方案)------------402
附錄三: 向日葵戒癮團體單元計畫(正式團體方案)---------------423
附錄四: 個案資料調查表-----------------------------------------------442
附錄五: 前導性團體實施後經修改或刪除的原始表單----------445
附錄六: 前導性團體成員各次單元自陳心得整理----------------465
附錄七: 個人認知行為問卷--------------------------------------------470
附錄八: 正式團體處遇方案活動表單--------------------------------480
附錄九: 參與研究同意書----------------------------------------------527
附錄十: 吸煙量記錄表--------------------------------------------------531
表 次
表1-1-1 精神醫療院所通報藥物濫用者使用藥物種類分布統計--5
表1-1-2 1997年至2003年間臺灣地區查獲毒品數量---------------7
表2-2-1 藥物濫用者常有的負向內言分析----------------------------23
表2-4-1 理情療法和認知療法主要不同之比較----------------------44
表2-4-2 三欄技術表-------------------------------------------------------49
表2-4-3 A-B-C模式的三欄技術表--------------------------------------53
表2-5-1 認知行為團體療法對濫用藥物者處遇追蹤結果----------79
表2-5-2 認知行為治療法在戒癮處遇之實證研究摘要-------------83
表4-1-1 用藥歷程研究之研究參與者基本資料----------------------130
表4-1-2 描述與研究問題有關的意義單元----------------------------134
表4-1-3 比較意義單元形成類別----------------------------------------135
表4-1-4 個別主題重組並精練共同主題-------------------------------135
表4-1-6 初次用藥原因---------------------------------------------------139
表4-1-9 持續用藥的原因------------------------------------------------145
表4-2-5 有無前科者在各依變項之獨立樣本t-test分析---------183
表4-2-6 有無毒品前科者在各依變項之獨立樣本t-test分析---183
表4-2-8 販毒與工作之X2檢定分析摘要---------------------------185
表4-2-17 不同用藥時效之安非他命主要用藥者在各依變項

表4-2-21 問題解決、慎思性、自信心、情緒穩定、自重感
表4-2-22 問題解決、慎思性、自信心、情緒穩定、自重感
表4-2-23 問題解決、慎思性、自信心、情緒穩定、自重感
表4-2-24 問題解決、慎思性、自信心、情緒穩定、自重感
表4-2-25 問題解決、慎思性、自信心、情緒穩定、自重感
表4-2-26 問題解決、慎思性、自信心、情緒穩定、自重感
表5-1-1 前導性團體成員基本資料----------------------------------216
表5-1-2 前導性團體單元簡介----------------------------------------218
表5-1-3 前導性戒治團體12次單元活動成員參與度、開放度-227
表5-1-4 前導性戒治團體12次單元活動成員對團體氣氛之
表5-1-5 前導性團體第1~3次團體活動回饋表統計分析------230
表5-1-6 前導性團體第4~6次團體活動回饋表統計分析------230
表5-1-7 前導性團體第7~9次團體活動回饋表統計分析------231
表5-1-8 前導性團體第10~12次團體活動回饋表統計分析---231
表5-1-9 前導性團體團體活動自我評鑑表統計分析------------232
表5-2-1 研究設計------------------------------------------------------244
表5-2-2 實驗組參與者基本資料------------------------------------252
表5-2-3 控制組參與者基本資料------------------------------------252
表5-2-4 正式團體單元簡介------------------------------------------257
表5-2-5 正式團體方案實施時間------------------------------------262
表5-2-6 描述與研究問題有關的意義單元------------------------268
表5-2-7 意義單元分類成類別---------------------------------------269
表5-2-8 形成個別主題------------------------------------------------270
表5-2-9 形成共同主題------------------------------------------------213
表5-2-12 同質性檢定結果-------------------------------------------277
