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研究生(外文):Yi-jung Chen
論文名稱(外文):The Study of Narrators in English Drama Contest Scripts: Taking the View of Contestants As Examples
指導教授(外文):Shu-fen Chen
外文關鍵詞:Narrators in English Drama Contest Scripts
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本論文的研究目的是藉由參賽者的觀點和一個通俗劇本的三個版本,來研討旁白者在參賽劇本中的角色。本研究的參與者包括了雲嘉兩縣(曾參賽的)兩百位學生與四十位老師(來自於二十五個不同的學校) 。研究者總共發送了五十份的教師版開放性問卷(包含了六個問題)和五百份勾選式問卷給二十五個學校的學生;但寄回的問卷只佔總數的百分之四十。
本研究主要探討三個問題:第一、旁白者角色與希臘羅馬悲劇中唱詩團角色的淵源?它們之間有何相似與相異之處? 第二、如何才能將旁白者六個主要角色應用於三隻小豬劇本的三個版本中? 第三、我們可以從對參賽者的問卷調查中學習到什麼? 參賽者是否認同所有在問卷中所提到的旁白者角色?為什麼? 針對第一個問題,在第二章文獻探討中有詳細的說明;第二、三個問題在第四章分析與研討中也會有深入的解析。
The Study of Narrators in English Drama Contest Scripts:
Taking the View of Contestants As Examples


The purpose of this paper is to investigate the narrator’s roles through the views of contestants and through the discussion of similarities and differences among three versions of a popular drama contest script. The respondents (participants) of this study include 200 students and 40 teachers (from 25 elementary schools) in elementary schools from Yun-lin and Chia-yi counties. Altogether 50 copies of the questionnaire containing six open-ended questions were distributed to 50 teachers who had participated in an elementary English drama contest at least once. Another 500 copies of checked questionnaires were administered to students in 25 schools. However, only forty percents of the questionnaires were sent back.
There are three main questions under discussion here. First, how can the six roles of chorus in Greek Tragedy develop into the narrator’s roles today? How are the two alike and unlike? Second, how can we apply six narrator’s roles to the three versions of The Three Little Pigs? Third, what can we learn from the contestants’ viewpoints in the questionnaires? Did they agree to all the narrator’s roles mentioned in the questionnaires? Why? For detailed information about question 1, please refer to chapter 2 Literature Review in this study. For the last two questions, the answers are elaborated in chapter 4 Data Analysis.
The results of questionnaires led to the following findings: (1) Students responded more positively to the suggestion of putting the narrator in priority than the teachers did. (2) Both teachers and students are more concerned with four of the narrator’s roles than others. The four roles are: the narrator as a suspense builder, as a commentary provider, as an entertainer, and as a moral message carrier. (3) The narrator’s vocal performances seem to be more appealing to students than to teachers. (4) The results of the responses in the open-ended questions for teachers on the selections of the most popular script match the researcher’s assumption of the popular scripts earlier. There are 16 teachers out of 40 teachers who chose The Three Little Pigs. (5) The freely expressed views from the open-ended questionnaire for teachers show that about fifty-five percents of teachers chose to put the narrators in priority while they were considering the contest scripts. (6) Besides, 65.8 % of teachers believed that there definitely would be narrators in the language institute versions. 26.3% of teachers didn’t think so. (7) Seventy-five percents of teachers and sixty-four percents of students in the questionnaire survey believed that the narrator has the ability of highlighting the main themes of the contest scripts in limited number of sentences. The results indicate that the narrator’s style of narration is clear and short. (8) About forty-eight percents of teachers and fifty-six percents of students in this study would prefer adopting the popular scripts because the narrators in them present the scripts in various ways such as story-telling, singing and rhyming which shows that at least some teachers and students had started to notice the narrator’s use of songs and rhymes in drama scripts.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ……………………………………………………i

CHINESE ABSTRACT ….……………………………………………........ii

ENGLISH ABSTRACT ..…….……………………………………………..iv

TABLE OF CONTENTS …….……………………………………………….vi



CHAPTER3 METHODOLOGY ……………………………….. 18


CHAPTER5 CONCLUSION ………..…………………………...57

REFERENCES ……………………………………………....66

APPENDIX 1 ……..……………………………………… 70

APPENDIX 2 ……..……………………………………… 75

APPENDIX 3 ……..……………………………………… 80

APPENDIX 4 ……..……………………………………… 83

APPENDIX 5 ……..……………………………………….86

APPENDIX 6 …..………………………………………… 90

APPENDIX 7 ……..……………………………………… 95

APPENDIX 8 ……..……………………………………. .99

APPENDIX 9 ……..……………………………………..104

APPENDIX 10 ……..……………………………………..107

THE END ……..……………………………………..109
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