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研究生(外文):Yu-Zheng Wang
論文名稱(外文):Some Image Steganography Schemes with High Embedding Capacity
外文關鍵詞:steganographydata hidingclusteringgray-level imageVQ imagepalette image
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第三個方法則是針對調色盤影像進行資訊隱藏。為了達到高藏量的目的,我們採用分群技術,根據群的大小使用群順序和對映 (cluster ordering-and-mapping)以及組合 (combination)這兩個隱藏機制來做為藏入的方法。群順序和對映的技術將1個位元的機密資料藏入在群大小為1的影像資料中。而對於群的大小大於1的影像資料,排列技術則可藏超過1個位元以上的機密資料在此影像資料中。
Steganography is a technique that hides the secret data in the digital data, such as images, texts, audios or videos. In this thesis, we propose three steganography schemes with high embedding capacity. The first scheme that incorporates both the run-length concept and the modulus operation is to hide the secret data in the gray-level images. We use the concept of run-length to construct the simple and efficient steganography scheme, and apply the modulus operation to control image quality.
The second scheme is a stegangraphy scheme based on the VQ images. The genetic clustering technique on the codebook is to obtain better clusters so that the replacement distortion of indices can be reduced. Then, we apply the multi-way search to hide the secret data in the VQ image.
The third scheme is for palette images. The clustering technique is adopted to reach the high embedding capacity, and two embedding mechanisms, the cluster ordering-and-mapping technique and the combination technique, are used to do embedding according to the size of the cluster. The cluster ordering-and-mapping technique embeds one bit in the image data with the cluster size being one. The combination technique makes it possible to embed more bits in the image data with a larger cluster size.
According to our experimental results, these three steganography schemes are not only high embedding capacity but also good image quality.
Chapter 1 Introduction………………………………………….……….....1
1.1 Background and Motivation……………………………………..………...1
1.2 A Survey of Related Research……………………………………..………2
1.2.1 The Gray-level Image Steganography Methods…..…………..….....3
1.2.2 The VQ-based Image Steganography Methods…..……..….…...….3
1.2.3 The Palette-based Image Steganography Methods………..….….…5
1.3 Thesis Organization…………………………………………..……..……...6

Chapter 2 Image Steganographic Methods Using Run-Length Approach………………………………………………………….8
2.1 Related Works……………………………………………………..……....8
2.1.1 Wu and Tsai’s Steganographic Method……………………….. ….8
2.1.2 Chang and Tseng’s Steganographic Method………………………..10
2.2 The Proposed Method………………………………………………..……12
2.2.1 Hiding Bitmap Files…………………………………………...........13
2.2.2 Hiding General Data Files……………………………….………….15
2.3 Experimental Results………………………………………….…………….16
2.3.1 The BRL experimental results……………………………..…...........18
2.3.2 The GRL experimental results…………………………..……...........19
2.3.3 The synthetic comparisons……………………………..………........20
2.4 Discussion and Summary…………………………………………..……......22

Chapter 3 VQ image Steganographic Method with High Embedding Capacity Using Multi-Way Search Approach……………………………......24
3.1 Related Works………………………………………………...…………...24
3.1.1 Vector Quantization…………………………………………...........24
3.1.2 Du and Hsu’s embedding method………………………….……….26
3.2 The Proposed Hiding Scheme on VQ…………………………….…...........27
3.2.1 Preprocessing of Codebook…………………………………..........27
3.2.2 Binary and Multi-Way Search Schemes for Embedding the Secret Data………………………………………………………...............29
3.3 Experimental Results………………………………………………...….…...31
3.4 Discussion and Summary………………………………………...…….……34

Chapter 4 An Adaptive Data Hiding Scheme for Palette Images...35
4.1 Related Works………………………………………………………...........35
4.2 The Proposed Method………………………………………………...........39
4.2.1 The Embedding Procedure……………………..……………….…..39
4.2.2 The Extraction Procedure……………………..…………….............48
4.3 Experimental Results…………………………………..…………….….…..50
4.4 Discussion and Summary………………………………..……………….…56

Chapter 5 Conclusions……………………………………..………………..58
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