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研究生(外文):Chia-Ming Tsai
論文名稱(外文):Scalable Video Coding Using Hybrid Interframe Wavelet/H.264 Architectures
指導教授(外文):Chia-Wen Lin
外文關鍵詞:Video streamingVideo codingScalable video codingMCTFInterframe wavelet video coding
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網路多媒體傳輸之目標之一為達成泛用多媒體存取(UMA) 服務,亦即各個用戶可以在不同地點,使用不同之資訊接取設備 (例如:個人電腦、網路電腦、行動電話、無線手持設備及PDA等),經由各種不同之網路平台 (例如:有線及無線區域網路、纜線網路、及電話網路等) 獲取 Content Server 所提供之多媒體資訊。目前MPEG-21希望發展一種高效率之可調性視訊編碼標準(Scalable Video Coding; SVC)以適用於UMA之目標。此種可調性編碼器必須符合高度可調性、錯誤強韌性、基礎層相容性、低傳輸延遲、隨機存取弁遄B良好的編碼效率、支援交織掃描視訊等需求。
Universal multimedia access (UMA) service is one goal of transmitting multimedia content through networks. With UMA services, clients can access various multimedia contents, which is provided by the content server, through heterogeneous networks (e.g., wired or wireless LAN, cable, or xDSL) with various access devices (such as personal computer, cellular phone, mobile device or PDA) ubiquitously. Currently, MPEG-21 is calling for proposals of highly efficient scalable video coding techniques in order to achieve the goal of UMA [24]. The scalable codecs have to meet the requirements of high degree of scalability in SNR, spatial, temporal, content, etc., error robustness and graceful degradation, base-layer compatibility, low end-to-end transmission delay, random accessibility, efficient compression performance, and support for interlaced video.
In the thesis, we proposed three kinds of improved coding structures by using H.264 codec to produce base layer information, and then give this base layer to be referenced by enhancement layer that produced by MCTF-based SVC codec. From the experimental results, our proposed methods can solve the lack of coding performance at low bit rate. And we also use this improved coding structure to analysis the rate-allocation problem between difference MCTF layers. Finally, we also analysis the cause of distortion and derive the entire coding distortion model.
第一章 簡介..........1
1.2 MPEG-21 SVC目前的發展介紹..........4
1.3 論文大綱..........5
第二章 相關研究回顧..........6
2.1 方法演進..........6
2.2 Barbell lifting 3D wavelet coding..........13
第三章 提出的編碼效能改進方法..........18
3.3.1 Scheme 1..........21
3.3.2 Scheme 2..........22
3.3.3 Scheme 3..........23
第四章 MCTF Level間位元率分配的研究..........28
4.1 不同MCTF Level間位元率的分配重新..........28
4.2 造成編碼誤差的原因分析與誤差模型的推導..........36
第五章 結論與未來工作..........41
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