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研究生(外文):Su Yi-Chang
論文名稱(外文):The Application of Mathematical Programming to the Optimal Decision Analysis in Product design Process
外文關鍵詞:mathematical programmingproduct designquality function deploymenthouse of quality
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面對全球化激烈競爭下,要滿足顧客的需求,甚而爭取潛在性客戶,持續性的改善是企業刻不容緩的議題。在面對品質決策問題時,品質機能展開(Quality Function Deployment, QFD)可以幫助企業減少產品設計的成本和製造時間。品質屋(House of Quality, HOQ)則是品質機能展開的概念化矩陣,可具體化了解顧客需求與產品技術要求的品質特性。而本研究的議題在於決策者如何在有限的成本,人力或空間資源的限制下,以及時間的壓力下,來最適化產品設計流程以滿足客戶需求。
World wide competition in today’s global economies has brought significant challenges to any company that wants to meet continuously changing specific requirements of actual and potential customers. A widespread practice in industry to cope with this venture has been the adoption of quality function deployment (QFD) which has helped many firms realize significant reduction in product design costs and development time. QFD utilizes the house of quality (HOQ), which is a matrix providing a conceptual map for the design process, as a construct for understanding customer requirements (CRs) and establishing priorities of technical requirements (TRs) to satisfy them. This thesis aims to examine how decision makers, restricted by budget and other resource limitations, can make the optimal decision analysis in product design process so as to satisfy customer demand.
In this study, the mathematical programming based models are developed to use the first two stages of the QFD process to assist decision makers in choosing the suitable alternative settings in product design. Based on the HOQ-Ⅰmatrix, the optimal technical requirements are selected to maximize the customers’ satisfaction. Then, the best part selection is determined based on HOQ-Ⅱmatrix to maximize the technical requirements. Under budget, human, space, and time constraints, the proposed approach takes into account the technical requirements and part suppliers in product design process to maximize the customers’ satisfaction.
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Motivation and Objectives 2
1.3 The Framework of This Thesis 4
2.1 Product Design 6
2.2 Quality Function Deployment 7
2.3 House of Quality 8
2.4 The Most Common Methods Used for Product Design 15
3.1 Introduction 21
3.2 Model formulation based on the HOQ-Ⅰ Matrix 22
3.2.1 HOQ-Ⅰmatrix 22
3.2.2 Model assumptions 22
3.2.3 Notations 23
3.2.4 Model formulation 24
3.3 Model formulation based on the HOQ-ⅡMatrix 27
3.2.1 HOQ-Ⅱmatrix 27
3.3.2 Model assumptions 28
3.3.3 Notations 29
3.3.4 Model formulation 30
4.1 The Data of Illustrative Example 35
4.1.1 The HOQ-Ⅰmatrix 35
4.1.2 The HOQ-Ⅱ matrix 42
4.2 Sensitivity Analysis 50
4.2.1 The HOQ-Ⅰmatrix 51
4.2.2 The HOQ-Ⅱmatrix 54
5.1 Conclusions 55
5.2 Recommendations for Future Research 56
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