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研究生(外文):Cheng-Ying Chou
論文名稱(外文):Search Engine Improvement through Data Analysis and Scoring
外文關鍵詞:search engineredundancy eliminationdata qualityrankingscoringsearch quality
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由於網際網路的快速發展,Web 上的資料成長非常迅速。然而這些資料卻充斥著拷貝、廣告…等無用的資訊,導致搜尋引擎背後需要更大的空間來存放資料和索引。本研究中,除了根據句子重覆數目去計算每個網頁間重疊程度,還針對同一網站去濾除。研究結果顯示有32%無用資料被移除,對搜尋引擎的精確度不但明顯提升且前十筆搜尋結果的recall 幾乎沒什麼損失。

為了改善搜尋引擎ranking 的品質,吾人計算網頁分數及網站分數。網頁評分標準:將網頁定義出三種字數等級(低、中、高),針對好的網頁給定所屬等級,透過資料分析的方式去分析這三種等級,而後對每個網頁給定所屬等級的評分方法。網站評分標準:計算每個網站被網頁參考的值。實驗結果顯示在ranking 方面比原先的改善很多。
Due to the fast development in World Wide Web, web data has been growing very rapidly. However, there is much useless data such as copies, advertisements, etc. This leads to need more disk space to store info and indices. In this thesis, we not only compute textual overlap by counting the number of sentence that pages share but filter site pages with some redundant data, such as navigation bar. Experiment shows that the redundant data is about 32% of the text size. The precision of the search engine increases, and the recall of top ten search results is almost the same.

To improve the order of the search results, we calculate page score and site score for each page. By defining three-level of word counts (low, middle, high) and analyzing good page characteristic among three levels, a score of the page belonging to which level is calculated. Site score is computed according to how many pages reference the site. The result of the experiment is that scoring measure is superior to non-scoring in ranking.
ABSTRACT (CHINESE)...............................…………................I
ABSTRACT (ENGLISH).................................…………............. II
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ...............................…………...........III
TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................………….............IV
LIST OF TABLES ........................................…………........……VI
LIST OF FIGURES .........................................………….....……VII
1. INTRODUCTION....................................…………........…….1
2. RELATED WORKS.......................................…………......…. 5
3. REDUNDANCY ELIMINATION.....................…………........ 6
3.1 Record Format ......................................…………………....... 6
3.2 Sentence identification and sorting.................…………...…...... 7
3.3 Redundancy detection and removal ....................…………....... 8
3.3.1 Cross-Comparison Detection Module................…………..... 9
3.3.2 Intra-Site Detection Module .............………………….......... 10
3.4 Elimination Ratio ............................…………………............... 12
4. SCORING......................................…………………................ 14
4.1 Page score .....................................………………….............. 14
4.1.1 Word count definition ..........................……………….......... 14
4.1.2 Page metrics .................................…………………............ 15
4.1.3 Profiles of the standard page................…………….............. 16
4.1.4 good page criteria..............................………………............ 17
4.1.5 Other page metrics ..............................……………….......... 19
4.1.6 Page score calculation ........................……………….............21
4.2 Site score .........................................…………………….........22
4.2.1 Reference weight .................................………………...........22
4.2.2 Adjust site score.......…………………...................................23
5. EXPERIMENTS.............................……………….....................25
5.1 Data sets and evaluation measures ..............……………............25
5.2 Experiments Results .........................…………………...............26
5.2.1 Results of the redundancy elimination ............……………........26
5.2.2 Results of the scoring ......................…………………..............27
6. CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORK..........….....................30
6.1 Conclusions ...................................……………………..............30
6.2 Future work ...................................……………………..............30
REFERENCES .................................………………….....................32
APPENDIX A.............................................…………………............35
A.1 Record field illustration ......................……………………............35
APPENDIX B...........................................……………………...........36
B.1 Good page selection system...........................……………….........36
B.2 Data analysis of good pages.........................………………...........37
APPENDIX C...............................................…………………….......38
C.1 SE-comp interface...............................…………………...............38
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