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研究生(外文):Zong-xian Yang
論文名稱(外文):High harmonic generation in Ar cluster and diagnisis of cluster jet
指導教授(外文):Jiunn-Yuan, Lin
外文關鍵詞:High harmonic generation in Ar clusterdiagnosis of cluster jet
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With the rapid progress in high-power laser technology in the past decade, the interaction of ultrashort high-intensity laser pulses with atomic clusters and atoms to generation of high-order harmonics has become an active field of research. Besides good spatial and temporal coherence, the produced x-ray pulse and harmonics signal have been extended to the water-window wavelength and attosecond pulse duration. These characteristics make the high-harmonic generation x-ray source a very powerful tool for scientific research. However, the intensity of the produced x-ray at short wavelength is still very low, limiting practical application.
In our experiment about high-order harmonic generation (HHG), we investigated the HHG of helium atomic gas and argon cluster gas. For helium atomic gas the spectrum of harmonics broadens with increasing laser intensity, which is ascribed to the reduction of cycles of harmonic emission. For argon cluster gas the blue-shift wing in the spectrum of harmonics grows with both increasing atom density and laser intensity, showing that both the effects of ionization blue shift and nonadiabatic blue shift of harmonic dipole are significant.
We measurement the size of cluster in order to understand it for generate high-order high harmonic generation. In our experiment about measurement of the size of cluster in a gas jet, we use optical method for measurement it. The technique employs Rayleigh scattering imaging system and interferometry. In order to increase the conversion efficiency of high harmonic generation, we use the nano-plasma traveling-wave phase matching in the future by change the size and temperature of cluster and by change the percentage of mixture gas. So this optical method to measure cluster size is important.
1緒論 1
1.1高階諧波產生之歷史背景 1
1.2高階諧波產生之模型 5
1.3氬原子團簇氣體噴流之高階諧波產生 9
1.3.1主脈衝游離介質而產生藍移 (Ionization induce blue-shift of the
pump pulse)與非絕熱藍移 ( non-adiabatic blue shift ) 9
1.3.2原子團簇 ( cluster ) 的孕? 10
2高階諧波產生實驗儀器架設 13
2.1雷射系統 13
2.2實驗診斷儀器之架設 16
2.3實驗結果 18
3原子團簇大小之診斷 29
3.1原子團簇大小的計算 29
3.2雷射系統 30
3.3 實驗診斷儀器之架設     32
3.4 實驗成果      35
4實驗結論與後序發展    54
4.1 實驗結論 54
4.2 高階諧波產生之後序發展 56
4.2.1奈米電漿球行進間相位匹配 (nano-plasma traveling wave phase matching) 57

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