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研究生(外文):Wei-lin Chen
論文名稱(外文):A New Error Concealment Scheme for Wireless H.264 Video Transmission
指導教授(外文):Jin-Jang Leou
外文關鍵詞:error concealmenterror detection
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錯誤的封包在解碼過程中利用所提之偵測方法偵測出來後,利用所提之錯誤隱蔽方法來隱蔽所有錯誤的blocks。針對I frame所提出的錯誤隱蔽利用像素差補以及快速的BNM演算法加以隱蔽。針對P frame的錯誤隱蔽方法,最佳的預測隱蔽block搜尋則是利用所有可能的空間與時間性的運動向量進行預測。空間性的預測運動向量是利用損壞block相鄰的運動向量作為隱蔽的運動向量。時間性的預測運動向量則是利用前一張frame中經運動補償後有覆豪鴠堳e損壞block的所有運動向量作為預測運動向量。為加速前一張frame中找尋最佳運動向量的程序而提出的三種十字搜尋樣式,為五點、八點、以及十二點的十字搜尋,針對小、中、及大的運動向量作不同的搜尋。當所有P frame中損壞的blocks做完初步補償動作後,錯誤隱蔽提升的方法是利用所有已隱蔽blocks的運動向量再做一次運動估測隱蔽動作,以提升重建隱蔽錯誤的blocks。為提升隱蔽blocks的邊緣匹配量測,本研究提出了新的匹配方式DBME方法,給予不同的匹配方向加以量測可得到更佳的匹配。
In this study, a H.264 video compression video bitstream is transformed into transmission video packets by frame interleaving and FMO function enabling, which are transmitted from the encoder to the decoder. Bursty errors in one/consecutive transmission video packet(s) will be distributed into different video frames (slices or blocks) so that the synchronization problem can be solved easily.
In the proposed scheme, corrupted transmission packets are detected under the decoding procedure. After all the corrupted slices (block) within transmission video packets are detected by the proposed error detection scheme, the proposed error concealment scheme is used to conceal all the corrupted video blocks. In this study, the proposed error concealment scheme for I frames using pixel interpolation and the fast BNM algorithm is used to conceal I frames. In inter-coded P frames, the optimal candidate concealed block for a corrupted block is searched over all the motion-compensated by all available spatial and temporal information. First, the PMV for a corrupted block is determined by the spatial MVs around the corrupted block and the corresponding “temporally neighboring” MVs in the previous reference frame, whose motion-compensated blocks overlap the corrupted block. To speed up the optimal candidate conceal block search process, three kinds of rood search patterns in the previous reference frame, namely, 5-, 8-, and 12-point rood search patterns, for determing the optimal MV are proposed for small-, medium-, and large-motion blocks, respectively. After all the corrupted blocks in a P frame are initially concealed by temporal motion-compensated concealment, error concealment refinement is performed by all the concealed blocks to improve the error concealment results. A new fitness function using the proposed DBME for error concealment is also proposed.
Based on the simulation results obtained in this study, the performance of the proposed scheme is better than that of the corresponding comparison schemes. Additionally, the proposed scheme can be easily employed in several existing network environments and applicable to many other block-based image/video compression standards, such as MPEG-2, H.263 and MPEG-4, with some necessary modifications. This shows the feasibility of the proposed scheme.

摘 要 i

1.1 Motivation 1
1.2 Survey of Related Researches 3
1.3 Overview of Proposed Approach 10
1.4 Contribution of Proposed Approach……………………………………11
1.5 Thesis Organization 12

2.1 The H.264 Video Compression Standard 13
2.1.1 Overview of H.264 video…………………...……………………...13
2.1.2 H.264 Video Compression Techniques..…...……………………...13
2.1.3 Syntax and data organization of H.264 video……………………...19
2.2 Error Resilient Techniques 27
2.2.1 Flexible Macroblock Ordering (FMO) 27
2.2.2 Resynchronization 28
2.2.3 Data partitioning 29
2.3 Error concealment 30

3.1 Transforming H.264 compressed video bitstream into wireless transmission video packet 32
3.2 Proposed Error Detection Scheme 34
3.3 Proposed Error Concealment Scheme...…………………………………35
3.3.1 Proposed error concealment scheme for H.264 intra-coded I frames 35
3.3.2 Proposed error concealment scheme for H.264 inter-coded P frames 44


