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研究生(外文):Wu Tzai-Hung
論文名稱(外文):A Database Front End for the World-Wide Web
外文關鍵詞:databaseWorld-Wide WebOntologyclass algebraGUI
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我們建立了一個Cadabia資料庫系統的前端應用程式。 Cadabia資料庫系統運用了類別代數來做為基礎,並且被運用在全球資訊網上。 類別代數是以物件導向做為基礎架構,包含了類別、物件和類別與類別之間的二元關係。 為了方便使用者操作我們的資料庫系統,我們實作了一個友善且便利的圖型化介面,使得使用者能夠不需學習有關類別代數方面的知識。 藉由我們的前端程式,使用者能便利地連結到後端的資料庫並且建立、更新和查詢類別、物件和二元關係。
We have created a user-friendly front end for the Cadabia database system for the World-Wide Web, based on the theory of class algebra. The class algebra is based on an object-oriented architecture; including classes, objects, and relations. In order to make it convenient for users to use our database system, we have created a friendly and convenient user interface. Users do not need to know about class algebra. With our front end, users can conveniently connect to the back ends of the database and create, update, and query classes, objects and relations.
Table of Contents iii
List of Figures v
List of Tables vi
Chapter 1. Introduction 1
1-1 Cadabia Database for the World-Wide Web 1
1-2 A Front End of the Cadabia Database 2
Chapter 2. Background 3
2-1 World-Wide Web 3
2-2 Ontology 3
2-3 Cadabia Database 4
2-4 Class Algebra 5
2-4-1 Classes 5
2-4-2 IS-A hierarchy (Class algebra ontology) 6
2-4-3 Binary Relations with Domain/Range Declarations 8
2-5 Query Language 10
2-5-1 Cadabia Query Language Description 10
Chapter 3. System Specification 12
3-1 System Architecture 12
3-1-1 Backend layer Server 13
3-1-2 Middle layer Server 13
3-2 Client layer 14
3-2-1 IS-A Hierarchy (Class algebra ontology) 14
3-2-2 Class Definitions 15
3-2-3 Relation Manipulation 15
3-2-4 Object Manipulation 16
3-3 Object Identifier and OidList 16
3-4 API 16
3-4-1 Client API 17
3-4-2 Server API 20
Chapter 4. The Client User Interface 22
4-1 Overview 22
4-2 Login 23
4-3 Class IS-A Hierarchy Tree 24
4-4 Create Instance File 25
4-5 Class Definition 26
4-6 Object Definition and Manipulation 29
4-7 Relation Definition and Manipulation 32
4-8 Query Definition 34
4-9 Create Account 38
Chapter 5. Conclusions and Future Work 40
5-1 Conclusions 40
5-2 Future Work 40
References 41
[1]World-Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
[2]Semantic Web
[3]Tim Berners-Lee, James Hendler, Ora Lassila, The Semantic Web, Scientific American, May 2001
[4]Extensible Markup Language (XML)
[5]Resource Description Framework (RDF)
[6]Web Ontology Language (OWL)
[7]D. Buehrer and Chun-Yao Wang, Using a Class Algebra Ontology To Define Conversions between OWL/SQL/Java Beans, , Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence (WI'04), IEEE Computer Society Press, Beijing, China, September 20-24, 2004.
[8]D. Buehrer and Li-Ren Chien, ”Reasoning with Class Algebra", Proceedings of IASTED International Conference on Neural Networks and Computational Intelligence (accepted), Grindewald, Switzerland, Feb. 23-25, 2004.
[9]Buehrer and Tzu-Yang Wang, "The Cadabia Database Project", The 14th Workshop on Object-Oriented Techmology and Applications, Ywan Jr University, Jung Li, Sept. 12, 2003, pp.385-92.
[10]D.J. Buehrer, "Organizing Multimedia Objects Using a Class Algebra Database", Distributed Multimedia Databases: Techniques and Applications, Timothy K. Shih (ed.), Idea Group Publishing, Hershey, Pennsylvania, Chapter 20, 2001, pp.318-326.
[11]D. J. Buehrer, Lo Tse-Wen, Hsieh Chih-Ming, "Abia Cadabia: A Distributed, Intelligent Database Architecture", Intelligent Multimedia, Computing, and Communications, (Mahbubur Syed and Orlando Baiocchi, Eds.), John Wiley and Sons, New York, 2001. Contains ICIMADE'01 Proceedings, Fargo, North Dakota, June 1-3, 2001, pp.96-101.
[12]D. J. Buehrer, Lo Tse-Wen, Hsieh Chih-Ming, Maxwell Hou, "The Containment Problem for Fuzzy Class Algebra", Intelligent Engineering Systems through Artificial Neural Networks, Volume 11, C. H. Dagli et al. (eds.), ASME Press, New York, 2001, pp.279-284.
[13]D. Buehrer and Chee-Hwa Lee, "Class Algebra for Ontology Reasoning", Proc. of TOOLS Asia 99 (Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems, 31st International Conference), IEEE Press, Nanjing, China, Sept. 22-25, 1999, pp.2-13.
[14]D.J. Buehrer, "An Object-Oriented Class Algebra", in Proceedings of ICCI '95: 7th International Conference on Computing and Information, Peterborough, Ontario, Canada, July 5-8, 1995, pp.669-685.
[15]D.J. Buehrer, Y.H. Liu, T.Y. Hong, J.J. Jou, "Class Algebra as a Description Logic", AAAI Lecture Notes, Proceedings of the 1996 Description Logic Workshop, Nov. 2-4, Boston, pp.92-96, 1996.
[16]Java Remote Method Invocation (Java RMI)
[17]JavaTM 2 Platform Standard Edition 5.0 API Specification
[18]Jr-Ren Tsai, Gwo-Cheng Chao, and D.J. Buehrer, "Using RMI to Implement Remote Controller/Viewer Applets for Java Applications", ICS'98 Workshop on Computer Networks, Internet, and Multimedia 1998 ICS Proceedings, National Chung Kung University, Dec. 17-19, pp.1-8.
[19]Chen Chun-Ting, Lo Tse-Win, Hsieh Chih-Ming, Hou Kai-Liang, Daniel J. Buehrer, "The Implementation of a Server for a Distributed Class Algebra Database System", International Computer Symposium 2000, National Chung Cheng University, Dec. 6-8, 2000, pp.201-208.
第一頁 上一頁 下一頁 最後一頁 top
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