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研究生(外文):Yung-Hsin Chang
論文名稱(外文):A Computation-Aware Scheme for Motion Estimation in MPEG-4 Video
指導教授(外文):Jin-Jang Leou
外文關鍵詞:computation-awaremotion estimation
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  傳統快速運動估測方法通常注重在減少計算量上,例如,減少每一個區塊的搜尋點數或減少每一個搜尋點的計算複雜度來加速運動估測步驟。然而,假如原本可用的計算量就不足以完成整個完整搜尋或快速搜尋的運動估測程序,這些傳統運動估測方法將會被強迫中途停止。在本研究中,我們提出一種應用於 MPEG-4 之視訊運動估測之計算調節方法,內容是適當地調配有限的運動估測計算量。其目的是當可用計算量不足以完成整個運動估測程序時,適當分配可用計算量給 MPEG-4 視訊編碼端,得到最小的視訊品質下降量以及視訊編碼率增加量。
  在視訊編碼的運動估測程序中,運動向量的預測技術可以有效的預測出一個區塊的運動,因此在本研究中,我們用時域運動向量預測法來預測出一張視訊影像中所有區塊的運動向量並以向量二個分量的長度和來代表此向量的強度,以這些向量強度來做為計算量調配的標準。本研究中,可用計算量的調配被分成三個階段,首先決定目前這張視訊影像的可用計算量;然後用目前視訊影像內的所有預測向量強度,分配出每個區塊可用的計算量比例;最後,以每一個區塊初始位置的 SAD 值來決定此區塊中,不同區塊大小的搜尋種類應該分配的計算量。實驗結果顯示,與現有的計算調節方法做比較,我們所提出的方法在大部分情況下有較好的效能,這顯示我們所提方法之可適性。
  The conventional fast ME algorithms always focus on reducing computation consumption, i.e., reducing the number of checking points required for every block or reducing the computation complexity of a checking point to speed up the ME procedure. However, if the total ME computation power is not sufficient to finish the whole motion estimation process essentially using either the FS or fast search algorithms, these conventional motion search algorithms may force the encoding process to terminate suddenly. In this study, a computation-aware scheme for motion estimation in MPEG-4 video is proposed, in which an ME computation power distribution and allocation (arrange appropriately) technique proposed. The objective of the proposed algorithm is to distribute the available ME computation power of the MPEG-4 video coding procedure performed at the encoder with slight average PSNR degradation and slight average bit rate increment while the available ME computation power is not sufficient to finish the whole motion estimation process.
  For the motion estimation process in video encoding, motion vector prediction technique is useful for predicting the motion of an macroblock (MB), thus the temporal motion vector prediction method is used to get the predicted motion vectors (PMVs) in this study. The sum of absolute components of the PMVs (PSACs) of all the MBs of a video frame are used to help to allocate the target computation power to the frame (CF) and then distribute CF to all the MBs of the frame in the proposed computation-aware scheme which contain three phases: 1) the frame level computation allocation, 2) the MB level computation distribution, and 3) the mode level computation allocation. In the frame level, CF is allocated by two parameters, namely, the information of the previously encoded frames and the average MV computation of the following unencoded frames. In the MB level, the CF of the current frame is distributed to each MBs in the frame according to the taken proportion by the PSAC of this MB to decide the target computation power to it (CMB). In the mode level, the range of initial SAD value (at mv(0, 0)), SADinit, of an MB is divided into four intervals. Based on the different characteristics of the four intervals, the CMB will be distributed to the different modes, namely, 16´16 or 8´8 size for integer or sub pixel of the current MB. Three conventional block matching ME algorithms, namely, full search (FS), diamond search (DS), and motion vector field adaptive search technique (MVFAST) are used to perform the simulations of both the proposed and the comparison schemes. The proposed computation-aware scheme for motion estimation in MPEG-4 video usually has the better performance (the average PSNR and the average bit rate) in most simulation cases. This shows the feasibility of the proposed algorithm.
摘 要 i

1.1 Motivation 1
1.2 Survey of Related Researches 6
1.2.1 Fast ME algorithms for reducing the number of checking points 7
1.2.2 Fast ME algorithms reducing computational complexity at each checking point 8
1.2.3 Fast ME algorithms arranging restricted computational power appropriately 9
1.3 Overview of Proposed Approach 11
1.4 Thesis Organization 12

2.1 MPEG-4 Video Compression Standard 13
2.2 MPEG-4 Video Compression Techniques 14
2.2.1 Source coder of MPEG-4 14
2.2.2 Temporal redundancy reduction 15
2.2.3 Integer pixel motion estimation 16
2.2.4 Half sample search 17
2.2.5 INTRA/INTER mode decision 18
2.2.6 Motion compensation 19
2.2.7 Spatial redundancy reduction 19
2.2.8 Quantization method 21
2.3 Syntax and Data Organization of MPEG-4 Video 22
2.4 MPEG-4 Motion Estimation Schemes 25
2.4.1 Full search 26
2.4.2 Diamond search 27
2.4.3 Motion vector field adaptive search technique 28

3.1 An Existing Computation-Aware Scheme 30
3.2 Proposed Computation-Aware Scheme for Motion Estimation in MPEG-4 34
3.2.1 Overview 34
3.2.2 Measurement unit for computation power 35
3.2.3 Temporal motion vector prediction 37
3.2.4 Frame level computation allocation 39
3.2.5 MB level computation distribution 41
3.2.6 Mode level computation allocation 41


5.1 Discussions 52
5.2 Conclusions 52

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