5.1 Discussions 72
5.2 Conclusions 74



Fig. 1.1 The error-free and corrupted H.264/AVC video frames of the tenth frame of the “Foreman” sequence with packet loss rate = 10%: (a) the error-free video frame and (b) the corresponding corrupted video frame 2
Fig. 2.1 (a) INTRA4×4 mode prediction is conducted for pixels labeled a to p of a 4×4 block using pixels labeled A to Q. (b) 8 “prediction directions” for INTRA4×4 prediction 14
Fig. 2.2 Segmentations of an MB for motion compensation 16
Fig. 2.3 The syntax of H.264 in higher level 20
Fig. 2.4 The syntax diagram of (a) slice_data and (b) MB layer 22
Fig. 2.5 The syntax diagram of (a) MB Prediction, (b) Sub-MB Prediction, and (c) Residual Coding 23
Fig. 2.6 Four types of MB to slice maps: (a) interleaved, (b) dispersed, (c) foreground and background, (d) box-out 29
Fig. 2.7 Two types of MB to slice maps: (a) raster and (b) wipe 29
Fig. 2.8 A temporal error concealment scheme on H.264/AVC 31
Fig. 3.1 Hierarchy of the t-th QCIF frame containing 11 slices, Slicet, j, j=1, 2, …, 11 and hierachy of a slice containing 9 MBs 33
Fig. 3.2 A illustrated set of six frames for frame interleaving is transformed into 8 transmission video packets 34
Fig. 3.3 The decoding procedure of H.264 decoder 36
Fig. 3.4 The best neighborhood matching (BNM) algorithm 38
Fig. 3.5 The six nearest neighbor candidate domain blocks of an illustrated range block in the FBNM algorithm 39
Fig. 3.6 Two hexagon-based search patterns employed in the fast BNM algorithm: (a) the large hexagon search pattern, and (b) the small shrunk hexagon search pattern 40
Fig. 3.7 An illustrated search example performed by the fast BNM algorithm 40
Fig. 3.8 The relationship between a 4×4 corrupted block and its eight (upper-left, upper, upper-right, left, right, bottom-left, bottom, bottom-right) neighboring blocks, xUL, xU, xUR, xL, xR, xBL, xB, and xBR, respectively 41
Fig. 3.9 The relationship between the boundary pixels of an 4×4 candidate concealed block and its upper-left, upper, and upper-right neighboring blocks, xUL, xU, and xUR, respectively 42
Fig. 3.10 Eight spatially neighboring blocks around a corrupted block (Blockc) 45
Fig. 3.11 Three temporally motion-projected overlapping blocks (Block1, Block2, and Block3) in the previous reference t-1 of a corrupted block (Blockc) in the current t-th frame 45
Fig. 3.12 (a) The 5-point rood search pattern for a small-motion corrupted block with PMV being the central point ( ), (b) the first small rood search pattern (step size = 1, ) and the second small rood search pattern (step size = 1, ) for a medium-motion corrupted block with the PMV being the central point ( ) of the first small rood search pattern (step size = 1). 47
Fig. 3.13 The large rood search pattern (step size = 2, ), the first small rood search pattern (step size = 1, ), and the second small rood search pattern (step size = 1, ) for a large-motion corrupted block with the PMV being the central point ( ) of the large rood search pattern 49
Fig. 4.1 The performance comparison between the five comparison error concealment schemes and the proposed scheme for the first 100 frames of the “Susie” sequence with the PLR = 15% 61
Fig. 4.2 The performance comparison between the five comparison error concealment schemes and the proposed scheme for the first 100 frames of the “Coastguard” sequence with the PLR = 15% 62
Fig. 4.3 The performance comparison between the five comparison error concealment schemes and the proposed scheme for the first 100 frames of the “Table Tennis” sequence with the PLR = 15% 62
Fig. 4.4 The performance comparison between the five comparison error concealment schemes and the proposed scheme for the first 100 frames of the “Carphone” sequence with the PLR = 15% 63
Fig. 4.5 The performance comparison between the five comparison error concealment schemes and the proposed scheme for the first 100 frames of the “Foreman” sequence with the PLR = 15% 63
