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研究生(外文):Yu-Hsuan Wu
論文名稱(外文):employees' willingness of sharing knowledge and factors-case study of Taiwan Water Corporation
外文關鍵詞:information technologytrustpersonality characteristicknowledge characteristicknowledge sharing effect.willingness of knowledge sharing. organizationalknowledge sharing
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Knowledge sharing is the most important issue of Knowledge Management and knowledge holder’s willingness to share is the key. The purposes of this study are to explore the context and factors that affect employees’ willingness to share their knowledge. A questionnaire was used, based on random sampling, to collect data from employees in Taiwan Water Corporation. Nine hundred and seventy-seven questionnaires were sent out and 737 ones were returned. The overall return rate was 75.43%.
The major findings of this study are:
1. Positive relationship existed between organizational factors and employees’ willingness of sharing knowledge.
2. Employees in administration department showed stronger willingness of sharing knowledge than employees in technical department.
3. Positive relationship between individual factors and willingness of sharing knowledge.
4. The degree of knowledge sharing in the organizational culture had positive impacts on employees’ willingness of sharing knowledge.
5. The stronger the spiritual effect, the stronger the employees’ willingness of sharing knowledge related to organizational culture.
6. The stronger the spiritual effect and substance effect, the more the employees’ trusts in knowledge sharing.
7. The higher the degree of mutual altruism, the less the agreeable-conscientious employees’ willingness of sharing knowledge.

Key wards:knowledge sharing, willingness of knowledge sharing. organizational culture, information technology, trust, personality characteristic, knowledge characteristic, knowledge sharing effect.
中文摘要................................................................... i
英文摘要.................................................................. iii
表目錄..................................................................... v
圖目錄..................................................................... vi
第一章 緒論
第一節 研究背景....................................................... 1
第二節 研究動機...................................................... 3
第三節 研究目的與問題................................................ 4
第四節 研究重要性與範圍.............................................. 5
第五節 重要名詞釋義.................................................. 6
第二章 文獻探討
第一節 知識管理....................................................... 8
第二節 知識分享意願之探討........................................... 15
第三節 知識分享意願之影響因素....................................... 26
第三章 研究方法
第一節 研究架構...................................................... 45
第二節 研究假設...................................................... 46
第三節 研究對象與研究工具............................................ 47
第四節 問卷實施過程.................................................. 49
第五節 資料分析...................................................... 51
第四章 研究結果與發現
第一節 樣本特性分析.................................................. 53
第二節 組織層面因素與知識分享意願................................... 55
第三節 個人層面因素與知識分享意願................................... 63
第四節 知識層面因素之分析............................................ 71
第五節 影響知識分享意願因素之探討.................................... 75
第六節 重要研究發現.................................................. 87
第五章 結論與建議
第一節 結論........................................................... 88
第二節 建議.......................................................... 91
第三節 研究限制...................................................... 93
參考文獻................................................................. 94
附錄..................................................................... 101

表2-2-1 知識分享三種類型................................................. 20
表2-2-2 知識分享意願之相關影響因素......................................... 25
表2-3-1 內隱知識與外顯知識.............................................. 39
表3-3-1 預試問卷各量表之信度值.......................................... 50
表3-3-2 正式問卷各量表之信度值.......................................... 51
表4-1-1 問卷回收概況.................................................... 53
表4-1-2 樣本基本資料次數分配表.......................................... 54
表4-2-1 組織文化之核心構面內涵.......................................... 56
表4-2-2 資訊科技之核心構面內涵.......................................... 56
表4-2-3 組織文化得分統計分析表.......................................... 58
表4-2-4 資訊科技得分統計分析表........................................... 59
表4-2-5 知識分享意願得分統計分析表...................................... 61
表4-2-6 組織層面因素對知識分享意願之廻歸預測分析表...................... 62
表4-3-1 信任之核心構面內涵............................................... 63
表4-3-2 人格特質之核心構面內涵.......................................... 64
表4-3-3 信任得分統計分析表.............................................. 66
表4-3-4 人格特質得分統計分析表........................................... 67
表4-3-5 個人背景變項對知識分享意願之差異性分析.......................... 68
表4-3-6 個人層面因素對知識分享意願之廻歸預測分析表...................... 69
表4-4-1 知識特性之核心構面內涵........................................... 71
表4-4-2 知識分享效應之核心構面內涵...................................... 72
表4-4-3 知識特性得分統計分析表........................................... 74
表4-4-4 知識分享效應得分統計分析表....................................... 74
表4-5-1 影響知識分享意願因素之相關分析表................................ 76
表4-5-2 以知識特性為干擾變項之組織層面因素對知識分享意願影響性分析..... 77
表4-5-3 以精神性效應為干擾變項之組織層面因素對知識分享意願影響性分析.... 78
表4-5-4 以實質性效應為干擾變項之組織層面因素對知識分享意願影響性分析... 80
表4-5-5 以互利與利他為干擾變項之組織層面因素對知識分享意願影響性分析... 81
表4-5-6 以知識特性為干擾變項之個人層面因素對知識分享意願影響性分析..... 82
表4-5-7 以精神性效應為干擾變項之個人層面因素對知識分享意願影響性分析... 83
表4-5-8 以實質性效應為干擾變項之個人層面因素對知識分享意願影響性分析... 85
表4-5-9 以互利與利他為干擾變項之個人層面因素對知識分享意願影響性分析... 86

圖2-1-1 資料、資訊、知識、智慧......................................... 10
圖2-1-2 知識管理重要元素架構圖.......................................... 12
圖2-1-3 知識管理模型................................................... .. 14
圖2-2-1 知識分享流程................................................... .. 16
圖2-2-2 四種模式所創造的知識內容.......................................... 17
圖2-2-3 知識擁有者知識分享環境............................................ 21
圖2-3-1 資訊科技在知識分享上所扮演的角色................................ 31
圖2-3-2 信任之形式............................................................ 33
圖2-3-3 個人知識與組織知識............................................... . 41
圖3-1-1 研究架構............................................................ 45
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