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研究生(外文):Jen-Loin Xiao
論文名稱(外文):Nanometer three- dimensional tracking of a particle in solution by combining optical tweezers and differential confocal microscopy
外文關鍵詞:Tweezersdifferential confocal microscopytrackingthree-dimensional
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直徑3 mm的乳膠微粒在受到光鉗鉗制後布朗運動的情形,在尺度上可以很明顯的發現,軸向布朗運動比橫向的大了一個數量級,此外受到必v11 mW光鉗系統鉗制的微粒,在橫方向上的布朗運動分布範圍在相對原點的左右約15 nm,而光鉗必v為1.4 mW的微粒布朗運動在橫方向上則是可以達到左右約54 nm,且改變光鉗系統的必v後,對於微粒在軸向上的布朗運動分佈並沒有很明顯的改變;本系統不僅驗證了光鉗系統橫向鉗制力比軸向鉗制力強的現象,附帶的也證明了光鉗系統必v越小,則受鉗制的微粒的布朗運動也就越大。
We construct a hybrid system, which combines differential confocal microscopy and optical tweezers with lateral and axis resolution. The Brownian motion of a bead was tracked precisely to verify the function of the system.
This system can do the real time and 3-dimensional measurement with the diameter of sample bigger than the wavelength of light source and without the complex image analysis. The factors of the sample that is fluorescent or with high scattering coefficient are required less. While working with feed-back control system, the whole system can track the area wider than trapping beam.
When the 3 μm beads are trapped by trapping beam, the scale of Brownian motion in axial direction is about one order higher than in lateral one. The lateral Brownian motion ranges the zero point about 15 nm with 11 mW trapping power and about 54 nm with 1.4 mW. I change the power of trapping force, but the range of Brownian motion dose not change very much. This system can prove that the trapping force in lateral direction is great than axial, and also prove that the decrease power of trap force can increases the range of Brownian motion of the bead.
第一章 研究動機
1.1 微粒的三維奈米追蹤 1
1.2 文獻回顧 1
1.2.1 單微粒影像顯微追蹤
1.2.2 使用光鉗對微粒前向散射的三維高解析微粒追蹤
1.2.3 在雷射焦點處對小球的三維追蹤:收光角度孔徑的影響
1.3 研究動機
第二章 研究方法與實驗架設 3
2.1 光鉗之原理 3
2.2 差動共焦顯微術之原理 9
2.3 實驗架設 15
2.3.1 光鉗系統 15
2.3.2 縱向的奈米等級偵測-差動共焦顯微術系統 18
2.3.3 四象限光偵測回饋系統 23
2.3.4 三維空間奈米解析之光鉗-差動共焦顯微系統 24
2.4 橫向偵測與校正 26
2.5 軸向偵測與校正 28
2.6 回授控制系統 31
第三章 數據分析與討論 32
3.1 橫向偵測校正數據 32
3.2 軸向偵測校正數據 35
3.3 三維布朗運動軌跡數據 39
3.4 討論 42
第四章 結論 43
參考資料    44

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