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研究生(外文):Shun-Ching Hsieh
論文名稱(外文):Multisensor Controlled Intelligent Quadruped Pet Robot
指導教授(外文):Ren C. Luo
  • 被引用被引用:3
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Today, with the rapid growth of computer and robotic technology, the applications of robots are not restriction on industry production line. The robotic systems have been successfully applied to dangerous environments, surgery, entertainment, space exploration, farmland, military, service, etc. And among the oncoming robot industries, entertainment robots had been a hot talking-point gradually, and the pet-type robot also started to become a best-seller. And this high market growth makes many scholarly researches and companies’ investment started to focus on this field in the last ten years.
The objective of this thesis is to develop a quadruped pet-type robot, “LUOPET III”. LUOPET III has the performance that is more intact than LUOPET Iⅈ it can use its joint servo motors to move forward, backward, rotate right, rotate left, stand up, node and sit down; its architecture design can make it able to own smoother walking gait and more efficient information processing ability; and it also owns the function of obstacle avoidance, falling down decision, sleep mode, and random response. In addition, LUOPET III owns several types of sensors and can also use multisensor integrated algorithms and digital logics to realize the interaction between the robot and the outside environment.

Chaper 1: Introduction...1
1.1 Motivation...1
1.2 Objectives...2
1.3 The advantages of multisensor system...3
1.4 Thesis organization...6

Chaper 2: Literature Review...7
2.1 AIBO...7
2.1.1 Design concept of AIBO...9
2.1.2 AIBO’s anatomy...10
2.2 NeCoRo...11
2.2.1 The specifications of NeCoRo...13
2.3 Other walking robots and pet robots...14
2.3.1 PaPeRo...15
2.3.2 DTR-01B...18
2.3.3 Paro...19
2.3.4 Banryu...20
2.4 Distributed computing...22
2.4.1 Goals...22
2.5 A brief review of multisensor fusion and integration...25
2.5.1 Multisensor integration...25
2.5.2 Multisensor fusion...27
2.5.3 Algorithms for multisensor fusion and integration...28
2.6 Sequential logic...29
2.6.1 Synchronous and asynchronous sequential logic...30
2.6.2 The advantage of sequential logic...31

Chaper 3: The Hardware Design of LUOPET III...35
3.1 Skeleton...35
3.2 Actuator...36
3.3 Sensor technologies and applications...39
3.3.1 Photoelectric sensor...40
3.3.2 Pyroelectric body sensor...44
3.3.3 Photoresistor sensor...46
3.3.4 Piezo-gyro sensor...48
3.3.5 Mercury switch...50
3.4 Single-chip processor...50
3.5 Power...52
3.6 Speaker and control circuit...53

Chaper 4: Control System...55
4.1 Distributed operating architecture for LUOPET III...55
4.1.1 The overall system architecture...57
4.1.2 The characters of system architecture...59
4.2 Driver subsystem...62
4.2.1 The operating procedures of driver subsystem...63
4.2.2 The manner of typical gait...64
4.2.3 The realization of the gaits of LUOPET III...67
4.3 Sensor subsystem...72
4.3.1 The Linear congruential method...73
4.3.2 The function of obstacle avoidance...75
4.3.3 The methods of information fusion...82
4.4 Central control unit...86
4.4.1 The operating procedures of central control unit...86

Chaper 5: Contribution...92
5.1 Compare to LUOPET I & II...93

Chaper 6: Conclusion...94

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