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研究生(外文):Chiao-Ju Huang
論文名稱(外文):From Epistemoloty to See How Psychology Judges Upon Human's Rationality and Inference Ability--Are Human Beings Rational?
指導教授(外文):Eric M. Peng
外文關鍵詞:inductive inferenceWason''s selection taskthe four-cards problemconditional inferencedeontic reasoningrationalityepistemolotydeductive inference
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Ordinarily, we may judge people with “being rational or not.” We also think that human beings compared with other animals are rational. But what is rationality? How do we define it? How many levels can we divide it? Is rationality merely taken as an instrument or could be taken as a goal? Is it relative or absolute? Can we say that other animals are irrational? Can we suppose that people in the so-called “well-developed” western countries are rational but that those in the so-called “under-developed” some Asian and African countries are irrational? This thesis first aimed at some examples from psychological experiments to discuss these questions, and also introduced two kinds of rational inference: deduction and induction.
Psychologist found that there are mainly three kinds of deductive inferential biases that people often made. Firstly, there are six kinds of inferential biases discussed that are caused by representativeness; they are “insensitivity to prior probability of outcome,” “insensitivity to sample size,” “misconceptions of chances,” “the illusion of validity,” “misconceptions of regression,” and “the conjunction fallacy.” Secondly, there are two kinds of inferential biases discussed that are caused by availability; they are “biases due to the retrievability of instances” and “biases due to the effectiveness of a search set.” Thirdly, there are two other kinds of inferential biases that are caused by adjustment and anchoring; they are “insufficient adjustment” and “biases in the evaluation of conjunctive and disjunctive events.” Finally, there are two more inferential deductive biases that had not yet been included into these three kinds; they are “confirmation bias” and “over-confidence.”
Another kind of inference—inductive inference—and biases that people made under this inference type is the well-known “Wason’s Selection Task.” This sort of inference can mainly be separated into “abstract content” and “thematic content” inferences. The former was divided into “affirmative” and “negative” conditional inferences as psychologists did to be studied the logic of card choice. The latter was divided into “indicative” and “deontic” conditional inferences to be introduced the experiments. Then, I analyzed through introducing psychologists’ theory the mode people thought in selecting “abstract-content” cards; we had Wason’s “Insight Model” and Evans’ “Verifying or Matching.” Besides, I analyzed the questions presented with “thematic-content” cards and discussed possible theories behind: Cheng and Holyoak’s “Pragmatic Reasoning Schemas” and Cosmides’ “Social Contract Theory.”
Since much more people answered correctly toward deontic questions in thematic-content conditionals than that of other kinds of questions in the Four-Cards experiments, psychologists paid special attention to this phenomenon. Thus, I especially discussed how general deontic reasoning is. Then. I discussed deontic-reasoning ability among other primates, young kids, and people in non-western culture individually.
Finally, I tried through epistemological angle to see this series of experiments and the results made by psychologists, and found out that their explanations were not proper. I first went back to analysis about deductive inferences through Sosa’s discussion, and found out that the contents or explanations of these psychological experiments need to be adjusted. Then, I discussed Stich’s anti nature-selection argument that was against Dennett’s and proved that Stich’s arguments were wrong. Further more, I explained by Sosa’s relative rationalism why we could not declare that most people were irrational since we defined rationality with ordinary people’s general performance. That is, human beings are after all rational animals under their own definition. Psychologists can not deny this very fact with a few experiments and explanations.
第一章 理性及其特徵………………………………………………………5
第一節 理性的分類…………………………………………………………5
第二節 工具理性……………………………………………………………6
第三節 理性的規範層面……………………………………………………8
第四節 理性與推論…………………………………………………………14
第二章 歸納理性推論的謬誤與分析………………………………………18
第一節 表徵性(Representativeness) …………………………………21
第二節 可用性(Availability) …………………………………………31
第三節 調整性與基點性(Adjustment and Anchoring)…………………37
第四節 其他歸納性推論的謬誤與分析…..………………………………41
第三章 演繹性推論的謬誤與分析…………………………………………44
第一節 「四張卡片」的抽象內容條件句推論……………………………44
第二節 「四張卡片」的具體內容條件句推論……………………………50
第三節 對於「四張卡片」之抽象性題型分析……………………………53
第四節 對於「四張卡片」之具體主題性題型分析………………………58
第四章 權利義務責任思考的普遍性………………………………………67
第一節 其他靈長類動物的道德義務責任性思考能力……………………67
第二節 幼兒的權利義務責任性思考能力…………………………………72
第三節 其他民族文化的權利義務責任性思考能力………………………74
第五章 從知識論看心理學的分析與評論…………………………………77
第一節 由Cohen看心理學對於歸納性推論的評論………………………77
第二節 Stich的反天擇論證………………………………………………83
第三節 Sosa的相對理性論…………………………………………………86
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