表5-2-13 各依變項後測考驗之單變項共變數分析-------------278
表5-2-14 控制組在性格變項前後測得分情形-------------------292
表5-2-15 控制組在用藥非理性信念變項前後測得分情形----292
表5-2-16 控制組在用藥渴求與復發意向變項前後測得分
表5-2-17 實驗組在性格變項前後測得分情形-------------------293
表5-2-18 實驗組在用藥非理性信念變項前後測得分情形----293
表5-2-19 實驗組在用藥渴求與復發意向變項前後測得分
表5-2-22 第一、二、三次團體活動回饋表統計分析------------303
表5-2-23 第四、五、六次團體活動回饋表統計分析------------304
表5-2-24 第七、八、九次團體活動回饋表統計分析------------304
表5-2-25 第十、十一、十二次團體活動回饋表統計分析------305
表5-2-26 團體活動自我評鑑表統計分析---------------------------306
表5-2-27 成員自陳回饋寫作分析------------------------------------307
表6-1-1 用藥歷程各階段研究發現總結---------------------------345
圖 次
圖1-2-1 四個系列性研究之間的關係-----------------------------12
圖2-2-1 藥物使用循環模式圖-----------------------------------------27
圖4-1-1 復發歷程模式-------------------------------------------------129
圖4-2-1 研究架構圖----------------------------------------------------169
圖4-2-2 路徑分析圖----------------------------------------------------208
圖5-2-1 研究步驟 -----------------------------------------------------243
圖5-2-2 正式團體之團體諮商室------------------------------------261
圖5-2-3 控制組個別成員吸煙量------------------------------------275
圖5-2-5 吸煙量各週總數曲線圖------------------------------------276
圖5-2-6 控制組受試者在自重感之前後測得分------------------279
圖5-2-7 實驗組受試者在自重感之前後測得分------------------280
圖5-2-8 控制組受試者在問題解決之前後測得分---------------280
圖5-2-9 實驗組受試者在問題解決之前後測得分---------------280
圖5-2-11 實驗組受試者在慎思性之前後測得分----------------281
圖5-2-12 控制組受試者在效果期待之前後測得分-------------282
圖5-2-13 實驗組受試者在效果期待之前後測得分-------------282
圖5-2-14 控制組受試者在自貶依毒之前後測得分-------------283
圖5-2-15 實驗組受試者在自貶依毒之前後測得分-------------283
圖5-2-16 控制組受試者在低估毒癮之前後測得分-------------284
圖5-2-17 實驗組受試者在低估毒癮之前後測得分-----------------284
圖5-2-18 控制組受試者在用藥非理性信念總分之前後測得分--285
圖5-2-19 實驗組受試者在用藥非理性信念總分之前後測得分--285
圖5-2-21 實驗組受試者在用藥渴求總分之前後測得分-----------286
圖5-2-22 控制組受試者在引發復發慾望可能性之前後測得分--287
圖5-2-23 實驗組受試者在引發復發慾望可能性之前後測得分--287
圖5-24-24 控制組受試者在復發可能性之前後測得分-------------288
圖5-2-25 實驗組受試者在復發可能性之前後測得分--------------288
圖5-2-26 控制組受試者在復發意向總分之前後測得分-----------289
圖5-2-27 實驗組受試者在復發意向總分之前後測得分-----------289
圖5-2-28 實驗組成員1在各變項之前後測得分相減結果--------294
圖5-2-29 實驗組成員2在各變項之前後測得分相減結果--------294
圖5-2-30 實驗組成員3在各變項之前後測得分相減結果--------294
圖5-2-31 實驗組成員4在各變項之前後測得分相減結果--------295
圖5-2-32 實驗組成員5在各變項之前後測得分相減結果--------295
圖5-2-33 實驗組成員6在各變項之前後測得分相減結果--------295
圖5-2-35 實驗組成員8在各變項之前後測得分相減結果--------296
圖5-2-36 實驗組成員9在各變項之前後測得分相減結果--------296
圖5-2-37 實驗組成員10在各變項之前後測得分相減結果------297
圖5-2-38 十二次團體單元活動成員參與度與開放度分佈圖-----299
圖6-1-1 用藥歷程階段--------------------------------------------------346
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