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研究生(外文):Ming-Wei Chang
論文名稱(外文):Reducing Multimedia Decode Power Using Optimal Smooth Control
指導教授(外文):Tien-Fu Chen
中文關鍵詞:動態電壓調整MPEG 解碼能量損耗服務品質
外文關鍵詞:Dynamic Voltage Scaling (DVS)MPEG Decodingenergy consumptionQoS
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隨著目前行動多媒體系統越來越普及 , 在行動多媒體系統中電池壽命
成為相當重要的因素。 由於MPEG 影片對於效能需求的變動性 , 我們可以
有效的來利用閒置的處理時間以達到能量的節省。 本論文提出了一個針對
即時的影像解碼的極平順控制的機制。 我們利用極平順演算法來找出一個
合理並且越平順越好的排程來達到大量能量的節省。 我們也利用預測錯誤
累加器來減低output buffer overflow 與 underflow 的機會。 另外, 我們利
能。 實驗結果顯示這個機制可以大量減少在影像解碼的能源消耗並且提供
即時特性保證與減少 output buffer overflow 與 underflow 的機會。
As mobile multimedia systems become more and more popular, battery life become critical factor in mobile multimedia system. Because of the variability of MPEG stream, we can achieve energy saving by fully utilizing the idle processing time. This paper introduces an aggressively smoothing control mechanism for on-line video decoding. We use the aggressively smoothing algorithm to find a flexible schedule that is as smooth as possible so as to achieve significant energy savings. We also use prediction error counter to decrease the opportunity of the output buffer overflow and underflow that is caused by prediction accuracy. We also exploit two closed discrete voltage/frequency level to maximize the performance of aggressively smoothing control in video decoding. Simulation results show that this mechanism significantly reduces energy for video decoding and also provides strong real-time guarantees
and prevents output buffer overflow.
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation
1.2 Problems Definition
1.3 Thesis Organization
2 Background and Related Work
2.1 MPEG Decoding
2.2 Dynamic Voltage Scaling (DVS)
2.3 Related Work
2.3.1 Prediction-based DVS Approaches
2.3.2 Control Theorem Approaches
2.3.3 Miscellaneous DVS Approaches
3 Video Decoding with Aggressively Smoothing Control
3.1 System Architecture
3.1.1 The Original Architecture
3.1.2 Our System Architecture
3.2 Key Ideas of Aggressively Smoothing Control for MPEG Decoding
3.3 Frame Decoding Cycle Prediction
3.4 Aggressively Smoothing Control for MPEG Decoding
3.4.1 Problems Definition
3.4.2 The Aggressively Smoothing Algorithm
3.4.3 Problems of On-line Aggressively Smoothing Control and Solutions
4 Experiments
4.1 Experiment Environment
4.1.1 Simulation tool sets
4.1.2 Workload Video Streams
4.1.3 Power Model and DVS Overhead
4.2 Experiment Results
4.2.1 Comparison of various DVS schemes
4.2.2 Experiment results and discussions
5 Conclusion
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