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研究生(外文):Yen-yane Shih
論文名稱(外文):The two dimensional semantic framework
指導教授(外文):Eric, M, Peng
外文關鍵詞:and semantic externalismdescriptivismwo-dimensionalism
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基本上,這兩種評量句子真假值的方式,其實是根據我們如何判斷一個可能世界為真而來。傳統而言,分析哲學家認為我們應該用反事實的方式去理解什麼是一個可能世界。然而,雙面向論者認為,我們應該想像一個可能世界為真,再評量某個句子在這個可能世界中是否為真。舉例來說,若以反事實的想法來理解可能世界的語意,則「水是 H2O 」是一個必然真的句子。然而,假若我們考慮的是一個水不是 H2O的可能世界,則「水是 H2O 」就不是必然真的。因此,一個句子是否為必然真理,依賴於我們如何考量一個句子在一個可能的情境中是否為真。
In recent years, some philosophers propose several varieties of two-dimensionalism. The central idea of two-dimensionalism is to combine both the advantages of semantic internalism and externalism. The central tenet of two-dimensionalism is that all linguistic items and thoughts could have primary and secondary meanings. The notion of primary meaning is understood within the semantic internalist tradition, whereas that of the secondary meaning is built by following the semantic externalist footsteps. Thus, because of such a combination, two-dimensionalists argue that their theories can solve the puzzles brought about by co-referential but distinct terms in away that are consistent with semantic externalism.
In the thesis, I introduced the philosophical foundations of two-dimensionalisms. Two-dimensionalisms are based on various two-dimensional semantic frameworks. Kaplan’s theory of demonstratives, Humberstone and Davies’s two-dimensional modal logic, and Stalnaker’s model of assertion all belong to the two-dimensional semantic frameworks. The central characteristic of these frameworks is the double-indexing strategy. It follows that we could evaluate a sentence based on two different considerations. Two-dimensionalists think that the two different considerations of the evaluations are two different kinds of intensions of a term (or a sentence) and a thought. Furthermore, the two different intensions are two different kinds of meanings.
Basically, the two different ways of evaluating a sentence are based on how we consider a possible world as actual. In tradition, analytic philosophers think that we should understand a possible world in counterfactual sense. However, two-dimensionalists propose that we could image that a possible world turns out to be true, and we could evaluate whether a sentence is true in this world. The two different considerations will correspond to two different kinds of modality. For example, “water is H2O” is necessary true, if we understand possible worlds in counterfactual senses. Alternatively, if we consider that a possible world in which water is not H2O turn out to be true, then “water is H2O” is not necessary. Therefore, a sentence is necessary or not depended on how we consider whether the sentence is true in a possible circumstance.
In the thesis, I will concentrate on two varieties of two-dimensionalism, contextual and epistemic two-dimensionalisms. Contextual two-dimensionalism has many difficulties, because contextual two-dimensionalism considers that the two ways of evaluations are both based on possible worlds. Those difficulties may be avoided, if we think that one kind of meaning are evaluated in a scenario rather than in a possible world. For epistemic two-dimensionalism, the possible circumstances in two ways of evaluation are not both contextual parameters.
In the thesis, I will argue that both of the two kinds of two-dimensionalisms are also semantic internalism and they do not really escape from the traditional criticisms to semantic internalism. Two-dimensionalisms still need to face the problem of cognitive limitation and the problem of holism.
Table of Contents

Introduction 1
Chapter 1 The Debates Between descriptive theory of meaning and Semantic
Externalism 6
1.1 The traditional descriptivist picture 7
1.2 The externalist’s challenge 12
1.3 The puzzles for externalists 18
Chapter 2 Foundations of Two Dimensional Semantics 25
2.1 The golden triangle: meaning, modality and reasoning 26
2.2 Kaplan’s Characters 28
2.3 Two-dimensional modal logic 35
2.4 Stalnaker’s model of assertion 43
Chapter 3 Jackson’s Strong Two-dimensionalism 52
3.1 Strong and weak two-dimensionalism 59
3.2 Jackson’s strong two-dimensionalism 59
3.3 The objections to the strong two-dimensionalism 68
Chapter 4 Chalmers’s Epistemic Two-dimensionalism 82
4.1 Epistemic modality and epistemic spaces 83
4.2 Epistemic Scenarios 87
4.3. Two kinds of intensions: epistemic intensions and subjective intensions 90
4.4. Frege’s senses and epistemic intensions 96
4.5 Epistemic intension and narrow content 101
Conclusion 110
References 112

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