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研究生(外文):Chi-chi Chang
論文名稱(外文):Reputational Risk: Managing and Measuring the Single Greatest Risk Facing Business
外文關鍵詞:reputation riskreputation risk managementreputational VaRBasel IIIcorporate reputation
  • 被引用被引用:13
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Reputation risk is perhaps the most important but least understood threat to businesses today. Corporate reputation reflects in the aggregate an on-going evaluation of a business entity by various parties, including employees, investors, customers, lenders, suppliers and the general public. Reputation risk, on the other hand, is the potential impact on corporate earnings arising from negative public opinion which may expose the institution to litigation, financial loss and/or a decline in its customer base. Due to globalization and fast media transmission, reputation risk management will be no doubt taking on an increasingly important role in modern business operation. It is therefore highly critical for a business to fully understand and be able to assess, as well as managing its reputation risk.

The first part of this study reviews the definition of reputation, analyzes its composition, and proposes a schematic framework for measuring a corporation’s reputation. A detailed discussion on how to manage reputation risk is given in the second part of the study. In part three, a regression model is proposed to empirically assess the level of corporate reputation, based on six pre-identified facets that are deemed to be the key determinants. To quantify reputation risk, this study extends the well-known value at risk(VaR) concept and introduces the reputational VaR (R-VaR), which allows us to quantify the reputation risk faced by corporation. Finally, this study integrates reputation risk into the general framework of Basel II proposal and suggests the inclusion of reputation risk in Basel III.
目 錄

第一章 緒論 P.1
第一節 研究背景 P.1
第二節 研究動機與目的 P.2
第三節 研究方法與架構 P.4

第二章 文獻回顧 P.5

第三章 企業聲譽風險 P.11
第一節 何謂企業聲譽 P.11
第二節 企業聲譽風險因子分析 P.14
第三節 企業聲譽風險高低 P.19
第四節 企業聲譽商數 P.21

第四章 企業聲譽風險管理 P.23
第一節 企業聲譽風險管理不可不為 P.23
第二節 企業聲譽風險管理策略 P.24

第五章 量化風險模型的討論與發現 P.27
第一節 聲譽風險的特性 P.27
第二節 量化模型的討論 P.27
第三節 風險值測量適用模型的討論 P.31

第六章 導入巴塞爾協定III P.35

第七章 結語 P.40
第一節 結論 P.40
第二節 貢獻與研究限制 P.43

參考文獻 P.44
1. 劉威漢,(民93)財金風險管理:理論、應用與發展趨勢,智勝出版。
2. 陳錦村,(民92)風險管理概要(個案與實務),新陸書局。
3. 鄧家駒,(民91)風險管理,華泰文化事業。
4. 沈思明,生產者伸延責任及商譽風險,企業環境管治計劃講稿。
5. 薛明玲、劉明玲,維護企業聲譽的新遊戲規則,文章摘自PwC之Risky Business
6. 台灣工銀投顧月刊,(民94年2月)淺談Basel II 對貨幣市場之衝擊暨國內企業因應之道。
7. 陳怡如,(民91)聲譽量表之研究,實踐大學企業管理研究所碩士論文。
8. 盧惠伶,(民93)企業財務績效、內部治理與環保績效之研究,彰化師範大學會計研究所碩士論文。

1. Allen, Jodie T.(2002), U.S. News & World Report, Vol. 133 Issue 15, p54, 1p, 2c
2. Bell, David E. and Jr., Authur Schleifer, “Risk Management”, ISBN 957-99581-4-9
3. Billington, John (2004), “How to Manage Reputation Risk”, ZDNet
4. Chavens, Karen and Oliver, Elizabeth Goad and Ramamoorti, Shidhar, “The Reputation Index: Measuring and Managing Corporate Reputation”, Journal of European Management Journal Vol. 21, 2003
5. History of the Basel Committee and its membership, March, 2001
6. Murray, Kevin (2003), “Reputation-Managing the single greatest risk facing business today”, Journal of Communication Management, Vol. 8, 2 142-149
7. Rayer, Jenny, “Managing Reputational Risk”, ISBN 0-471-49951-X
8. Rose, Caspar and Thomsen, Steen (2004), “The Impact of Corporate Reputation on Performance:Some Danish Evidence”, European Management Journal, Vol. 22, No.2, pp.201-210
9. Scott, Susan V. and Walsham, Geoff (2002), “Banking on Trust: Managing Reputation Risk in Financial Services Organizations”, Working Paper Series 117
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