Fig. 4.6 The performance comparison between the five comparison error concealment schemes and the proposed scheme for the first 100 frames of the “Stefan” sequence with the PLR = 15% 64
Fig. 4.7 The error-free and concealed H.264 video frames of an I frame (the first frame) within the “Susie” sequence with PLR = 10%: (a) the error-free frame; (b)-(e) the concealed frames by Zero-S, ITP, BNM, and the proposed scheme, respectively 64
Fig. 4.8 The error-free and concealed H.264 video frames of an I frame (the first frame) within the “Table” sequence with PLR = 10%: (a) the error-free frame; (b)-(e) the concealed frames by Zero-S, ITP, BNM, and the proposed scheme, respectively 65
Fig. 4.9 The error-free and concealed H.264 video frames of an I frame (the first frame) within the “Foreman” sequence with PLR = 10%: (a) the error-free frame; (b)-(e) the concealed frames by Zero-S, ITP, BNM, and the proposed scheme, respectively 65
Fig. 4.10 The error-free and concealed H.264 frames of a P frame (the 90th frame) within the “Susie” sequence with PLR = 5%: (a) the error-free frame; (b)-(f) the concealed frames by Zero-S, LGR, SMVM, MVRI, and the proposed scheme, respectively 66
Fig. 4.11 The error-free and concealed H.264 frames of a P frame (the 30th frame) within the “Coastguard” sequence with PLR = 5%: (a) the error-free frame; (b)-(f) the concealed frames by Zero-S, LGR, SMVM, MVRI, and the proposed scheme, respectively 66
Fig. 4.12 The error-free and concealed H.264 frames of a P frame (the 50th frame) within the “Table Tennis” sequence with PLR = 5%: (a) the error-free frame; (b)-(f) the concealed frames by Zero-S, LGR, SMVM, MVRI, and the proposed scheme, respectively 67
Fig. 4.13 The error-free and concealed H.264 frames of a P frame (the 35th frame) within the “Carphone” sequence with PLR = 5%: (a) the error-free frame; (b)-(f) the concealed frames by Zero-S, LGR, SMVM, MVRI, and the proposed scheme, respectively 67
Fig. 4.14 The error-free and concealed H.264 frames of a P frame (the 50th frame) within the “Foreman” sequence with PLR = 5%: (a) the error-free frame; (b)-(f) the concealed frames by Zero-S, LGR, SMVM, MVRI, and the proposed scheme, respectively 68
Fig. 4.15 The error-free and concealed H.264 frames of a P frame (the 35th frame) within the “Stefan” sequence with PLR = 5%: (a) the error-free frame; (b)-(f) the concealed frames by Zero-S, LGR, SMVM, MVRI, and the proposed scheme, respectively 68
Fig. 4.16 The error-free and concealed H.264 frames of a P frame (the 13th frame) within the “Susie” sequence with PLR = 15%: (a) the error-free frame; (b)-(f) the concealed frames by Zero-S, LGR, SMVM, MVRI, and the proposed scheme, respectively 69
Fig. 4.17 The error-free and concealed H.264 frames of a P frame (the 13th frame) within the “Coastguard” sequence with PLR = 15%: (a) the error-free frame; (b)-(f) the concealed frames by Zero-S, LGR, SMVM, MVRI, and the proposed scheme, respectively 69
Fig. 4.18 The error-free and concealed H.264 frames of a P frame (the 15th frame) within the “Table Tennis” sequence with PLR = 15%: (a) the error-free frame; (b)-(f) the concealed frames by Zero-S, LGR, SMVM, MVRI, and the proposed scheme, respectively 70
Fig. 4.19 The error-free and concealed H.264 frames of a P frame (the 17th frame) within the “Carphone” sequence with PLR = 15%: (a) the error-free frame; (b)-(f) the concealed frames by Zero-S, LGR, SMVM, MVRI, and the proposed scheme, respectively 70
Fig. 4.20 The error-free and concealed H.264 frames of a P frame (the 13th frame) within the “Foreman” sequence with PLR = 15%: (a) the error-free frame; (b)-(f) the concealed frames by Zero-S, LGR, SMVM, MVRI, and the proposed scheme, respectively 71
Fig. 4.21 The error-free and concealed H.264 frames of a P frame (the 13th frame) within the “Stefan” sequence with PLR = 15%: (a) the error-free frame; (b)-(f) the concealed frames by Zero-S, LGR, SMVM, MVRI, and the proposed scheme, respectively 71


