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研究生(外文):Jun-Ming Liang
論文名稱(外文):Study of Phase Shift on SH-SAW with Fluid Loading: Mass Loading and Viscosity by Method of Coupling of Modes
指導教授(外文):M. S. Tsai
外文關鍵詞:Navier-Stoke equationSAWEquation of wave motionCOM modelPhase shift
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Surface acoustic wave devices have been widely applied to the fields of communications and sensing mechanisms. Traditional surface acoustic wave devices are not suited for liquid detectors due to high acoustic energy loss as placing liquid on the propagating path of surface acoustic wave. Shear horizontal surface acoustic wave devices are suited for liquid detectors by guiding the wave in the specific direction of polarization. So far most of the research has been done on experimental investigation on the frequency shift with respect to time; no theoretical model has been developed to predict this behavior.

In this thesis, wave equations are integrated with Navier-Stoke equation to investigate the phase velocity changes due to fluid mass loading and viscosity. The phase velocity changes are substituted into coupling of modes model to estimate the frequency spectrum. The effects of phase shifts due to fluid mass loading and viscosity can be separated. Finally the theoretical and experimental results on phase shifts are compared and the behavior of the SH-SAW are discussed.
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1-1 Introduction of SAW 1
1-2 Literature Review 1
1-3 Motivation and Objective 3
1-4 Architecture of thesis 3
Chapter 2 Modeling of SH-SAW Sensor 5
2-1 Principle of Piezoelectricity 5
2-2 Theoretical Analysis 7
2-2-1 The SH-SAW with Metal Film 8
2-2-2 The SH-SAW with Mass Loading 11
2-2-3 The SH-SAW with Viscosity Effect 12
2-3 Coupling of Modes (COM) Model 15
2-3-1 The Grating Transmission Matrix [G] 15
2-3-2 The IDT Transmission Matrix 18
2-3-3 The Delay Line Transmission Matrix 20
2-4 The SAW Sensor Structure of COM Model 20
Chapter 3 The Structure of SH-SAW Model 23
3-1 The Wave Propagation and Material Selection 23
3-2 The Influences of Metal Layer 25
3-3 The Influences of Fluid Mass Loading and Viscosity 28
3-4 The COM Model Verification 33
Chapter 4 Experimental Measurement 38
4-1 The Fabrication of SH-SAW Device 38
4-1-1 The Choice of Piezoelectric Substrate 38
4-1-2 Designate Specifications of Mask 39
4-1-3 The Processes of SAW’s Fabrication 39
4-2 The Experimental Measurement 41
4-2-1 The Introduction of Instrument 41
4-2-2 The Frequency Responses of Samples 42
4-2-3 The Effect of the Liquid Deposition 44
Chapter 5 Conclusion & Future Work 46
5-1 Conclusion 46
5-2 Future Work 46
Reference 47
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