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研究生(外文):Te-Yi Hsu
論文名稱(外文):Multisensor Based Motion Planning System for Intelligent Home Security Robot
外文關鍵詞:intelligent robotmotion planninghome security
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有鑒於智慧型保全機器人已有顯著的研究成果,因此想發展一台更貼近家庭、低成本和多互動弁鄋煽撮z型居家保全機器人,此機器人的長、寬、高也只有 200 mm 300 mm 600 mm。外型像鐵甲武士,精緻靈巧的它,可以讓主人外出完全無後顧之憂,除了有無線攝影機,幫忙監控家中的狀況,還具有保全弁遄A可以即時感應是否有火災發生,機器人會發出聲音警報。此外特別的是,我們讓機器人結合科技與藝術,不擔任安全警衛的時候,機器人還可以當成裝飾品,有夜間照明的弁遄A替家裏增添不少浪漫氣氛。透過光控電路去感應前方是否有人經過,即時的發出自我介紹的招呼語音,並且透過接收到的聲音去控制燈光的變換頻率,達到與人們聲光互動的目的。我們另外在機器人背後加裝攜帶架,體貼的為人們傳遞物品,是人們居家保全且富有造型的好幫手。
With recent rapid growth of computer and robotic technology, the intelligent robot system has been applied to the industrial automation, hospital automation, museum guide, military application, home service, security service from damage and carrying out the dangerous tasks for people. While the phenomenon which uses the intelligent robot is more extensive, it will promote the robotic research of international agitation, and contain the vast business opportunity.
The research objective of this thesis is to construct a multisensor based motion planning for intelligent security robot "CCU-SKS #1". The motion planning system includes the motion control system, global path planning system, and local path planning system. The local path planning includes sensory system, obstacle avoidance system, and smooth path planning. The experimental results for motion planning system effectively improved the motion planning ability of intelligent security robot. Guarantee that intelligent security robot can safely execute various kinds of task.
We developed an intelligent automation robot (IA robot), because research results of intelligent security robot are developed apparently. It has low cost, various interaction functions and close to family. The size of the IA robot is 200 mm × 300 mm× 600 mm. The appearance with armour warrior’s form is refined and dexterous. The robot provided with wireless camera can monitor the home environment. The robots also possess security functions which give the alarm to inform user while detecting fire. In addition, the Robot combines the technology with art, when it does not execute its security duty, it can be taken as an ornament which has function of night illumination for adding romantic atmosphere in the home. If the Robot senses there are some people passing through in front of it with light-controlled circuit system, the Robot can utilize the Light Perception Recorder to sound a self-introduction greeting voice to interact with human. When the people are around the IA Robot, the Audio Control LED installed on the robot controls the change frequency of light. Moreover, we equip a glove compartment on the robot to help carry ware to another place for people considerately in our daily life.
摘 要 I
Abstract II
誌 謝 III
Table of Contents III
List of Figures V
List of Tables VIII
Chapter 1: Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation 3
1.2 Objectives 5
1.3 Advantages of the Service Robot 6
1.3.1 Classification 6
1.3.2 Technique 7
1.3.3 Product 8
1.3.4 Market Analysis 8
1.4 Thesis organization 12
Chapter 2: Literature Review 13
2.1 Development of the Home Service Robot System 13
2.2 Care-O-Bot 15
2.2.1 Business Card Exchange Function 15
2.2.2 Fetch and Carry Task Execution Function 16
2.3 ISSAC 18
2.3.1 Features 18
2.3.2 Functions 19
2.3.3 Controller Architecture 19
2.3.4 Applications 22
2.4 Banryu 22
2.5 PaPeRo 23
2.6 Roborior 25
2.7 Motion Planning 26
2.7.1 Global Path Planning 27
2.7.2 Local Path Planning 30
2.7.3 Smooth Path Planning 33

Chapter 3: Multisensor Based Intelligent Security Robot 35
3.1 Introduction 35
3.2 System Architecture 37
3.2.1 Hardware Architecture 38
3.2.2 Software Architecture 40
3.3 Information Service System 43
3.4 Motion Planning System 44
3.5 Security System 46
3.5.1 Fire and Intruder Detection System 46
3.5.2 Image Security System 53
3.6 Auto Recharge System 58
3.7 Appliance Control System 62
Chapter 4: Motion Planning System of the Intelligent Security Robot 64
4.1 Motion Control System 64
4.2 Global Path Planning System 67
4.3 Local Path Planning System 71
4.3.1 Sensory System 71
4.3.2 Obstacle Avoidance System 76
4.3.3 Smooth Path Planning System 79
4.4 Experimental Results 82
4.4.1 Global Path Planning 82
4.4.2 Local Path Planning 85
4.4.2 Smooth Path Planning 97
Chapter 5: The Development of Low-Cost Home Security Robot 102
5.1 Introduction 102
5.2 System Architecture 104
5.3 Functions 108
5.4 Experimental Results 115
Chapter 6: Conclusions and Contributions 121
Reference 124
Appendix A Honor of the Intelligent Security Robot 124
Appendix B Experiences of Published and Accepted Paper 124
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