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研究生(外文):Wen-Zhe Pan
論文名稱(外文):Paralleled Multi-Inverter System with Redundancy and Current-Weighting-Distribution-Control Features
外文關鍵詞:reset circuitHot- swapCurrent-Weighting-Distribution-Controlredundancy
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This thesis proposes a paralleled inverter system with redundancy and current- weighting-distribution-control (CWDC) features. Control of the system includes voltage-loop control and current-loop control. With a CWDC technology, the current-loop controller can achieve fast dynamic regulation and weighting-current distribution for inductive, linear and nonlinear loads. The voltage-loop controller is responsible for output voltage regulation and to reduce steady state errors. In addition, the proposed paralleled system is equipped with the features of redundancy and hot-swap and it can insure a continuous operation. The system also includes a reset circuit to detect if modules are normally plugged into the system and to isolate a damaged module immediately.
Experimental and simulated results from a six-inverter system with identical or different power ratings and with different kinds of loads have demonstrated the feasibility of the proposed strategy. Additionally, the discussed hot-swap features have improved reliability and stability of the paralleled multi-inverter system.
目 錄
中文摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
目 錄 iii
圖 目 錄 vi
表 目 錄 xiii
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 研究背景 1
1-2 研究動機與目的 3
1-3 並聯系統簡介 5
1-4 論文綱要 9
第二章 單模組換流器分析與設計 10
2-1 必v級設計 11
2-1-1 電路架構 11
2-1-2 正弦脈波寬度調變動作原理 13
2-1-3 換流器與輸出濾波電路設計 15
2-1-4 驅動電路與緩衝電路設計 17
2-2 控制級設計 22
2-2-1 控制策略分析 22

2-2-2 電壓控制器設計 22
2-3 討論 30
第三章 多模組並聯系統架構與控制策略 32
3-1 電流控制策略 34
3-2 冗餘弁?40
3-3 熱插拔與重置電路設計 46
3-4 討論 52
第四章 軟體規劃與硬體製作 54
4-1 軟體規劃 54
4-1-1 數位訊號處理器簡介 54
4-1-2 控制單元流程規劃 56
4-1-2-1 系統控制單元流程 56
4-1-2-2 換流器模組控制單元流程 61
4-2 硬體製作 66
4-2-1 電壓保護電路 67
4-2-2 電壓迴授電路 68
4-2-3 數位/類比(D/A)轉換電路 71
4-2-4 電流迴授電路 72
4-2-5 準位調整電路 73
4-2-6 磁繼電器驅動電路 74
4-2-7 溫度偵測電路 74
4-3 討論 76
第五章 模擬與實測結果 77
5-1 單模組換流器模擬與實測 77
5-2 多模組系統模擬與實測 90
5-2-1 相同額定必v換流器 91
5-2-2 不同額定必v換流器 95
5-2-3 系統控制單元冗餘弁鉣褌?99
5-2-4 換流器模組冗餘弁鉣褌?101
5-3 討論 105
第六章 結論與未來研究方向 106
6-1 結論 106
6-2 未來研究方向 107
附錄 108
參考文獻 111
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