Table 2.1 Code number and Exp-Golomb codewords 19
Table 2.2 Allowed collective MB types for the slice_type 21
Table 2.3 Relationship between intra_chroma_pred_mode and intra prediction mode 24
Table 2.4 The coded value for the reference frame 25
Table 2.5 The value of CodedBlockPatternChroma 26
Table 2.6 MB to slice group map types 28
Table 2.7 Data partition types for the slice layer 30
Table 3.1 Partial probability distributions of the sum of absolute component differences between the quantized predicted PMV at 1/4-pixel accuracy determined by the proposed scheme and the best MV determined by the conventional full search ME algorithm at 1/4-pixel accuracy with the search range R = 16 and QP = 28 46
Table 3.2 The relationship between SADinit and the mode chosen after ME 42
Table 4.1 Parameters of FMO configfile setting in H.264 video coding 51
Table 4.2 The simulation results, PSNR (dB) and the executing time (s), for I frames (the first frame) of the “Susie” sequence with different PLRs of the three comparison error concealment schemes and the proposed scheme 54
Table 4.3 The simulation results, PSNR (dB) and the executing time (s), for I frames (the first frame) of the “Coastguard” sequence with different PLRs of the three comparison error concealment schemes and the proposed scheme 54
Table 4.4 The simulation results, PSNR (dB) and the executing time (s), for I frames (the first frame) of the “Table Tennis” sequence with different PLRs of the three comparison error concealment schemes and the proposed scheme 54
Table 4.5 The simulation results, PSNR (dB) and the executing time (s), for I frames (the first frame) of the “Carphone” sequence with different PLRs of the three comparison error concealment schemes and the proposed scheme 55
Table 4.6 The simulation results, PSNR (dB) and the executing time (s), for I frames (the first frame) of the “Foreman” sequence with different PLRs of the three comparison error concealment schemes and the proposed scheme 55
Table 4.7 The simulation results, PSNR (dB) and the executing time (s), for I frames (the first frame) of the “Stefan” sequence with different PLRs of the three comparison error concealment schemes and the proposed scheme 55
Table 4.8 Partial probability distributions of the sum of absolute component differences between the quantized predicted MV at 1/4-pixel accuracy PMV determined by the LGR scheme and that determined by the conventional full search ME algorithm 56
Table 4.9 Partial probability distributions of the sum of absolute component differences between the quantized predicted MV at 1/4-pixel accuracy PMV determined by the SMVM scheme and that determined by the conventional full search ME algorithm 56
Table 4.10 Partial probability distributions of the sum of absolute component differences between the quantized predicted MV at 1/4-pixel accuracy PMV determined by the MVRI scheme and that determined by the conventional full search ME algorithm 56
Table 4.11 Partial probability distributions of the sum of absolute component differences between the quantized predicted MV at 1/4-pixel accuracy PMV determined by the proposed scheme and that determined by the conventional full search ME algorithm 56
Table 4.12 The simulation results, PSNRave (dB) and the executing time (s), for the “Susie” sequence with different PLRs of the four comparison error concealment schemes and the proposed scheme 57
Table 4.13 The simulation results, PSNRave (dB) and the executing time (s), for the “Coastguard” sequence with different PLRs of the four comparison error concealment schemes and the proposed scheme 57
Table 4.14 The simulation results, PSNRave (dB) and the executing time (s), for the “Table Tennis” sequence with different PLRs of the four comparison error concealment schemes and the proposed scheme 57
Table 4.15 The simulation results, PSNRave (dB) and the executing time (s), for the “Carphone” sequence with different PLRs of the four comparison error concealment schemes and the proposed scheme 57
Table 4.16 The simulation results, PSNRave (dB) and the executing time (s), for the “Foreman” sequence with different PLRs of the four comparison error concealment schemes and the proposed scheme 58
Table 4.17 The simulation results, PSNRave (dB) and the executing time (s), for the “Stefan” sequence with different PLRs of the four comparison error concealment schemes and the proposed scheme 58
Table 4.18 The simulation results, PSNRave (dB) and the executing time (s), for the “Susie” sequence with different PLRs of the proposed scheme using the fitness function containing the conventional, weighted, and proposed directional boundary matching measures 58
Table 4.19 The simulation results, PSNRave (dB) and the executing time (s), for the “Coastguard” sequence with different PLRs of the proposed scheme using the fitness function containing the conventional, weighted, and proposed directional boundary matching measures 58
Table 4.20 The simulation results, PSNRave (dB) and the executing time (s), for the “Table Tennis” sequence with different PLRs of the proposed scheme using the fitness function containing the conventional, weighted, and proposed directional boundary matching measures 59
Table 4.21 The simulation results, PSNRave (dB) and the executing time (s), for the “Carphone” sequence with different PLRs of the proposed scheme using the fitness function containing the conventional, weighted, and proposed directional boundary matching measures 59
Table 4.22 The simulation results, PSNRave (dB) and the executing time (s), for the “Foreman” sequence with different PLRs of the proposed scheme using the fitness function containing the conventional, weighted, and proposed directional boundary matching measures 59
Table 4.23 The simulation results, PSNRave (dB) and the executing time (s), for the “Stefan” sequence with different PLRs of the proposed scheme using the fitness function containing the conventional, weighted, and proposed directional boundary matching measures 59
Table 4.24 The simulation results, PSNRave (dB) and the executing time (s), for the “Susie” sequence with different PLRs of the proposed scheme without/with error concealment refinement 60
Table 4.25 The simulation results, PSNRave (dB) and the executing time (s), for the “Coastguard” sequence with different PLRs of the proposed scheme without/with error concealment refinement 60
Table 4.26 The simulation results, PSNRave (dB) and the executing time (s), for the “Table Tennis” sequence with different PLRs of the proposed scheme without/with error concealment refinement 60
Table 4.27 The simulation results, PSNRave (dB) and the executing time (s), for the “Carphone” sequence with different PLRs of the proposed scheme without/with error concealment refinement 60
Table 4.28 The simulation results, PSNRave (dB) and the executing time (s), for the “Foreman” sequence with different PLRs of the proposed scheme without/with error concealment refinement 61
Table 4.29 The simulation results, PSNRave (dB) and the executing time (s), for the “Stefan” sequence with different PLRs of the proposed scheme without/with error concealment refinement 61

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